
  • 网络university of notre dame;Notre Dame University;Mendoza
  1. 但让他恼火的是,没有什么表情符号能够让他向圣母大学的同学表达自己对该校橄榄球队战斗的爱尔兰人的自豪感。

    But he hated that there was no emoji to express his Fighting Irish pride with fellow University of Notre Dame students .

  2. 他还在众多民间机构和公司担任董事,包括美国圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)和天主教芝加哥总教区BigShoulders基金。

    He has also sat on countless other civic and corporate boards , including the University of Notre Dame and the Big Shoulders Fund of the Archdiocese of Chicago .

  3. 美国圣母大学(NotreDame)门多萨商学院(MendozaCollegeofBusiness)的两位管理学教授爱华德•康隆和安特•格拉瓦斯对这一点深信不疑。

    Edward Conlon and ante glavas , two management professors at the Mendoza College of business at Notre Dame , think so .

  4. 这个问题是美国圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)门多萨商学院(MendozaCollegeofBusiness)管理学教授蒂姆西•贾吉进行的一项深入研究项目的核心。

    That 's the question at the core of an exhaustive research project by Timothy Judge , a professor of management at the University of Notre Dame 's Mendoza College of Business .

  5. 圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)、印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)和麻省理工学院的商学院都希望通过招收本校的本科生来帮助实现理学硕士班的多元化。

    The business schools at University of Notre Dame , Indiana University and MIT are looking to their parent universities ' undergraduates to help diversify their master 's of science classes .

  6. 例如,2年前开设这一课程的印第安纳州门多萨商学院(MendozaCollege)研究生商务课程的高级主任玛丽戈斯(MaryGoss)称,40%的学生仍是其所属的圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)的毕业生。

    At Mendoza College in Indiana , for example , which started its programme two years ago , 40 per cent of students are still graduates of the parent University of Notre Dame , says Mary Goss , senior director of graduate business programmes .

  7. 来自印第安纳州(Indiana)圣母大学(theUniversityofNotreDame)的调研员伊丽莎白·麦克林托克(ElizabethMcClintock)说:“这个研究表明,相比于男性,女性的性取向更加多变。”这项研究的背景是越来越多的女艺人公开宣布自己是双性恋。

    Researcher Elizabeth McClintock , of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana , said : ' This indicates that women 's sexuality may be more flexible and adaptive than men 's. ' Her study comes as growing numbers of female celebrities openly talk about being bisexual .

  8. 在大学系统内,与其它学院相比,给商学院命名的阻力要小得多,圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)门多萨商学院(Mendoza)院长CarolynWoo表示,你很少看到艺术和科学学院被命名。

    There 's much less resistance within university systems to having business schools named than with other schools , says Carolyn Woo , dean of the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame . You seldom see colleges of art and sciences being named .

  9. 目前比赛时间还剩11分钟,康涅狄格大学以63比42领先圣母大学。

    UConn leads Notre Dame 63-42 with about 11 minutes left .

  10. 1844年的今天-美国圣母大学在印第安纳州的获得执照。

    1844-the University of Notre Dame received its charter from the state of Indiana .

  11. 康涅狄格州立大学女子篮球队战胜圣母大学队之后举行庆祝。

    And the UConn ladies team celebrates their NCAA title win against Notre Dame .

  12. 我喜欢南加大比圣母大学的天主教徒更多

    I love that at USC , we have more Catholics than at Notre Dame

  13. 我记得圣母大学是中西部的一所大学对吗麦克斯

    Which I think is a college in the Midwest . Is that right , Max ?

  14. 他当时在位于印第安纳南本德的圣母大学进行大学科研工作。

    He did his undergraduate work at the university of Notre Dame in south Bend Indiana .

  15. 他是圣母大学研究当代形而上学的,假设我的儿子用木积木,搭了一座塔。

    He is a contemporary metaphysician teacher Suppose that my son builds a tower out of wooden blocks .

  16. 该大学的哈士奇女队以75比58击败了圣母大学的爱尔兰斗士队,与同校的男子篮球队一起成为全国冠军。

    The Huskie women beat the Fighting Irish 75-58 , joining the men 's team as national champs .

  17. 我自圣母大学毕业后就在一家贸易公司工作。

    I have been working in a trading company ever since I graduated from the University of Notre Dame .

