
  • 网络st andrews;St Andrews University;The University of St Andrews;University of St. Andrews
  1. 由苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的专家牵头的一项新研究对这一观点提出了质疑。

    A new study , led by experts at the University of St Andrews in Scotland , cast doubt on this idea .

  2. 同年,罗琳在圣安德鲁斯大学接受荣誉学位的时候,该校表示,她证明了儿童书“仍然能够抓住广大受众的眼球并让他们着迷,完全没有受到电视、任天堂、Gameboy以及Pokemon等竞争对手的影响。”

    When Rowling received an honorary degree at St Andrews University that same year , the Scottish institution said she had proved that children 's books " are still capable of capturing and enchanting an immense audience , irrespective of the competing attractions of television , Nintendo , Gameboy and Pokemon . "

  3. 从位于苏格兰的圣安德鲁斯大学毕业后,凯特曾为英国的一个服装品牌Jigsaw做过时尚买手。

    Kate worked as an accessories buyer for Jigsaw , a British clothing brand , after graduation from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland .

  4. 他提到自己和威廉王子(PrinceWilliam)一起上学的事情(他也是在同一个时期在苏格兰上的圣安德鲁斯大学(St.Andrew's),但并不认识威廉王子),还说自己见到过超模凯特•摩丝

    He mentions how he went to school with Prince William . ( He attended St. Andrew 's in Scotland at the same time but never knew the prince . ) Or he tells of the time he saw supermodel Kate Moss .

  5. 苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学研究的带头人黛博拉·罗素表示海上风力发电场会借助更多风势。通过附着在背上的GPS标签,她和同事们监测离开英国和荷兰海岸线100只海豹的位置和活动。

    Offshore wind farms are harnessing more than wind.Says study lead author Deborah Russell , with the University of St.Andrews in Scotland , and her colleagues monitored the location and behavior of 100 seals off the British and Dutch coastlines by tracking GPS tags glued to the animals ' backs .

  6. 圣安德鲁斯大学的学生们是怎么想的?

    What did the St Andrews students think ?

  7. 这个想法来自圣安德鲁斯大学的科学家,他挑战性的要找出火焰里到底是什么。

    The idea comes from a St Andrews University scientist challenged to find out just what is inside a flame .

  8. 圣安德鲁斯大学的一组心理学家邀请男士参与一项关于金钱的电脑游戏。

    A team of psychologists at the University of St Andrews invited men to play a computerised game for money .

  9. 圣安德鲁斯大学的科学家发现,吃水果蔬菜能微量增加志愿者皮肤中的黄色素和红色素。

    Scientists at St Andrews University found eating them subtly increased yellow and red pigments in the volunteers ' skin .

  10. 两人都是高学历威廉和凯特都拥有圣安德鲁斯大学的荣誉学位。

    They both have high levels of education both William and Kate graduated with a 2:1 honours degree from St Andrews .

  11. 威廉王子与米德尔顿在苏格兰的圣安德鲁斯大学上学时结识。威廉王子获得了圣安德鲁斯大学地理学专业的文学硕士学位。

    William met Middleton at St Andrews University in Scotland , where he earned a master of arts degree in geography .

  12. 乔迪·格雷格(编辑):圣安德鲁斯大学与她同辈的学生均视她为校内最美丽的女郎。

    Geordie Greig ( Editor ) : All her contemporaries at St. Andrews saw her as the most attractive girl there .

  13. 2001年,这对如现实生活中的童话故事一般并且一直相爱的夫妻在苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学读书时相识。

    The long-time loves and real-life fairy tale met in 2001 while they were both studying at St. Andrews University in Scotland .

  14. 苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的一群心理学家研究了190名儿童和成年人的脸。

    A group of psychologists at the University of St Andrews , Scotland looked at 190 faces , belongingto children and adults .

  15. 苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学进行的调查显示,女子学校的教育会对女生的审美标准带来明显的影响。

    The St Andrews University-led study suggested a girls-only education could have a " significant impact " on what the youngsters found attractive .

  16. 英国圣安德鲁斯大学在校学生加诺斯•派采尔称,他研发的光纤球能使事物隐形。

    Janos Perczel , an undergraduate at St Andrews University , says that the optical sphere he has developed could make objects invisible .

  17. 最近悄悄进入这一雷区的一个小组是由苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的德布鲁尼领导的。

    The latest group to tiptoe into the minefield is led by Lisa debruine , of the University of St andrews , in scotland .

