
  • Yves Saint Laurent;YSL
  1. •保罗•丹尼佛:时尚品牌伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)前CEO。

    • Paul deneve : former CEO , Yves Saint Laurent .

  2. 今年夏天,包括伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)和古驰在内的几家奢侈品牌对阿里巴巴提起诉讼,指责阿里巴巴在助长售假现象。

    This summer a group of luxury brands including Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci sued Alibaba , contending the company was enabling counterfeiters .

  3. 而且商标权与专利法不同,商标权从来和认可专利权没什么关系,伊夫圣罗兰的代理律师DavidBernstein如是说道。

    Moreover , unlike patent law , trademarks are never about granting monopolies , argues David Bernstein , a lawyer for YSL at Debevoise and Plimpton .

  4. 在路易·威登、吴季刚(JasonWu)、汤姆·福德(TOMFORD)与圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)的时装秀上,有许多性感的礼服都闪闪发光,所以多多留意一下商店里的类似选择吧。

    Sexy dresses sparkled down the runways of Louis Vuitton , Jason Wu , Tom Ford and Saint Laurent , so keep an eye out for similar options in stores .

  5. 就像他有名的父母,看上去布鲁克林也是紧跟时尚,照片中他穿着拉夫劳伦、圣罗兰和Supreme品牌的服饰。

    And just like his famous parents , it seems that Brooklyn 's also a dedicated follower of fashion as he 's pictured wearing labels including Ralph Lauren , Saint Laurent and Supreme .

  6. 最可能拥有圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)毛边军装外衣的人最不可能在自家橡树上系着黄丝带。

    The person most likely to own a fur-trimmed Saint Laurent army coat is most unlikely to have a yellow ribbon tied around her oak tree .

  7. 上世纪70年代的流行风格再度成为时尚宠儿,圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)与古驰(Gucci)是这股复古之风的引领者。

    The 1970s is achingly cool once again . In the world of fashion , Saint Laurent and Gucci are riding the crest of the 70s-inspired look .

  8. 作为已故的伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)藏品的一部分,这两尊铜像上月在巴黎拍卖。它们成为了中国的埃尔金大理石雕塑。

    Auctioned in Paris last month as part of the collection of the late Yves Saint Laurent , the bronzes have become China 's Elgin Marbles .

  9. 圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)的SacDeJour鳄鱼皮小手提包,比3Jours仅仅便宜几百美元,价格为3.35万美元,包包内设三个隔层。

    Only a few hundred dollars less than that is Saint Laurent 's Sac De Jour Small Alligator Tote , a $ 33500 structured piece that has three separate compartments inside .

  10. 安东尼•瓦卡莱洛此前效力于意大利品牌范思哲(Versus,Versace)。这位比利时设计师的首场圣罗兰时装展将于今年10月份的2017春夏巴黎时装周期间举行。

    The Belgian designer , who was previously at Italian brand Versus Versace , is to present his first collection for YSL in October during the Paris Spring-Summer 2017 fashion week .

  11. 实际上,有一次我被Belgee雇佣,他告诉我,CocoChanel解放了妇女,而圣罗兰先生给了她们力量。

    Actually one time when I was hired by Mr. Belgee , he told me that he thought that Miss Coco Chanel , liberated women and Mr. St. Laurent gave them power and strength .

  12. 旗下拥有古驰(Gucci)、伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)等奢侈品牌的法国开云集团(Kering)近日起诉了阿里巴巴(Alibaba),指控这家中国电商集团对其平台上销售假货行为起到鼓励作用并从中获利。

    Alibaba is being sued by the company behind luxury brands including Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent , which alleges the Chinese ecommerce group ­ encourages and profits from the sale of counterfeit goods on its platform .

  13. 比利时设计师安东尼•瓦卡莱洛(AnthonyVaccarello)已确定出任伊夫•圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)的创意总监,这家全球知名时装品牌快速为艾迪•斯理曼(HediSlimane)找到了继任者。

    Belgian designer Anthony Vaccarello has been chosen as creative director of Yves Saint Laurent , with one of the world 's best-known fashion brands moving quickly to replace Hedi Slimane .

  14. 如今她回到了英国,晋升为伊夫圣罗兰美妆(YvesSaintLaurentBeauté,简称YSL)英国和爱尔兰的市场总监,回顾在巴黎的那两年,她觉得那段经历对她的职业成长产生了深远影响。

    Now back in the UK following a promotion to marketing director of Yves Saint Laurent Beaut é , UK & Ireland , she looks back on her two years in Paris as formative .

  15. 不管是卡芬(Carven)带有贴袋的冰沙色紧身装、斯特拉•麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)优雅自然的提花丝绸装,还是圣罗兰超瘦版晚礼服,所配裤子都是下抵脚踝,上过肚脐。

    From sorbet-coloured skinnies with patch pockets at Carven to fluid jacquard silks at Stella McCartney and the skinniest of Saint Laurent tuxedos , the trousers were ankle-skimming and soared up above the navel .

