
  • 网络Edinburgh University;University of Edinburgh, UK;The University of Edinburgh;Edinburgh University of UK
  1. 英国爱丁堡大学的技术转移及知识产权管理

    Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management in Edinburgh University of UK

  2. 这项由英国爱丁堡大学所进行的研究试图探寻天性是否由基因所决定。

    The finding , which might prove unpopular with half the population , comes from an Edinburgh University study into whether being kind and considerate is in our genes .

  3. 来自英国爱丁堡大学的艾拉·迈尔·史密斯说,照目前的趋势来看,数厘米高的北极植物数量有可能在本世纪末前翻一番。

    Isla Myers-Smith from the University of Edinburgh says that on current trends , the centimetres-tall Arctic plants could double in size by the end of the century .

  4. 在2011年,来自英国爱丁堡大学的光无线通信专家、哈拉尔德哈斯教授,演示了一只配备有信息处理装置的LED灯泡是如何将高保真视频传输到电脑上的。

    In 2011 , Prof Harald Haas , an expert in optical wireless communications at the University of Edinburgh , demonstrated how an LED bulb equipped with signal processing technology could stream a high-definition video to a computer .

  5. 歌登?波文在英国爱丁堡大学与哈拉尔德·哈斯及其同事一起研究光通信;他说,因为LED是半导体器件,调整一下其电路就能很轻易地产生传输数据所需的闪光信号。

    And because they are semiconductor devices , tinkering with their electronics to produce the flickering signals required for data transmission is pretty straightforward , according to Gordon Povey , who is working on light communication with Harald Haas and his colleagues at the University of Edinburgh , in Britain .

  6. 上周五,中国现代电影史上最伟大的女演员之一张曼玉荣获英国爱丁堡大学颁发的荣誉博士学位。

    One of modern cinema 's greatest Chinese actresses , Maggie Cheung , received an honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh on Friday .

  7. 在英国爱丁堡大学取得硕士学位后,他就职于美国博通公司,做了4年的工程师。

    He graduated with an MA from the University of Edinburgh in the UK and has been working as an engineer at Broadcom Corporation for four years .

  8. 他是英国爱丁堡大学医学法律教授、国际遗传学领域的权威,同时他还担任联合国教科文组织和政府生物遗传学方面的顾问。

    He is a professor of medical law in Edinburgh , an international authority on genetics and an advisor to the United Nations'Unesco body and the government on bioethics .

  9. 本博士论文就是我在英国爱丁堡大学地质与地球物理系进行联合培养期间,在对此六个岩芯进行多学科分析研究的基础上完成的。

    This thesis is accomplished on the multi-discipline studies on the above six cores during my study in the Department of Geology and Geophysics , University of Edinburgh under a joint project .

  10. 这种神经网络是由英国爱丁堡大学、剑桥大学、葡萄牙阿威罗大学和荷兰莱顿大学的研究人员制作的。

    Enter the neural network produced by researchers from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge in the UK , the University of Aveiro in Portugal , and Leiden University in the Netherlands .

  11. 24岁的王露(音译)是就读于英国爱丁堡纳皮尔大学商科与管理学专业的一名研究生。

    Wang Lu , 24 , is a postgraduate majoring in business & management studies at Edinburgh 's Napier University .

  12. 我是英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学的BA学生。

    I am a BA student in Edinburgh Napier University .