
  • 网络San Diego State University;SDSU;SD-State
  1. 圣地亚哥州立大学(SanDiegoStateUniversity)的约翰•伊格(JohnEger)表示,市区正在变成客厅。

    Downtowns are becoming living rooms , says John Eger of San Diego State University .

  2. 圣地亚哥州立大学(SanDiegoStateUniversity)的约翰•伊格(JohnEger)表示,市区正在变成“客厅”。

    Downtowns are becoming " living rooms , " says John Eger of San Diego State University .

  3. 1993年,圣地亚哥州立大学(SanDiegoStateUniversity)的数学教授,弗诺·文奇(VernorVinge)提出了技术奇点(singularity)的概念——在未来,计算机网络通过先进的人工智能获得了意识,并可以与人类直接连接来帮助其进化。

    In 1993 , Vernor Vinge , a math professor at San Diego State University , proposed what he called the singularity -- a time at which computer networks may become self-aware through advanced AI , and interfaces between people and computers help humankind evolve .

  4. 这些女性包括一位退休的海军少将及圣地亚哥州立大学的校长,

    They included a retired Navy rear admiral and a dean at San Diego State University ,

  5. 四个月之后,乔治所在的加利福尼亚州立大学弗雷斯诺分校在新赛季的第四场比赛与伦纳德所在的圣地亚哥州立大学正面相遇。

    Four months later , Fresno State was preparing to play San Diego State in the fourth game of the season .

  6. 加利福尼亚州,圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚州立大学圣地亚哥医学院,心血管科。

    Division of Cardiovascular Medicine , University of California , San Diego School of Medicine , San Diego , California .

  7. 曾就读于圣地亚哥麦萨大学,并在圣地亚哥州立大学取得她的戏剧学位。

    Studied at San Diego Mesa College , and completed her drama degree at San Francisco State University .