  18. 圣安德鲁斯大学的研究人员发现,大象能够通过气味创建一份家庭图谱。

    According to researchers at the University of St. Andrews , elephants can use scent to create a mental map of their family members .

  19. 威廉王子和未婚妻米德尔顿的爱情始于两人在圣安德鲁斯大学求学期间,在经历了8年的爱情长跑之后,28岁的两人终于在2010年11月16日宣布订婚。

    Prince William and Miss Middleton , both 28 , announced their engagement on November 16 after an eight-year courtship that began at St Andrews University .

  20. 据悉,互为圣安德鲁斯大学同学、同是28岁的威廉与凯特,经过9年的爱情长跑,终于上周宣布订婚。

    Prince William and Kate Middleton , both 28 , announced their engagement last week , nine years after they met as students at St Andrews University .

  21. 圣安德鲁斯大学的格雷姆·鲁克斯顿教授说,大型的蜥脚类食草动物可能是气候变暖的罪魁祸首,因为它们消耗了太多的绿色植物。

    Professor Graeme Ruxton of St. Andrews University , Scotland , said large plant-eating sauropods would have been the main culprits because of the huge amounts of greenery they consumed .

  22. 位于苏格兰的圣安德鲁斯大学表示,降低入学难度,从而使学生群体在社会化方面更加平衡,这样做是“完全不诚实的”。这是这所大学首次对此予以反驳。

    In an unprecedented intervention , St Andrews University in Scotland said it was " utterly dishonest " to dumb down admissions requirements to create a more socially-balanced student body .

  23. 大专生圣安德鲁斯大学硕士预科课程能进入它本校读硕士吗?进入本校的要求是什么?本科毕业直接攻读工商管理硕士学位学生的比率;

    Can the Premasters at St Andrews guarantee entry to its own Masters degrees ? What 's the requirement ? percentage of incoming MBAs who came directly from undergraduate programs ;

  24. 圣安德鲁斯大学的科学家认为他们的研究发现可以用雌激素来解释,较高的雌激素水平会让五官更柔和,并会激发母性本能。

    The St Andrews University scientists believe their finding can be explained by the female sex hormone oestrogen , with high levels making features softer and nurturing the maternal instinct .

  25. 圣安德鲁斯大学的毕业生包括威廉王子夫妇,去年因为仅接收了14名贫困学生而受到指责。

    St Andrews , whose alumni include the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge , has faced fierce criticism in Scotland for admitting only 14 children from the poorest backgrounds last year .

  26. 圣安德鲁斯大学的副校长史蒂芬-麦基负责该校的招生问题。他说,政治人士不能继续把各阶层的学生入学差距加大的问题仅仅归咎于学校招生。

    Stephen Magee , St Andrews ' vice-principal with responsibility for admissions , said that politicians could not continue to lay responsibility for widening access solely at the door of universities .

  27. 圣安德鲁斯大学、格拉斯哥大学、阿伯丁大学和爱丁堡大学这四所苏格兰最古老的大学,成为近代大学发展过程中的一个重要里程碑。

    The most ancient four universities in Scotland , St Andrews University , Glasgow University , Aberdeen University and Edinburgh University , became an important landmark during the development process of modern universities .

  28. 圣安德鲁斯大学的副校长史蒂芬-麦基负责该校的招生问题。他说,政治人士不能继续“把各阶层的学生入学差距加大的问题仅仅归咎于学校招生。”

    Stephen Magee , St Andrews " vice-principal with responsibility for admissions , said that politicians could not continue to " lay responsibility for widening access solely at the door of universities . "

  29. 米德尔顿在英格兰伯克郡长大,后就读于马尔伯勒学院。2001年,其时正在苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学学习的米德尔顿与威廉王子相识。

    Middleton grew up in Chapel Row at Bucklebury , Berkshire , England , and after attending Marlborough College , studied at Scotland 's University of St Andrews , where she met Prince William in2001 .

  30. 不过美女们并不是担心这些花费。圣安德鲁斯大学的研究人员认为,这很可能是因为她们认为自己的约会对象应该为和她们在一起感受到的愉悦而付钱。

    But they are not worried about the expense-it is likely to be because they believe their date should pay for the pleasure of being with them , according to researchers at St Andrews University .