
fù yè
  • sideline;side occupation
副业 [fù yè]
  • [sideline;side occupation] 主要事业以外附带经营的事业

  1. 米恩斯先生以卖计算机硬盘作为副业。

    Mr. Means sold computer disks as a sideline .

  2. 一天,我遇到了我以前的一位同学,他经营副业赚了很多钱。

    One day I met a former classmate of mine who was made a lot of money running a sideline .

  3. 与其他农业生产相对而言,动物饲养只是副业。

    Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of farming .

  4. 他的固定工作很无聊,所以我问他为什么不全职做副业。

    Since his regular job was boring , I asked him why he just didn 't do his sideline full-time .

  5. 牙医只是我的副业。

    The dentist thing is more of a hobby .

  6. n.职业薄记是琼斯先生的职业,摄影是他的副业。

    vocation Bookkeeping is Mr. Jones ' vocation , and photography is his avocation .

  7. avocation[,ævəu'keiʃən]n.副业;业余爱好;嗜好

    a subordinate occupation pursued in addition to one 's vocation especially for enjoyment : HOBBY

  8. 甚至他的“副业”皮克斯(pixar)都取得了令人瞩目的成就。

    Even his side project , Pixar , was an astounding achievement .

  9. 雅各比开发了一种名为PodBites的裹着巧克力的毛豆零食,以此作为自己的副业。当时,他想把这种创意出售给梅特卡夫。

    After developing a chocolate covered edamame bean snack business called Pod Bites as a sideline , he wanted to sell the idea to Mr Metcalfe .

  10. 法拉利(Ferrari)、保时捷(Porsche)、阿斯顿•马丁(AstonMartin)也有利润丰厚的副业:销售贴牌服装和珠宝,但他们大多不愿过多透露他们的周边商品销售业务。

    Ferrari , Porsche and Aston Martin also have lucrative sidelines selling branded bling , though most are reluctant to say much about their merchandising businesses .

  11. 虽然,当你有一份常规的企业工作时,做一个手机app可以是个不错的副业,但它是不会成为下一个苹果或谷歌的,而美国的投资者们都清楚这一点。

    While a mobile app can make for a decent side hustle to a regular corporate job , it won 't turn into the next Apple or Google , and American investors know that .

  12. 就在我们围坐在厨房桌子边时,一位曾经的音乐人(姑且叫他戴夫(Dave)吧)说,为了贴补微薄的家庭收入,他最近开创了一项副业。

    As we sat around the kitchen table , a former musician whom I shall call Dave revealed that he had recently started an entrepreneurial sideline to supplement his meagre family income .

  13. 她设想,一旦有更多时间,她就可以将Doxa作为副业。

    She imagined keeping Doxa alive as a side project , once she had more time .

  14. 格莱迪·艾梅亚(GrettyAmaya)在五个月前开始休无薪产假时,为了增加收入,开始从事一项她所谓的“副业”。

    When Gretty Amaya took an unpaid maternity leave five months ago , she started what she calls a part-time job to help pay the bills .

  15. 对于其母公司麦格纳国际(MagnaInternational)而言,汽车制造是一项副业,但麦格纳斯太尔的企业价值达到180亿美元,是所有大型汽车制造商的供应商。该集团在其创始人2012年末离开后十分重视增长(那之后股价上涨了166%)。

    Building cars is a side business for parent company Magna International , but the group has $ 18bn in enterprise value , supplies all the big carmakers and has been serious about growth since its founder left in late 2012 ( shares are up 166 per cent since ) .

  16. 人们很容易忘记,那个带给我们苹果电脑(Macintosh)、iPhone和iPad(以及其“副业”皮克斯(Pixar))的人,曾经靠收集瓶盖来维持生计。

    It is easy to forget that , when he was a student , the man who brought us the Macintosh , iPhone and iPad ( and , with his little finger , Pixar ) collected bottle caps to make ends meet .

  17. 除了它们在各自的数据中心运行的一些定制系统以及(就谷歌而言)像Nexus手机和Chrome笔记本等副业以外,这些公司都没有费神染指棘手的硬件业务。

    Beyond some of the customised systems they operate in their own datacentres , and in Google 's case , some sideline activities such as its Nexus phones and Chrome notebooks , none of these companies sully their hands with anything as taxing as hardware .

  18. 我感觉他们在另外经营非法生意(作为副业)。

    I sense they are running under-the-counter deals on the side .

  19. 白川乡和五崮山的历史村落放养白蜡虫是农村非常有利的副业。

    Raising white wax insects is very profitable in the countryside .

  20. 他决定把自己的爱好变成赚钱的副业。

    He decided to turn his hobby into a lucrative sideline .

  21. 为什么不开办一个宠物照料或训练的副业?

    Why not start a side business doing pet-sitting or training ?

  22. 对连队农副业生产的理性思考

    Rational thinking of the farming and sideline production of troops grass-roots

  23. 家庭手工业主要以家庭副业的形式反映出来;

    Home-based handicraft industry was mainly manifested as household sideline production .

  24. 教书是我的职业,写作是我的副业。

    Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation .

  25. 最常见的副业包括房产出租和经营家庭旅馆。

    The most common sideline involves letting property or running a bed-and-breakfast .

  26. 农村副业与乡村社会变迁

    The Village Sideline and the Change of the Rural Society

  27. 很多美国人除了正式工作外还有一个,甚至两个副业。

    Many Americans have one or even two sideline occupations .

  28. 而我正在处理我的副业。

    I 'm taking care of a little side project .

  29. 他在干一个有收益的副业----向游客出售明信片。

    He runs a profitable sideline selling postcard to tourist .

  30. 他的农村副业每年给他带来一笔相当可观的收入。

    His rural sidelines bring him in a handsome sum every year .