
  • 网络Planning;Audit planning;audit plan
  1. 审计计划及控制问题调查表

    Audit planning and control questionnaire

  2. 现行审计计划方法的优化&网络计划技术在审计计划中的运用分析

    The Improving of the Existing Audit Planning Method & An Application of PERT / CPM in the Audit Planning

  3. 欧盟环境管理与审计计划(EMAS)

    Eu Environmental Management and Audit Scheme ( EMAS )

  4. 审计计划阶段审计风险水平测试及控制

    Level Test and Control of Audit Risks During Audit Programme

  5. 培训,实施,测试和审计计划。

    Training , implementation , testing and audit plans .

  6. 参与制定公司内部年度审计计划。

    Participate in set down annual audit plan .

  7. 根据审计计划开展财务、合规性及经营审计;

    Conducting financial , compliance and operating auditing programs according to the audit plan ;

  8. 编写审计计划定期状况更新。

    Preparing periodic status reports on Audit Plan .

  9. 国际民航组织2004年附件13审计计划介绍

    ICAO 2004 Appendix 13 Auditing Program

  10. 论内部审计计划

    Discussion on Internal Auditing Plan

  11. 实质性测试审计计划

    Substantive testing audit plan

  12. 与内部客户保持联系以确保审计计划准确地反映客户的需求。

    Stay in contact with internal customers to ensure that the Audit Plan accurately reflects the needs of the customers .

  13. 执业会计师和审计师协会根据年审计计划执行独立审计,编制恰当的工作报告,以支持执行中的审计工作。

    Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors Prepare working plan to support the audit plan and carry out internal audit .

  14. 起草审计计划,具体审计工作,审阅助理的审计工作底稿,跟进以及年完成整个审计。

    Perform and involved in audit planning , audit field work , reviewing , follow up and completion of the audit .

  15. 负责客户联络与客户组合管理、审计计划与控制、提交工作成果、撰写报告和演示稿;

    Assume a high level of responsibility for client liaison and portfolio management , audit planning and control , developing deliverables , writing reports and presentation ;

  16. 几千家公司参加欧洲联盟的环境管理和审计计划,他们还保持检查环保的进程。他们必须定期公布报告来展示他们的表现。

    Several thousand companies also keep a check on how environmentally friendly they are by taking part in the European Union 's Environmental Management and Audit Scheme .

  17. 内部审计计划表应至少为每个庞巴迪活动中心提供质量保证体系所有元件的年度完整审计。

    The internal audit schedule shall provide as a minimum a complete audit per year of all elements of the quality assurance system for each of the bombardier 's activity centers .

  18. 在一个简易的风险评估沟通会上,有来自这七个核心程序的代表的参加,而且审计计划也正是围绕着这些核心程序设计的。

    During a facilitated risk assessment workshop , there are representatives from each of these seven core processes , and it is around these core processes that audit plans are designed .

  19. 这些风险沟通会的部分作用是帮助我们建立了的战略伙伴关系,因为这样做的话公司各个部门在审计计划的发展上都起到了关键作用。

    " These risk workshops help us build our strategic partnerships in part because the business units play such a key role in the development of their audit plan ," Lewis explains .

  20. 我国政府审计计划管理工作尚未形成科学、系统的管理体系,仍存在重点不突出、风险控制不足、执行过程监控不力以及后续考评不到位等诸多问题。

    There are many problems in our nation ′ s governmental audit planning management , such as lack of logical management system , the emphasis is not obvious , risk management and process control are weak , post-implementation assessment is ignored etc.

  21. 所设计的流程主要包括:审计计划、选择控制点、控制测试、评价控制缺陷、审计工作总结和出具内部控制审计报告等程序,并明确指出应采用自上而下的审计方式。

    The designed process include : audit plan , selecting the control points , control testing , evaluation of control deficiencies , the summary of the auditing and issuing internal control audit reports , and made clear that it is better to adopt top-down audit .

  22. 上述审计机构计划对2011年edf与中广核拟议的核技术共享协议展开调查,该协议当时遭到法国总理的否决,因为它将法国反应堆制造商阿海珐(areva)排除在外。

    The audit body is planning to examine a proposed 2011 deal between EDF and CGNPC to share nuclear expertise , which was blocked by the French prime minister because it excluded Areva , the French reactor maker .

  23. 审计项目计划由文字说明和表格两部分表述。

    An audit plan shall consist of the two parts of word explanation and tabular expression .

  24. 审计部门计划从明年开始,启动一项全国范围的社保基金审计。

    We are planning to start a nationwide audit of social security funds from next year .

  25. 因此,非常重要的是,这种理解再审计的计划阶段就应该发挥到最大,好据此决定采用何种最适宜的分析性复核技术。

    It is therefore essential that this understanding be used to the full at the planning stage of the audit in order to determine the most appropriate analytical review techniques .

  26. 国会调查机构美国审计署计划明天公布这份用一个月时间得出的调查结果,官员已将某些调查结果告知了美联社。

    The GAO , the investigate agency of Congress , plans to report tomorrow on its month-long investigation , with officials have detailed some of the reported finding to the Associated Press .

  27. 在国内学习期间,学生需要完成南京审计学院教学计划规定的课程,修满要求的学分。

    Students are required to take the following courses and acquire necessary credits in their study in nau .

  28. 评价管理风险程序有别于审计师应用风险分析对审计进行的计划工作。

    Evaluating management 's risk processes is different from the requirement that auditors use risk analysis to plan audits .

  29. 本实务公告的性质:在为内部审计部门制定计划时,内部审计师应该考虑以下建议。

    Nature of this Practice Advisory : Internal auditors should consider the following suggestions when planning for the internal audit activity .

  30. 我国国家审计是在计划经济时期建立的,直接服务于政府行政机关是当时的最佳选择。

    China national audit was established during the period of planned - economy with direct service for government administration organs as its best choice .