
  • 网络UCL;University College London;University College London, UK
  1. 英国伦敦大学学院环境研究所的驻校作家RichardHamblyn说,太平洋的海啸早期预警系统被证明无效而且人们仍然缺乏基本的知识。

    Tsunami early warning systems in the Pacific are proving ineffective and basic knowledge is still lacking , says Richard Hamblyn , writer in residence at the Environment Institute in UCL .

  2. 在四月份,英国伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的研究者们发现,一天摄入七种蔬果或以上份量的人同那些一天摄入量少于一种的人相比,患癌症的风险降低25%,患心脏病的风险降低31%。

    In April , researchers at University College London found that eating seven daily portions or more could reduce the risk of cancer by 25 percent and of heart disease by 31 percent , compared to people who consumed less than one portion a day .

  3. RichardTaylor是英国伦敦大学学院地质学系水文地质学讲师。

    Richard Taylor is a reader in hydrogeology at the department of geography , University College London , United Kingdom .

  4. JonathanWells是英国伦敦大学学院儿童健康研究所儿童营养研究中心的儿童营养讲师。

    Jonathan Wells is a reader in childhood nutrition , Childhood Nutrition Research Centre , UCL Institute of Child Health , London .

  5. 英国伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)牵头组织的科学家警告称,相比工作、生活较平衡的人来说,长时间工作的人往往缺乏运动,在电脑前一坐就是好几个小时,过量饮酒。

    Scientists led by University College London warned that people who work longer hours tend to do less exercise , sit at a computer for hours at a time , and drink more than people with a better work-life balance .

  6. 但是,英国伦敦大学学院的尼古拉·雷汉尼(NicholaRaihani)和哈佛大学的凯瑟琳·麦考利夫(KatherineMcAuliffe)最近进行的一项实验尝试对这个问题抽丝剥缕,这一实验的结果发表在了最近的《生物学快报》上。

    But a recent experiment by Nichola Raihani of University College , London , and Katherine McAuliffe of Harvard , just published in Biology Letters , attempts to disentangle the matter .

  7. 几百年后,英国伦敦大学学院的埃莉诺·马奎尔(EleanorMaguire)和同事扫描了10个人的大脑,他们都曾在世界记忆力锦标赛上名列前茅。

    Centuries later , Eleanor Maguire at University College London and her colleagues scanned the brains of 10 people who had placed at the highest levels of the world memory championship .

  8. 科学家发现了导致这一悖论的遗传原因。英国伦敦大学学院医学院的DeniseO'Sullivan在4月5日举行的英国普通微生物学学会的会议上报告这些发现。

    Denise O'Sullivan of the University College London Medical School in the United Kingdom will present the findings today ( 5 April ) at a meeting of the UK Society for General Microbiology .

  9. 23.英国伦敦大学学院的研究员最近有什么发现?

    Question 23 . What did researchers at University College London recently find ?

  10. 但是根据英国伦敦大学学院的研究人员的研究发现,满怀希望是人类的天性。

    But according to researchers at University College London , human beings are naturally hopeful creatures .

  11. 两名英国伦敦大学学院的建筑师是“未来威尼斯”计划的负责人。

    Two British architects at University College , London , are among those behind the Future Venice project .

  12. 穆兰先生是英国伦敦大学学院的一名英语教授,他设法使文学评论充满乐趣。

    Mr Mullan , an English professor at University College London , manages to make literary criticism fun .

  13. 英国伦敦大学学院的宪法研究中心主任罗伯特哈泽尔教授说,查尔斯需要一个独特的职位描述。

    Professor Robert Hazell , director of University College London ` s constitution unit , said Charles had to fit a unique job description .

  14. 约翰·阿瑟兰德是英国伦敦大学学院现代英国文学的退休教授,他对《星期日泰晤士报》表示,这份指导“很荒唐”。

    John Sutherland , emeritus professor of modern English literature at University College London , told the Sunday Times that the guidance was " ridiculous . "

  15. 来自英国伦敦大学学院的认知科学家凯西普莱斯和同事们发现智商值变化与大脑结构改变之间存在联系。

    Cognitive scientist Cathy Price of University College London , UK , and her colleagues found that IQ changes are linked to structural changes in the brain .

