
  • 网络Stock Award;stock bonus;Stock grants
  1. 银行首席执行官的总薪酬包括薪金、现金奖金、股票奖励以及一些其他福利。

    The totals for all bank leaders include salaries , cash bonuses , stock awards and some other benefits .

  2. 计入奖酬的还包括2011年授予的期权和股票奖励,其中一部分是为表彰高管在过去年份的表现。

    It also included option and stock awards that were granted in 2011 , some of which rewarded performance in previous years .

  3. 比如苹果公司(AppleInc.)的奥本海默(PeterOppenheimer)在2010年以2980万美元的薪酬名列第三,但去年降至140万美元,因为苹果公司的做法是每两年发放一次股票奖励。

    Apple Inc. 's AAPL + 1.32 % Peter Oppenheimer was No. 3 in 2010 , for example , with compensation valued at $ 29.8 million . His compensation fell to $ 1.4 million last year as the company 's practice is to make stock grants every two years .

  4. 该公司通常每两年发放一次股票奖励。

    It usually makes stock grants every two years .

  5. 该公司以股票奖励员工。

    The company awards its employees with equities .

  6. 亚马逊和苹果一样,也是每两年发放一次股票奖励。该公司拒绝置评。

    Amazon , which like Apple awards stock grants every other year , declined to comment .

  7. 这项调查涉及的收入范围还包括限制性股票奖励;限制性股票通常要在一段时间之后才能兑现。

    The survey also includes restricted stock grants , which typically can only be cashed in after a period of time .

  8. 这些股票奖励是库克成为苹果首席执行官之后的特殊奖励,当时价值3.78亿美元。

    The stock awards , an exceptional grant after Mr Cook became chief executive , were worth $ 378m at the time .

  9. 这包括2012年授予的期权和股票奖励,其中一些是为了奖励前几年的绩效。

    It includes option and stock awards that were granted in 2012 , some of which were to reward performance in previous years .

  10. 如果实现业绩目标,许多高管还享有价值高达薪酬165%的长期股票奖励。

    Many also receive long-term stock awards that can be worth up to 165 per cent of salary if performance targets are met .

  11. 剩余的67%将采取长期股票奖励的形式,时间跨越数年。

    The remaining 67 per cent of the bonus will be in the form of long-term stock awards , which vest over several years .

  12. 据高盛一份委托书文件显示,福斯特在2004年和2005年分别拿到了价值580万美元和770万美元的限制性股票奖励。

    In 2004 and 2005 , Mr forst received restricted stock awards of $ 5.8m and $ 7.7m , according to a Goldman proxy statement .

  13. 股票奖励需要多年才能行权,因此他们的总薪酬的最终价值可能会随各自银行的股价表现上下浮动。

    Stock awards take years to vest and so the ultimate value of their packages could rise or fall depending on how their banks " shares fare .

  14. 富时100指数(FTSE100)成分股公司在2003年和2004年承诺的股票奖励计划有近三分之一完全失效,表明高管未能实现目标。

    Almost a third of the awards made by FTSE 100 companies in 2003 and 2004 have lapsed completely , suggesting that the executives failed to meet goals .

  15. 此外,他的前五位副手各获得了311万美元的奖金,总薪酬达到了约2420万美元,包括工资和股票奖励。

    His top five lieutenants each got bonuses of $ 3.11 million , bringing their total compensation to about $ 24.2 million each , including salaries and stock awards .

  16. 苹果表示,该公司的薪酬计划强调兑现期较长的“限制性股票奖励”,以帮助留住员工并确保他们长期专注工作。

    Apple said that it emphasised " restricted stock units " with long vesting periods in its remuneration packages , to help retain employees and ensure a long-term focus .

  17. 苹果公司提高了股票奖励中业绩股票的比例,如果公司表现优于标准普尔500指数,这将提高公司高管的潜在收益。

    Apple has increased the proportion of performance shares in its equity awards , which boosts potential future earnings for the executives if the company outperforms its S & P 500 peers .

  18. 2013年,雅虎支付给她的薪酬(包括股票奖励和期权)为2490万美元,在2014年,主要得益于当时雅虎股价上涨,她的薪酬达到4200万美元。

    In 2013 her Yahoo pay including stock awards and options was $ 24.9m , and in 2014 it reached $ 42m , mostly thanks to Yahoo 's then rising share price .

  19. 在银行业,年终授予期权及股票奖励的做法还有另外一个缺陷,那就是在对员工进行奖励之时,公司或其股东还远不能判断其经营是否会取得回报。

    In banking , end-of-year awards of options and stock had the added drawback of remunerating staff well before the company or its shareholders could find out whether their bets had paid off .

  20. 戴蒙的薪酬为1870万美元,今年的排名可能会进一步下滑,此前摩根大通今年赠予他的股票奖励大大减少,以反映伦敦鲸交易亏损。

    Mr Dimon , who received $ 18.7m , is likely to drop even further in the 2013 rankings after JPMorgan gave him sharply lower stock awards this year to reflect the London whale trading debacle .

  21. 微软在一份监管申报文件中表示,这位前任高管将获得2012年6月授予他的全部未归属股票奖励,以及他在下一财政年度中可能因绩效出色获得的半数未归属股票奖励。

    The former executive will receive all of his unvested stock awards granted in June 2012 , and half of the possible shares for his performance in the following fiscal year , Microsoft said in a regulatory filing .

  22. 上述年度奖金数额低于银行家和交易员实际获得的奖金,因为前者不包括延期股票奖励,只包括前几年奖励但在去年支付(并缴税)的现金和股票。

    The annual bonus numbers lag behind what bankers and traders actually received in bonuses because they do not measure deferred stock awards , only cash and stock awarded from previous years but paid out and taxed in 2014 .

  23. 公司通过利润共享及股票期权奖励员工。

    It rewards employees with profit-sharing deals and stock options .

  24. 实施股票弃权奖励制度可以弥补中国企业长期激励不足的现状,改善企业的竞争力。

    Stock option encouragement system can offset the situation of deficiency and improve the competition .

  25. 他对公众对薪酬的愤怒做出了回应:改变高盛高级管理人员的奖金结构,用股票来奖励他们,这些股票在5年内不能出售。

    He responded to outrage over pay by changing the bonus structure for Goldman 's senior executives so they are awarded in shares that cannot be sold for five years .

  26. 然后,百度通过年度百万美元竞赛鼓励创新。按照该计划,开发出最具创新的产品的团队,将得到100万美元的公司股票作为奖励。

    Baidu then encourages innovation with the annual One Million Dollar competition , in which the team that comes up with the most innovative product is awarded $ 1m in equity in the company .

  27. 实际上,虽然CEO迪克?科斯特罗的2012年年薪仅有20万美元,但如果将股票和期权奖励计算在内,他当年实际上挣了1150万美元。

    Indeed , while CEO Dick Costolo 's annual salary for 2012 was $ 200 , 000 , he actually made $ 11.5 million for the year factoring in stock and option awards .

  28. 但平均股票和期权奖励增长了22%。

    But average stock and option awards rose 22 per cent .

  29. 巧妙地利用股票分配来奖励知识和技能。

    Keep equity up your sleeve for knowledge and skill .

  30. 额外股票和期权奖励:650万美元

    Additional stock and option awards : $ 6.5 million