
  1. 监狱生产税收政策研究

    Study on Tax Policy of Prison Production

  2. 本文通过对我国传统监狱生产体制存在问题的分析,就体制内、外模式的选择运作进行了分析和展望。

    This paper analyses the traditional prison production system , discusses the operation of the two models .

  3. 我国虽确立了监狱生产体制改革的基本目标和方向,但在具体运作上仍存在很大争议。

    There is much dispute on how to operate China prison production system revolution , though we have worked out the aim and direction .

  4. 监狱生产是以监狱为管理主体,以罪犯为主要劳动力,从事物质产品生产的特殊生产活动,是监狱制度的重要组成部分。

    Prison production is a special Material production which is a very important part of the Prison System . Its management body is Prison Agencies and the main labor is prisoners .

  5. 国外监狱生产管理有几个特点值得借鉴,一是许多国家都强调监狱与监狱企业分开运行,对监狱采取行政管理,对监狱企业公司采取市场手段管理。

    Some features of Production and management of foreign prisons are worth learning , first , many countries have stressed the separation of the prisons and the prison enterprises , place the administration measures on the prison and place market-based instruments on prison enterprises .

  6. 心理教育在监狱安全生产中的作用

    Thinking Much of the Effect of Mental Education in the Prison Production Safely

  7. 因此,其社会效益应当重于其经济效益,监狱企业生产必然是处于从属地位的。

    Therefore , the social benefits should focus on its economic benefits , the prison production must subordinate .

  8. 浅谈监狱煤矿安全生产的基本特点和重要意义

    Discussion on Basic Characteristic and Important Meaning of Safe Producing in Prison Coal Mine

  9. 当监狱的血浆生产执照被吊销时,卫生管理协会只不过换个名字就可再申请一个新的。

    When the prison 's plasma licence was revoked , HMA simply applied for a new one under a different name .

  10. 通过监狱企业的生产经营,把监狱企业实现的盈利,部分用来弥补监狱经费的不足,支持监狱的运转与发展。

    Through the production and management of the prison enterprises , a part of profit is used to make up the lack of prison funds to support the operation and development of the prison .

  11. 为实现这个职能,监狱要组织罪犯从事生产劳动改造,从而衍生了监狱组织生产获取经济效益的经济职能,其经济职能从属于政治职能。

    To achieve this function , the prison arranges prisoners to engage in productive labor reform , which gives rise to the prison to obtain economic benefits of the economic organization of production functions , which subordinates to political functions .

  12. 收支分开就是要将监狱执法经费与监狱企业的生产经费分开,实现两者的收入与支出分开,监狱与监狱企业之间不再发生经费往来。

    Balance of payments is to separate from the prison to prison , law enforcement funding and production of enterprises funding , to achieve both income and expenditure separately , prisons and prison funding for exchanges between enterprises will no longer occur .

  13. 从监狱的行刑观念到行刑实践,从监狱生产实施到目的性的实现,使监狱行刑与监狱生产所体现的价值目标逐步与人类理性的价值目标追求相契合。

    The value goals embodied through prison punishment are get along with the reasonable value pursuit of man kind .

  14. 每个监狱既履行国家刑罚执行机关的职能,又承担监狱企业的生产经营任务。

    Each prison performs the functions of enforcement authority of the state and assumes the business of the Prison Enterprise .