  18. 奥巴马是第九任从圣母大学接受荣誉学位的总统,第六任对毕业生演讲的总统。

    Obama was the ninth president to receive an honorary degree from Notre Dame and sixth sitting president to address graduates .

  19. 两支保持不败的球队,康涅狄格大学队和圣母大学队争夺全美大学生体育协会女篮冠军。

    Two undefeated teams The University of Connecticut and Notre Dame are battling it out for the NCAA women 's basketball championship .

  20. 圣母大学的瓦尔特•钮金先生撰写了一部通史,对以帝国作为主题是如何塑造美国历史的问题进行了诠释。

    Now Walter Nugent , of Notre Dame University , has produced a comprehensive history of how the thrust of empire shaped American history .

  21. 在奶爸聚会中,来自圣母大学和亚利桑那州立大学的研究者正从社会阶层和身份认同的角度审视居家奶爸。

    At the dads ' convention , researchers from Notre Dame and Arizona State were looking at stay-at-home dads in the context of social class and identity .

  22. 这是非常感人暖心的家庭场景:这个叫丹尼尔的小伙子给了父亲唐一个圣诞惊喜,他给父亲送了阿拉巴马大学和圣母大学橄榄球队冠军争夺战比赛门票。

    It was a heartwarming moment at the house of Daniel Buckhannan when he surprised his father , Don , with tickets to the title game between Alabama and Notre Dame .

  23. 方教授毕业于香港中文大学和香港大学,并于美国印地安纳州圣母大学取得生物化学及生物物理哲学博士学位。

    Professor Fong was educated at the Chinese University of Hong Kong , the University of Hong Kong and the University of Notre Dame , USA where he obtained his PhD degree in biochemistry and biophysics .

  24. 自2001年以来,史密斯先生(一位圣母大学的教授)和他的合著者一直研究新一代的成年人,当时他们两位也仅仅是初出茅庐的小子。

    Mr Smith ( a professor at the University of Notre Dame ) and his co-writers have been following the emerging adults on whom this study is based since 2001 , when they were just young sprats .

  25. 和所有大学生一样,埃文o雷喜欢使用表情符号。但让他恼火的是,没有什么表情符号能够让他向圣母大学的同学表达自己对该校橄榄球队战斗的爱尔兰人的自豪感。

    Like any college kid , Evan Wray loved using the tiny pictograms known as emoji . But he hated that there was no emoji to express his Fighting Irish pride with fellow University of Notre Dame students .

  26. 抗议者们不同意总统今天下午在圣母大学演讲关于堕胎问题的观点,圣母大学是一所著名的天主教大学。

    Protesters who don 't agree with his views , will have their signs and their chance ready . Notre Dame is a very well-known catholic university , and the Catholic Church has a stance on issues like abortion .

  27. 来自美国印第安纳州圣母大学的研究团队在实验研究后提出这一发现。在他们的实验中,参与者操纵电脑键盘进入大大小小的55个虚拟房间。

    A U.S. team of researchers at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana came up with the findings after an experiment where volunteers used computer keys to navigate their way through 55 virtual rooms , large and small .

  28. 来自康奈尔大学、西安大略大学和圣母大学的研究者调查了各种人群的收入,发现那些所谓“讨人喜欢”的员工的工资很明显要少一些。

    Researchers from Cornell University , University of Western Ontario , and University of Notre Dame looked at the salaries of various men and women and found that those who were more " agreeable " also had a significantly lower salary .

  29. 橄榄球的四分卫埃弗雷特·盖尔森从圣母大学队除名,一名来自圣母大学的发言人称,作为新生,盖尔森本有三年时间继续参加比赛,但在周五过后,他已不再是圣母大学的学生。

    Quarterback Everett Golson is no longer enrolled at Notre Dame . A university spokesman says Golson , who had three years of eligibility left after not playing as a freshman , was no longer enrolled at Notre Dame as of Friday .

  30. 撒谎会产生压力,而压力会损害你的健康。一项来自圣母大学的研究发现,当人们减少说谎话的次数时,他们就会减少头疼、咽喉疼痛和焦虑的患病次数。

    Lying can generate feelings of stress which are damaging to your health , and a study by researchers at the University of Notre Dame found that when people reduced the amount of lies they told they suffered from less headaches , sore throats and anxiety .