
  1. 政府林业投资低效率与监督激励机制

    Low Efficiency of Government Forestry Investment and Supervision & Incentive Mechanism

  2. 一方面这些监督激励变量对公司绩效有着直接的影响;

    One hand , these mechanisms directly effect on the organizational outcomes ;

  3. 完善监督激励机制和管理运行机制;

    Completing the mechanism of supervision , motivation and management ;

  4. 本文从监督激励视角出发,提出了一个生态补偿机制构建的分析框架。

    This paper put forward a basic analytical framework based on perspective of supervisory incentive .

  5. 健全考核评价制度,建立监督激励机制。

    The system of check and evaluation should be perfected and the supervision and encouragement mechanism established .

  6. 逐步完善股权结构,强化公司内部治理结构建设及健全监督激励机制;

    Gradually completing the interest structure to strengthen the company 's inner controlling system construction and intensifying the monitoring and encouraging system ;

  7. 为了避免败德行为的发生,委托人(政府和制造企业)需要对代理人建立监督激励机制。

    In order to avoid immoral behavior , the client ( government and core manufacture ) needed to constitute agent incentive mechanism .

  8. 为了加强对企业集团的财务控制,必须从加强资本控制、重视目标控制、创新实施控制、强化监督激励控制几方面入手,建立和完善企业集团的财务控制机制。

    It can be consummated through enhancing the capital control , the target control , the performance control and the supervising and motivation control .

  9. 总之,本文结合了双重控制标准的监督激励作用和作业成本法的优势,建立了双重控制标准的作业成本控制系统,为企业成本控制的实施提供新思路。

    In conclusion , this paper combines the supervision and incentive effect of dual control standards and activity-based costing advantages , and establishes an Activity-Based Cost Control system .

  10. 公共图书馆体制性浪费、读者需求难以把握、监督激励不足是导致效率低下的特殊成因。

    It is the system of public library , the difficulty to grasp the demand of readers , and the lack of supervision and encouragement that lower the efficiency of public library .

  11. 因此,本文探讨通过建立集体土地流转市场以及与之有关的市场监督激励机制,促进土地流转,提高经济绩效,实现农业稳步发展。

    Therefore , the effective way to improve economic performance and realize agricultural development through the land circulation is to establish collective land circulation market and the relevant market supervision and incentive mechanism .

  12. 但是由于不同竞争程度的环境对公司内部治理的作用不同,会使上市公司表现出不同的监督激励机制和投入程度,最终影响股权结构与公司绩效关系呈不同的相关性。

    However , because the different competitive environment has different effect on the corporate internal , the listed company shows different supervision and incentive mechanism and investment , which ultimately affects the relationship between ownership structure and corporate performance .

  13. 但由于长期受计划经济体制影响,国有煤炭集团在公司治理方面还存在股权结构不合理、公司治理结构失衡、监督激励机制不健全等问题。

    But because of the influence of planned economy system , some problems exist in corporate governance of the state-owned coal group , such as unreasonable share equity structure , the unbalance of corporate governance structure , and the unperfect of incentive and constraint mechanism .

  14. 最后,提出解决对策,认为增强银行的监督激励、深化国有企业的改革以及实现债权治理功效的外在制度要求是债权治理功效发挥作用的根本途径。

    Finally , it comes to the conclusion that the fundamental methods to change the situation are to encourage the supervision of banks , to deepen the reform of state-owned companies and to fulfill the outside institutional requirements for guaranteeing the function of debt governance .

  15. 大股东监督激励的弱化甚至丧失,导致大股东偏离全体股东利益最大化或企业效率最大化目标,转而依托现有企业组织来实施个人利益最大化行为,与经理合谋成为其理性反应。

    The motivation of supervision fading out even disappearing , leads large shareholders deviating from the purpose of maximizing the benefit of the whole shareholders or maximizing the efficiency of the enterprise , turning to realize the maximum individual benefit based on the existing organization .

  16. 供应链中的监督和激励

    Incentives and Monitoring in Supply Chain

  17. 方法对科主任的选配、培养、监督和激励等方面进行了深入的实践。

    Methods To carry out deep practice in selecting , training , supervising and inspiring of department directors .

  18. 公司治理机制:主动监督(激励)与退出威胁的选择挂靴(退出职业运动界)

    The Management Mechanism of Company : The Choice between Initiative Supervision ( Prompting ) and Withdrawal Menace ;

  19. 出资人应该设计完备的制度,用以监督、激励经营者,特别是要加强长期激励。

    The investors should make complete system for the supervision and motivation of the managers , especially the long-time motivation .

  20. 信托的金融中介功能主要涵盖:资金融通功能、信息生产功能、受托监督与激励功能、风险管理功能等。

    The financial intermediary function of trust contains mainly : raising money , producing information , supervising , managing risk , etc.

  21. 从公司内部来讲,要提高公司治理的有效性,加强对管理者的监督和激励,降低代理问题。

    And for the internal governance , effective corporate governance and supervision , improve manager incentive can reduce the agency problem .

  22. 不同的公司治理,会通过监督和激励机制影响管理层的行为,对R&D投资活动产生影响。

    Different corporate governance , through the supervision and incentive mechanisms affect management behavior and the R & D investment effect .

  23. 二是建立高质量、系统配套的体育教师职后教育模式。三是进一步完善教师职后教育的监督、激励机制。

    Second , build the continuous education mode of high quality and system Third , perfect the supervising and promoting mechanism of continuous education .

  24. 完善竞赛体系,增加比赛次数,提高参赛层次,充分发挥竞赛监督、激励职能。

    Perfect competition system , increase the number of competition , improve the level of competition , give full play to the competition supervision , incentive functions .

  25. 在第三方物流的关系管理方面,建立了一个结合合同、监督和激励及信任关系的平行的综合管理体系。

    In the relation management of third party 's logistics , a parallel comprehensive management system which has included of supervising and encouraging , contract and trust has been established .

  26. 减少所有者与经营者的利益冲突,对经营者实施有效的监督和激励成为优化治理结构和降低委托代理成本的有效途径。

    To reduce the interest conflicts of owners and operators , and take effective monitoring and incentive is a good way to optimize principal agent structure and decrease its cost .

  27. 公司治理机制可分为两类:一类是委托人的主动监督(激励),一类是出资者的退出威胁。

    The management mechanism of company can be classified into two parts : One is initiative supervision ( prompting ) of the client , another is the withdrawal menace of the investor .

  28. 它通过收购者强行入驻目标公司,驱赶现有管理层,给目标公司经理层造成被替换的压力,客观上起到监督和激励公司管理层的作用。

    By way of expelling existing managers , hostile takeover makes managers of target company under pressure of being replaced and thus has the function of supervising and inspiring companies with poor management .

  29. 针对该问题,我们可以从企业内外构建合理的监督与激励机制,以期内部人控制问题对所有者造成的损害降低到最低程度。

    To resolve the problem , we can construct a perfect mechanism of enterpreneurs ' incentive and binding mechanism so as to minimize the damage of the insiders control to the owners of corporations .

  30. 在这漫长的进程中,人们为了实现这一目标,设计了一系列的监督与激励机制,于是公司治理便应运而生。

    During the long period of the cause of development , In order to achieve this aim , designing a series of supervisory system and excitation mechanism , hence Corporate Governance emerge as the times require .