  16. 正在积极,可帮助管理压力,注意研究人员,当中包括马克哈默,博士,英国伦敦大学学院流行病学系的和公众健康。

    Being active can help manage stress , note the researchers , who included Mark Hamer , PhD , of University College London 's department of epidemiology and public health .

  17. 英国伦敦大学学院的安德鲁·波岑指出,将亚利安五号运载火箭发送至预备轨道需要花费2亿美元。

    As Andrew Pontzen of University College London points out , it costs $ 200m to get the Ariane V rocket into an orbit ready to travel further into space .

  18. 英国伦敦大学学院伊然·艾尔达说:“当不同回报的来源相互间都有联系或拥有潜在动力,这种情绪效应将会很有用。

    Eran Eldar , of University College London said : ' This effect of mood should be useful whenever different sources of reward are interconnected or possess an underlying momentum .

  19. 英国伦敦大学学院一项历时5年的调查表明:通过测试的司机,其大脑的记忆存储部分要比那些测试失败的人发达。

    Some of the memory-storing parts of the drivers who pass are more developed than those of the drivers who fail , says a five-year study conducted at University College London .

  20. 英国伦敦大学学院的一份研究表明,那些患有如高血压高胆固醇等健康问题的胖子和那些一般的胖子,比起瘦子来说,他们的记忆力和脑力下降速度要快四分之一。

    Those who are obese , and have other health problems such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol , lose their memory and thinking skills almost a quarter faster , found researchers at University College London .

  21. 两者之间应该有个临界值,所以比平时多工作一、两个小时也没什么影响。职业健康研究所和英国伦敦大学学院的流行病学家玛丽安娜维尔塔宁这样说道。

    It seems there might a threshold , so it is not so bad if you work another hour or so more than usual , said Dr Marianna Virtanen , an epidemiologist at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and University College London .

  22. AthulaSumathipala是英国伦敦大学国王学院精神病学研究所的临床研究员,也是斯里兰卡研究和发展研究所的名誉所长。

    Athula Sumathipala is a clinical researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry in Kings College London , United Kingdom and honorary director of the Institute of Research and Development in Sri Lanka .

  23. 英国伦敦大学教育学院在职教师培训课程的研究

    Study on Curriculum for Teachers In-service in Education Institute of London University

  24. 本文分析了英国伦敦大学教育学院职前科学教师的培养目标、课程体系与评价方式,旨在为我国综合与分科科学教师的培养有所启示。

    The teaching objectives , curriculum system and means of assessment for the pre-service scientific teachers in London University of UK were introduced and analyzed .

  25. 林慧洁于1996年获英国伦敦大学金匠学院颁纯艺术学士学位及于2003年获香港中文大学颁纯艺术硕士学位。

    LAM Wai-kit received her BA from the Fine Arts Department , Goldsmiths College , University of London in1996 and MFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in2003 .

  26. 英国伦敦大学国王学院环境健康专家弗兰克-凯利教授告诉《独立报》记者:“这些相对的风险明显比欧洲和美国小得多。”凯利没有参与此项研究,但研究了中国的空气污染。

    Professor Frank Kelly , an expert in environmental health at King 's College London , who was not involved in the study but has studied air pollution in China , told The Independent : " Those relative risks are considerably less than those seen in Europe and the US .

  27. 新浪网消息,英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院一项研究表明,对于男性来讲,失恋次数越多,心态反而更健康。

    A study from Queen Mary University of London showed that the more failure in love , the healthier mentality men have , Sina reported .

  28. 英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院与赫特福德郡大学联合进行的这项研究称,他们对现有数据使用了更加准确的分析模型。

    The study , by Queen Mary University , London and the University of Hertfordshire , claims to use a more accurate model on the existing data .

  29. 英国华威大学和伦敦大学学院在之前所进行的一项研究表明,睡眠不足有可能导致女性的心脏问题。

    A previous study , conducted by Warwick University and University College London , concluded that lack of sleep could be linked to heart problems in women .

  30. 20世纪30年代,夏鼐留学英国伦敦大学,就读考古学院埃及学系,成为中国考古学界识读埃及象形文字的第一人。

    In 1930s , Xia Nai studied at London University , being a student of Egypt Studies Department of Archaeology College . He was the first in China , s circles of archaeology to learn to read Egyptian Pictographic characters .