
  • 网络The University of Manchester;MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY;University of Manchester UK
  1. 我参加的最近一次正式考试是英国曼彻斯特大学的MBA考试。

    Even though my last formal exam was in2001 ( MBA from University of Manchester , UK ), it 's fair to say that I know one or two things about passing exams .

  2. 但他33岁的女儿表示这5亿港币的赏金,也就是三亿九千八百万英镑,实在很可笑。Gigi是英国曼彻斯特大学的研究生。

    But his daughter , a 33-year-old University of Manchester graduate said she thought the HKD500 million Hong Kong dollar offer - the equivalent of £ 39.8 million - was ' quite entertaining ' .

  3. 1990年,英国曼彻斯特大学心理学家JamesReason提出了潜在失效的概念,立即引起了各国学者的广泛关注。

    In 1990 , the known psychologist James Reason of Britain Manchester university put forward the concept of " latent failures ", which have caused the extensive concern of the scholars of various countries immediately .

  4. 他的研究在英国曼彻斯特大学经济学。

    He researches economics at the University of Manchester .

  5. 英国曼彻斯特大学材料科学研究现状分析

    Investigation of Current Researches in Materials Science at Manchester Materials Science Centre , UK

  6. 英国曼彻斯特大学的团队,计划调查在疾病中可能发挥作用的其他基因。

    The University of Manchester team plan to investigate the role other genes may play in the disease .

  7. 英国曼彻斯特大学的科学家发现了被认为是迄今为止最小的化石。

    Scientists at the University of Manchester have discovered what is believed to be the smallest fossil ever found .

  8. “这是个意外的发现,”英国曼彻斯特大学同位素地球化学家、研究论文的合作者克里斯托弗·巴伦坦说。

    " This was an unexpected find ," says isotope geochemist and co-author Christopher Ballentine of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom .

  9. 本文通过引入和分析英国曼彻斯特大学编写的最新版指导全纳学校的全纳标准,结合我国全纳教育发展现状,总结了对我国全纳教育的启示。

    The paper introduces and analyzes Manchester Inclusive Standard and points out its implications for Chinese inclusive education on the basis of current Chinese situations .

  10. 英国曼彻斯特大学研究人员和新加坡同行本周在新一期《自然·通信》杂志上报告了这项成果。

    As published in the journal Nature Communications this week , University of Manchester scientists and their colleagues in Singapore introduced the new optical microscope .

  11. 根据英国曼彻斯特大学的研究,现在已经有科学证据表明,音乐的强度越大,听音乐的人就会越快乐。

    There 's scientific evidence that the greater the music 's intensity , the more pleasure it brings , according to research from Britain 's University of Manchester .

  12. 根据英国曼彻斯特大学最新的研究表明,一个人的体重指数越高,他或她发展成为癌症病人的几率就越大。

    The higher a person 's body-mass index , the more likely she or he will develop cancer , according to recent research by scientists at the University of Manchester in England .

  13. 但英国心理学教授、曼彻斯特大学心理服务中心主任杰弗里·彼迪说许多人都不知道他们的双脚所传达的秘密信息。

    But U.K.psychologist Professor Geoffrey Beattie , dean of psychological services at Manchester University , said many people have no idea about the secret messages their feet are giving out .