
  • 网络Prudential Regulation;prudential supervision;Prudent Supervision;Prudent regulation
  1. WTO协议和巴塞尔体制的审慎监管在全球范围内具有普遍的指导意义。

    Therefore prudential supervision is needed in which WTO agreements and Basel System play a common guidance role around the world .

  2. 论全球化背景下外资银行审慎监管

    On Prudential Supervision of Foreign Banks against the Background of Globalization

  3. 在渣打银行(standardchartered),我们对宏观审慎监管的理念和金融政策委员会的成立非常支持。

    At Standard Chartered we are very supportive of the concept of macroprudential regulation , and the establishment of the FPC .

  4. 过去的十几年中,世界上许多国家和地区都采用了PCA的审慎监管体系。

    Over the past years , many countries and regions around the world have adopted a system of prudential PCA .

  5. GATS金融附录中的审慎监管措施标准之探析

    A Probe on Measures Standard of Prudent Supervision in Financial Appendices of GATS

  6. GATS框架下的审慎监管制度

    On the Prudent Supervision Under GATS Framework

  7. 今年2月,英国央行下属的审慎监管局(PrudentialRegulationAuthority,简称PRA)阐明了立场。该局试图在欢迎外国金融机构和保护英国不受金融动荡影响之间取得平衡。

    In February , the Prudential Regulation Authority set out its approach as the authorities attempt to strike a balance between welcoming foreign finance and protecting the UK from financial instability .

  8. 对于金融服务贸易自由化中的监管问题,金融服务附录有原则规定,概括起来就是审慎监管措施不受服务贸易总协定(GATS)其他条款的限制。

    Financial service appendices give a principle specification on regulation in trade liberalization of financial service , namely , prudent supervising measures are not subject to other provisions of GATS .

  9. 为平衡二者之间的关系,GATS及其附件规定了审慎监管制度,但是审慎例外条款自身规定的抽象性及其优先适用性大大削弱了金融自由化的成果。

    GATS and its annex set out prudential carve-out . However , the abstraction of the clause , together with its priority in application , undermines the achievement of financial liberalization .

  10. 过去一年来,fdic和英国央行(bankofengland)一直在与两国审慎监管机构合作,针对在美国和英国都有核心业务的全球系统重要性银行发生破产的情况,制定应急处理方案。

    Over the past year , the FDIC and the Bank of England , in conjunction with the Prudential regulators in our jurisdictions , have been working to develop contingency plans for the failure of globally systemic banks that have core operations in both the US and UK .

  11. 商业银行治理结构的不完备性与审慎监管

    Imperfection of Governance Structure and the Prudential Regulation of Commercial Banks

  12. 宏观审慎监管的提出由来已久。

    The macro-prudential supervision has been proposed for a long time .

  13. 严格实施审慎监管有效防范金融风险

    Achieving Effective Prevention of Financial Risks by Strengthening Prudential Supervision

  14. 金融服务自由化下我国商业银行审慎监管的法律问题

    Legal Aspects on Prudential Supervision and Regulation of Banks under Financial Liberalization

  15. 对金融部门进行宏观审慎监管;

    To take a macro-prudential view of the financial sector ;

  16. 外资银行审慎监管评析

    Prudential Supervision on Foreign - Invested Bank s : Analysis and Comment

  17. 第六章介绍了目前各国普遍实行的宏观审慎监管框架与基本原则。

    Chapter VI describes the framework and basic principles of macro-prudential regulatory .

  18. 我们必须恢复市场纪律,使之成为对审慎监管的补充。

    We must resurrect market discipline as a complement to prudential supervision .

  19. 关于宏观审慎监管框架下逆周期政策的探讨

    A Discussion about the Counter-cyclical Policy in the Context of Macro-prudential Supervision Framework

  20. 宏观审慎监管具有明显的反周期性特征。

    The macro-prudential regulation is featured by counter-cyclical characteristics .

  21. 国家外汇局根据审慎监管原则规定的其他职责。

    Other responsibilities stipulated by the SAFE according to the principles of prudential supervision .

  22. 首先,应统筹考虑证券行业因素,构建国内金融业宏观审慎监管机制。

    Firstly , build macro-prudential supervision mechanisms by taking comprehensive industry factors into the consideration .

  23. 第一,如果公共金融基础设施不完善,那么银行审慎监管的效率会降低。

    First , a well-developed public financial infrastructure is vital to improve the banking supervision .

  24. 第三部分重点探讨了系统重要性金融机构的宏观审慎监管。

    The third part mainly probes into the macro-prudential regulation of systemically important financial institutions .

  25. 但这并不意味着宏观审慎监管水平已经处于领先地位。

    But it does not mean its ability of macro-prudential supervision is ahead of the world .

  26. 保险业的特点和审慎监管为直接检验这一契约解释提供了难得的机会。

    The characteristics and prudential supervision of insurance companies provide a good chance to test contracting explanation .

  27. 与一般企业不同,资本监管是商业银行审慎监管的核心内容。

    Commercial banks is different from general business , capital regulation is the core of prudential supervision .

  28. 在操作层面,动态拨备制度是宏观审慎监管框架下引入的一种逆周期工具。

    At the operational level , the dynamic provisioning system has been introduced as a counter-cyclical tool .

  29. 其中第五章介绍了次贷危机之后各界对金融监管的反思及对宏观审慎监管的认识。

    Chapter V describes the reflection of the subprime mortgage crisis and understanding of the macro-prudential supervision .

  30. 因此,如果美元是被审慎监管的,它就仍可能被重塑成首选的储备货币。

    Therefore the dollar could still reestablish itself as the preferred reserve currency , provided it is prudently managed .