
jì jié xìnɡ shēnɡ chǎn
  • seasonal production
  1. 季节性生产企业人力资源外包策略研究&劳务派遣的视角

    The Research of Seasonal Production Company 's Human Resources Outsourcing Strategy & On the view of the labor dispatch

  2. 在发达国家工业化生产已逐渐成为主导模式,而我国双孢蘑菇生产主要是家庭作坊式的小规模季节性生产模式,堆肥发酵技术落后,大部分是属于农村副业栽培。

    But in China , Agaricus bisporus production are mainly family-style , small-scale workshops and seasonal production patterns and most of them are the rural sideline culture , which have backward technology of composting fermentation .

  3. 在这个新的暂行移民项目中,太平洋岛国民众可以通过短期招聘,特别是季节性生产、例如收获水果等方面的需求到澳大利亚工作。

    Under the new test program , islanders would be recruited on a short-term basis , particularly in seasonal industries such as fruit picking .

  4. SAGE审查了当前流感大流行的形势、季节性疫苗生产的现状以及生产甲型H1N1疫苗的可能能力,并考虑了使用疫苗的可能方案。

    SAGE reviewed the current pandemic situation , the current status of seasonal vaccine production and potential A ( H1N1 ) vaccine production capacity , and considered potential options for vaccine use .

  5. 疫苗生产商将完成季节性疫苗的生产,这样北半球即将来临的流感季节将有足够的季节性疫苗可用。

    Vaccine makers will finish production of seasonal vaccine , and full capacity of seasonal vaccine will therefore be available for the coming flu season in the Northern Hemisphere .

  6. 粮食是农业生产的最终产品,具有显著的季节性,其生产地和消费地的分离,注定了流通是其必然属性。

    The grain is the final product of agricultural production , have remarkable seasonality , it produces ground and consumes ground is apart , which destine the grain to circulate .

  7. 季节性商品供应商的生产库存及定价策略研究

    Study on the optimal production-pricing policy of seasonal items for suppliers

  8. 但是陈女士强调,制药企业同样应该保证今年季节性流感疫苗的生产进度。

    But Chan said it is also important that drug makers keep their timetable to finish producing this year 's seasonal flu virus vaccine .

  9. 陈冯富珍表示,季节性流感疫苗的生产不久就会完成,届时全部产能即可投入生产正在爆发的流感病毒的疫苗。

    Seasonal flu vaccine production will shortly be complete , Dr Chan said , allowing full capacity to be devoted to a pandemic vaccine .