
dà liàng shēng chǎn
  • Mass production;manufacture;churn out;high-volume production;high production;mass run;duplicate work
大量生产[dà liàng shēng chǎn]
  1. 鸡卵黄抗体(IgY)作为一种免疫球蛋白,和血清抗体(IgG)的功能相似,但生产成本较低,易于大量生产,有望开发为一类可替代抗生素的高效生物防治制剂。

    Chicken yolk antibody ( IgY ), as a immunoglobulin , its function is similar to antiserum IgG , in addition to low cost and high production . So there are chances of developing a new kind of biological medicine instead of antibacterial drugs .

  2. 脸基尼现在已在中国大量生产,在当地海滩周边的游泳用品店都能买到。

    Facekinis are under mass production in China and are available in local swim stores near beaches .

  3. 平板显示用ITO膜的大量生产技术

    Technology for Mass Production of ITO Film Used for Flat-Panel Display

  4. 本论文主要研究表面处理自主代工模式导入过程中N机种系列零件在大量生产阶段所遇到的质量问题改善。

    This thesis focuses on the quality improvement of surface treatment processes for mental components of N series mobile phone model in the mass production stage .

  5. 优良的物理性能使聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)广泛应用于生产纤维,聚酯瓶和包装薄膜等,其大量生产势必带来废料的与日俱增。

    Polyethylene terephthalate ( PET ) has excellent physical properties and is widely used in manufacture of textile fibers , bottles and packaging films .

  6. 但多数人都听说过苹果公司(Apple)的iPad,这只是富士康工人大量生产的多种电子设备中的一种。

    But most have heard of Apple 's iPad , just one of dozens of electronic devices churned out by Foxconn staff .

  7. DNA疫苗是继减毒疫苗、灭活疫苗、亚单位疫苗和重组多肽疫苗之后的又一新型疫苗,比其它疫苗高效、安全且易于大量生产。

    DNA vaccine is a new vaccine after live attenuated , whole killed , subunit and recombinant one , etc. It 's better than them at efficiency , safety and ease to produce .

  8. 目前大量生产并广泛应用的偏光片是美国人兰德(EdwinH.Land)于1940年发明的。

    The polarizer now widely produced and used was invented by Edwin H. Land in 1940 .

  9. 文中首先讨论了客户化大量生产给传统的企业资源计划(ERP)系统带来的新问题,尤其是对物料清单(BOM)的新要求。

    Some new problems and requirements arisen from mass customization production in the traditional ERP system , especially in the BOM of ERP , are discussed firstly .

  10. 由于中国仍在大量生产用于出口及面向国内消费市场的商品,12月份的PMI数字依旧高于52.3的长期平均值。

    The latest reading is still above the long-term average of 52.3 as the country continues to churn out goods for export and for the domestic consumer market .

  11. 紫草是一种重要的中草药材,其培养细胞在M9培养基中可以大量生产主要的药物成分紫草宁。

    The shikonin and its derivatives is produced industrially by suspension cultured Lithospermum erythrorhizon cells in M9 medium .

  12. 用基因工程方法可大量生产高纯度的FSH,降低生产费用,这对畜牧业生产具有重要意义。

    By the means of gene engineering , large quantity and high purity FSH can be produced and the production expenditure also can be reduced , which is important to animal husbandry .

  13. 旋毛虫病早期免疫诊断主要用肌幼虫ES抗原,其具有较好的敏感性和特异性,但ES抗原大量生产困难而且难以标准化。

    Muscle larvae excretory-secretory ( ES ) antigen was used in immunodiagnosis of trichinellosis and showed good sensitivity and specificity . However , it is difficult to produce the native antigen in mass and standardized .

  14. 利用基因重组技术大量生产的任何一种相应半抗原和抗原的抗体片段,与RII技术联合,已应用于临床免疫诊断和科学研究。

    The antibody antihalf-antigen and antigenic can be mass-produced by gene recombination and used in RII for clinical immunologic diagnosis and scientific researches .

  15. 结果表明,人RANTES基因已在烟草细胞中成功地整合与表达,这为在植物细胞中大量生产基因重组药物打下了基础。

    The results had shown that human RANTES gene was successfully integrated and expressed in tobacco cells , which provided a basis to a large-scale production of gene recombinant medicines in plant cells .

  16. 多年来大量生产山寨货的中国,已经将“模仿是最真诚的恭维”这句谚语提升到新的层次。山寨的产品从苹果的iPhone、哈利波特系列图书到劳斯莱斯汽车和法国高级葡萄酒,无所不包。

    Over the years , the country has taken the proverbial expression " imitation is the sincerest form of flattery " to the next level , churning out scores of shanzhai , or counterfeit , items , including everything from fake Apple iPhones to Harry Potter books to Rolls-Royces and French luxury wines .

  17. 膦酰基羧酸共调聚物(简称POCA)是一种含磷的水溶性聚合物,磷含量一般低于3%,具备了绿色水处理剂的概念,并已在国内大量生产,成本较低。

    POCA is a kind of water-solubility polymer . Its phosphorus content is lower than 3 % generally and act in accord with green concept . It has already been produced in a large amount at home and the production cost is relatively low .

  18. 用微载体悬浮培养大量生产高活性鼠干扰素

    Pilot production of high-titre mouse interferon with microcarrier suspension culture system

  19. 电镀溶液的回收是大量生产中的一个重要问题。

    It is an important problem to recover the plating solution .

  20. 此技术已成功地应用于大量生产中。

    The technique has been also successfully applied to mass production .

  21. 基于顾客化大量生产模式的计划平准化模型的最优算法的研究

    Study on the Optimal Algorithm for Mass customization-based Level Schedule Model

  22. 我们缺乏在大规模装配线上从事大量生产的能力。

    We lack the ability to mass-produce on large-scale assembly lines .

  23. 该法简单、经济、易于大量生产。

    This method is simple , economical and suitable for mass production .

  24. 他们正计划采用脚踏设计大量生产。

    They are planning to adapt the pedestal design for mass production .

  25. 从开发出第一个硅产品到其大量生产的时间。

    The time between the first working silicon and volume .

  26. 二战以后的大量生产已经生了根。

    The mass production after World War II had already taken hold .

  27. 计划是:通过大量生产远超敌军

    The plan : overwhelm the enemy through mass production .

  28. 他们大量生产那样的产品获得了巨额利润。

    They get paid too much for pumping out work like that .

  29. 在贝多芬的生活年代,铅在欧洲大量生产。

    Lead was produced in great amounts in Europe during Beethoven 's lifetime .

  30. 具备大量生产纸袋、包装盒的气力。

    A large number of professional producing of paper bags and packing boxes .