
  • 网络University of São Paulo;University of Sao Paulo;USP;Universidade De Sao Paulo
  1. 由圣保罗政府建立和扶持,圣保罗大学(USP)排名的上升收益于私人资助,以及在国际间协作和认可。

    Founded and supported by the government of S ã o Paulo state , USP 's climb up the rankings has been helped by a big increase in private funding and in international collaborations and recognition .

  2. 该研究由巴西圣保罗大学物理研究所的埃尔西奥·阿卜杜拉教授主持,论文发表在最近一期天文学杂志&《物理快报B版》上。

    The research , led by Professor Elcio Abdalla from the Institute of Physics at the Universidade de Sao Paulo , Brazil , appears in a recent issue of the astronomical journal Physics Letters B.

  3. 在圣保罗大学(UniversityofSãoPaulo)的所有学生中,有75%的学生的课本费用超过家庭月收入。

    For 75 per cent of those enrolled at the University of S ã o Paulo , the cost of textbooks exceeded their family 's monthly income .

  4. 八月份由圣保罗大学(UniversityofS?oPaulo)和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin,Madison)的研究人员组成的国际研究团队发表了一项研究,令他格外兴奋。

    He 's particularly excited now about a study published in August by an international team of researchers based at the University of S ? o Paulo and the University of Wisconsin , Madison .

  5. 圣保罗大学:科学乃胜利之本。

    Universist of Sao Paulo : Through science , you will win .

  6. 拉斐尔·奎多是圣保罗大学的教授,也是这项研究的作者。

    Rafael Guido is a professor with the University of Sao Paulo and an author of the study .

  7. 这是条巴西毒蛇,毒液经圣保罗大学研究,

    This is a viper from Brazil , the venom of which was studied at the Universidade de Sao Paulo here .

  8. 在同一时期,他还获得了渥太华大学的哲学硕士学位和圣保罗大学的硕士学位。

    During the same period , he completed his master 's degree in philosophy at the University of Ottawa and licentiate at St.

  9. 圣保罗大学的研究者先采用大量免疫抑制剂,试图阻止胰腺细胞的进一步破坏。

    The researchers , from the University of Sao Paulo , gave the patients powerful drugs to suppress their immune systems in an attempt to stop further destruction of pancreatic cells .

  10. 这个惊人的结论来自一项由英国林肯大学、巴西圣保罗大学、澳大利大兽医大学共同合作的研究项目,该项目旨在更好的了解猫是如何处理与身边的人类、以及同居一室的其他猫的关系的。

    The surprise conclusion arose in a study conducted by researchers from the University of Lincoln , UK , University of Sao Paulo , Brazil , and University of Veterinary Medicine , Austria , which aimed to better understand how cats cope with living alongside humans and other felines in a single household .

  11. 巴西圣保罗联邦大学精神病学系的DeniseRazzouk对此表示赞同。

    Denise Razzouk , of the Department of Psychiatry at the Federal University of S ã o Paulo , Brazil , is sympathetic .