  16. 8月10日纽约区法庭拒绝下达初步处罚令,禁止伊夫圣罗兰销售红底鞋,因为Louboutin称其商标侵权。

    On August 10th a district court in New York refused to grant a preliminary injunction stopping YSL from selling shoes with a red sole that Louboutin says infringe its trademark .

  17. 圣罗兰总裁兼首席执行官弗朗西斯卡•贝莱蒂尼(FrancescaBellettini)在周一表示:“他的现代、纯粹的美学理念契合了我们公司的定位。他完美地平衡了女性的性感和男性的锐利这两大元素。”

    Francesca Bellettini , president and chief executive of the fashion house , said on Monday : " His modern , pure aesthetic is the perfect fit for the maison [ he ] impeccably balances elements of provocative femininity and sharp masculinity . "

  18. 空军一号在沙特阿拉伯利雅得哈立德国王国际机场降落后,她从机舱中走出,穿着黑色连身衣,戴着“神奇女侠”金色圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)腰带,飘动的下摆、长袖和衣领凹口让每个人心里想:阿拉伯长袍!

    After landing at the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , she materialized on the steps of Air Force One in that black jumpsuit , whose Wonder Woman gold Saint Laurent belt , flowing hemline , long sleeves and notch neck made everyone think : abaya !

  19. 他表示会对这个审判结果提起上诉。美国专利商标局于2008年批准红底鞋为Louboutin专利,于是Louboutin因为伊夫圣罗兰侵犯其商标权出售红底高跟鞋而将后者告上法庭。

    Louboutin sued YSL alleging that several of its rival 's shoes infringed Louboutin 's trademark on women 's shoes with a red outsole , which was granted to the company in 2008 by America 's Patent and Trademark Office .

  20. 法官驳回了向伊夫圣罗兰下达禁令的请求,并说鉴于颜色在时尚界具有美观装饰的功能,以及对于竞争起到决定性的作用,,Louboutin难以证明红色鞋底应受到商标保护。

    In denying the request for an injunction the judge said that in the fashion industry colour serves ornamental and aesthetic functions vital to robust competition , so Louboutin was unlikely to be able to prove that its brand was entitled to trademark protection .

  21. 他们在全世界最受欢迎的社交网站上四处搜寻,为兰蔻(Lanc)、伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)等奢侈品牌寻找个人拍摄的突出这些品牌的照片,比如某只手袋或某款鞋子的图片,用于市场营销的活动。

    They scour the world 's most popular social media sites on behalf of luxury brands like Lanc and Yves Saint Laurent , hunting for photos taken by individuals that feature the brands , say an image of a handbag or pair of shoes , that could be used in marketing campaigns .

  22. 正是由于圣罗兰(上世纪70年代创建品牌)创意总监艾迪斯理曼(HediSlimane)设计的上世纪70年代摇滚风格的首饰系列一款难求,公司销售额从2011年的3.53亿欧元飚升至2014年的7.07亿欧元。

    Hedi Slimane , creative director of Saint Laurent ( which made its name in the 1970s ) has doubled the brand 's sales revenue from 353m in 2011 to 707m in 2014 , thanks to his sellout 1970s rock " n " roll collections .

  23. 而伊夫圣罗兰的侵权高跟鞋从头红到尾。

    YSL 's offending shoes are red all over .

  24. 你有圣罗兰的档案吗?

    Do you have the Ralph Lauren file ?

  25. 这钱包是伊夫?圣罗兰的。你的意思是说你全价买的?

    It 's a Yves Saint-Laurent ; do you mean you paid the full price ?

  26. 在欧洲,皮尔卡丹、依芙圣罗兰等知名品牌为家族企业所拥有。

    In Europe , the family enterprise holds some famous brands such as Pierre Cardin , Yves Saint Laurent .

  27. 我的意思是,圣罗兰的名字,Melzo品牌的服装,听上去更像一个梦想。

    I mean the name Yves St. Laurent , the address of new Melzo , was more of a dream .

  28. 2011年至2015年间,圣罗兰旗下所有产品全球营收复合增长率达到29%。

    Revenues between 2011 and last year saw a compound average growth rate of 29 per cent across all categories and regions .

  29. 圣罗兰的遗产一直流传到今天——全世界的女子都穿着由他设计的衣服。

    And especially Yves St. Laurent has legacy , lives to this day in the way women all over the world dress .

  30. 去年下半年,圣罗兰还创下最高营业利润率,其销售额占开云集团奢侈品销售的12%。

    The brand also notched up its highest operating margin during the second half of last year . YSL accounts for 12 per cent of Kering 's luxury sales .