
  • 网络Regulatory arbitrage;supervisory arbitrage
  1. 因此他们必须表明,他们将CDS视为风险管理工具,而不仅仅是监管套利手段。

    Then they must show that they view the tool as a risk management device , not just a technique for regulatory arbitrage .

  2. SIV身上的一大罪过是,银行经常利用它们进行监管套利。

    One central sin that bedevilled the SIVs was that banks often used them for regulatory arbitrage .

  3. 使用其AAA评级为银行CDO提供保险的美国国际集团(AIG)金融产品部门,为银行提供了基于评级的监管套利。

    American International Group 's financial products unit , which used its triple-A rating to insure CDOs for banks , offered them a regulatory arbitrage based on ratings .

  4. 信托公司本身常被指责监管套利,它们具有银行类似功能却不受传统银行所受到的监管限制,讽刺的是现在它们开始警告更加不受监管的P2P(peer-to-peer,个人对个人)放贷机构的风险。

    Ironically , trust companies which were often accused of regulatory arbitrage for performing bank-like functions free from the regulatory limits on traditional banks are warning about the risks of even more lightly regulated peer-to-peer lenders .

  5. 全球银行业监督机构宣布,计划对利用昂贵的信用违约互换(CDS)来降低自身资本金要求的银行征收高额费用。此举是自《巴塞尔III》(BaselIII)改革方案通过以来针对“监管套利”行为出台的首轮重大打击。

    Global banking watchdogs have announced their first big crackdown on regulatory arbitrage since the passage of the Basel III reform package with a plan for hefty charges on banks that use pricey credit default swaps to cut their capital requirements .

  6. 然而,由于没有合理考量风险缓释效应,新Basel框架在这方面的各种安排可能会引致一系列与其目标相冲突的陷阱,如不公平竞争问题、监管套利问题等。

    However , because the slow-release effect of risk is not reasonably considered , arrangements under new Basel framework may lead to a series of pitfalls such as unfair competition and profit-taking through supervision , running counter to its objective .

  7. 最新版的协议将无可避免地导致新的监管套利行为。

    The latest version will inevitably lead to renewed regulatory arbitrage .

  8. 但是,还有另外一个更卑鄙的动机:监管套利。

    But there is another , grubbier motive : regulatory arbitrage .

  9. 一些公司利用这些漏洞进行监管套利。

    Some firms exploited these gaps for regulatory arbitrage .

  10. 最后,人们很轻易通过监管套利来创造出对自己有利的风险。

    Finally , it is easy to create the desired risk via regulatory arbitrage .

  11. 如果不能遵守这一原则,就将导致监管套利和更多的崩盘。

    Failure to adhere to this principle will result in regulatory arbitrage and more blow-ups .

  12. 有一点是肯定的:发达国家的政客中,没人会大声宣称支持监管套利。

    The one certainty is that no developed world politician will loudly trumpet support for regulatory arbitrage .

  13. 没有这一点,金融市场就不会是全球性的,并且会被监管套利所破坏。

    Without it , financial markets cannot remain global ; they would be destroyed by regulatory arbitrage .

  14. 不能再存在“黑洞”,或是给“监管套利”留有余地。

    There must no longer be " black holes " and no room for " regulatory arbitrage " .

  15. 德国的单方面举动,不得影响旨在减少监管套利机会的全局努力。

    The unilateral German move must not detract from the wider effort to reduce opportunities for regulatory arbitrage .

  16. 这些协议不仅是要帮助应对大型跨国银行和防范跨境监管套利。

    These agreements are not only to help deal with large multinational banks and protect against cross-border regulatory arbitrage .

  17. 第二,随着风险转移到系统中的其他领域,监管套利存在巨大的可能。

    The other is that there is tremendous potential for regulatory arbitrage , with risks shifted elsewhere in the system .

  18. 它还会抑制监管套利,并通过整合最佳举措来改善监管质量。

    It will also suppress supervisory arbitrage and , by combining best practices , should improve the quality of supervision .

  19. 他的结论是,“我们显然缺乏一个全面的设计”,这种架构助长了监管套利行为。

    His conclusion was that " the lack of a comprehensive design is clear " , and that the structure encouraged regulatory arbitrage .

  20. 事实上,它们发展出了利润丰厚的监管套利业务,通过改变交易形式(但不改变交易实质)出售可以避免监管束缚的金融工具。

    Indeed they have developed profitable business in regulatory arbitrage selling instruments that avoid regulatory burdens by changing the form of the transaction but not the substance .

  21. 尽管如此,历史表明,在资金极其廉价的时代,一旦创新和监管套利结合在一起,通常会以眼泪收场——在某个地方。

    Nevertheless , history suggests that whenever innovation and regulatory arbitrage are combined in an era of ultra cheap money , it often ends in tears - somewhere .

  22. 如果修改豁免制度,我不会感到意外,因为外界一直有一种看法,认为新加坡在提供监管套利,一名豁免经理人表示。

    I would not be surprised to see the exemption regime modified because there has been a perception that Singapore offers regulatory arbitrage , said one exempt manager .

  23. 不过,一些西方政策制定者认为,如果没有全球一致的措施,市场参与者就会挑选交易场所,即人们熟知的监管套利。

    Yet some western policymakers believe that without a consistent global approach , market participants will pick and choose where to conduct their business – known as regulatory arbitrage .

  24. 但随着时间的流逝,银行扩展到了风险更高、也更为复杂的活动,包括结构性金融、衍生品交易和监管套利,这可能会以扭曲的方式来配置资本。

    But over time , banks have expanded into riskier and more complex activities , including structured finance , derivatives trading and regulatory arbitrage , which can allocate capital in distorted ways .

  25. 今年早些时候,交易所行业和银行业人士曾表达过同样的担心。他们当时警告称,这有可能导致监管套利,即交易员转移到监管环境更温和的地方进行交易。

    The concerns echo those raised by the exchange industry and banks earlier this year when they warned about the risk of regulatory arbitrage the move by traders to a more benign regime .

  26. 然而,英国、欧洲与美国却正在考虑用可能带来更多毒素的复杂的新规,来治愈该疾病。这将引发全球一些主要交易所的监管套利。

    However , the UK , Europe and the US are considering complicated new rules that threaten to cure the disease with more poison – paving the way for regulatory arbitrage among the major global exchanges .

  27. 并总结了监管资本套利行为引起的各类效应。

    And it also summarizes kinds of effects caused by regulatory capital arbitrage .

  28. 监管资本套利和国际金融危机&对2007~2009年国际金融危机成因的分析

    On Regulatory Capital Arbitrage and International Financial Crisis

  29. 不同类型的资产对应其不同类型的风险权重,这些资产证券化后引起的监管资本套利程度也不同。

    The different nature of the asset securitization can cause different degree of regulatory capital arbitrage .

  30. 金融危机下陶瓷企业的战略成本管理监管资本套利和国际金融危机&对2007~2009年国际金融危机成因的分析