
  • 网络large-cap;Large-cap stock;large-cap share;Large-capitalization stock;Large capitalization stocks
  1. 上世纪90年代,你追求的是beta指数而非alpha指数,购入并持有一支大盘股,就能赚钱。

    In the 1990s , you could buy and hold a large-cap stock and make money , capturing beta rather than alpha .

  2. 与金融股等大盘股相比,能源股近几周始终表现低迷。

    Compared with financials and other large-cap shares , energy stocks have been tepid in recent weeks .

  3. 代表大盘股的首尔Kospi基准指数下跌2.8%,至15周低点。

    Seoul 's benchmark Kospi index of leading shares fell 2.8 per cent to a 15-week low .

  4. 大盘股对流通中现金M0、狭义货币供应量M1的作用明显,说明大盘股对货币供应量的影响显著。

    Big-cap stocks affected the circulating currency MO , Narrow money supply Ml more directly , which suggested big-cap stocks had significant effects on the money supply .

  5. 据美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)统计,自1926年以来的任意月份,大盘股平均上涨0.9%,但唯有九月其平均表现是下跌的,这个月大盘股平均下跌0.8%。

    Since 1926 , in any given month , stocks of large companies have risen 0.9 % on average , according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch . But in September , they have fallen by 0.8 % , the only month with a negative average return .

  6. 总的来说,包括冬青基金(WintergreenFund)经理戴维•温特斯和来自GardnerRusso&Gardner公司的汤姆•罗素在内,所有与会投资者都认为大盘股的机会更大,好过小盘股或科技股。

    Generally , all the investors , which also included David winters of the wintergreen fund and Tom Russo of Gardner Russo & Gardner , thought there was more opportunity in large capitalization stocks , than smaller or technology companies .

  7. 找出市场是青睐大盘股还是小盘股。

    Find out if the market currently favors big-cap or small-cap stocks .

  8. 从五月初到上周二,纳斯达克综合指数已经下跌了7%,许多大盘股的表现更差。

    Many large-cap stocks have fared much worse .

  9. 周三,作为对于H股同类股票上升的正常反应,大盘股主导了这次止跌。

    Large-cap stocks led the rally Wednesday as a knee-jerk reaction to the rise of their H-share counterparts .

  10. 即使总体经济落后时,主要反映大盘股表现的股市仍有可能反弹。

    Stock markets , which mostly reflect large stocks , can rally even if the broader economy falls behind .

  11. 标准普尔400代表的是美国股市的中盘股,而标准普尔500代表的是大盘股。

    The S P400 represents the Mid-Cap stocks in America , whereas the S P500 represents the Big-Cap stocks .

  12. 在2000年3月结束的大牛市中,大盘股特别是科技领域的大盘股扮演了领军角色。

    Large stocks , particularly in the technology sector , led the great bull market that ended in March 2000 .

  13. 他表示,最初可能会出现波动,尤其是在大盘股率先上市的情况下,但长期而言不会有什么影响。

    He says there may be initial wobbles , especially if a big-cap stock debuts , but no long-term impact .

  14. 小盘股比大盘股更难定价,第一和第三个四分位数的差距有4.7%。

    Small-cap stocks are tougher to price than large-cap stocks , so there 's a4.7 % differential , first to third quartile .

  15. 他最大的赌注是认定超级大盘股即蓝筹股中市值最高的股票将重现风采。

    His biggest bet is that " mega " cap stocks , the biggest of the blue chips , are set to come back into fashion .

  16. 在近期的下跌中,中小盘股一直是最大的输家,原因是投资者在动荡的行情中更青睐大盘股具备的相对安全性。

    Small and mid-caps have been the biggest losers in the recent downturn , as investors have sought the relative safety of large caps amid the turmoil .

  17. 尽管如此,我们注意到,一些投资者正开始将资金投入全球新兴市场基金和亚洲大盘股基金。

    Having said that , some investors , we 're noticing , are starting to put money to work in global emerging market funds and Asia large cap funds .

  18. 钢铁、水泥、石化等国企大盘股重掌股市冲锋大旗;

    Charges big flag of stock market of heavy palm of the deep bid stocks issued by state-owned enterprises , such as steel , cement , Shi Hua , etc. ;

  19. 在证券投资基金的羊群行为实证研究中,发现我国证券投资基金的羊群行为比较明显,主要表现在大盘股、小规模证券投资基金、前期表现好的股票上面;

    , On the research of the flock of sheep behavior , it is very obviously , mainly about the big stock , the small scale security fund and good performance before ;

  20. 然而随着时间推移,某些大盘股的市场份额会被新兴的私人公司或者小型的上市公司抢占(也就是说,新公司和新产业总是在取代老公司)。

    Yet over time , some larger public companies lose market share to emerging private or smaller public companies ( e.g. new companies and industries constantly emerge to replace established ones ) .

  21. 首先,股市在任一时间点上都只能代表上市公司,而市场指数(如标普500)通常只包括大盘股。

    First , the stock market at any one point in time represents only public companies and market indices ( such as the S & P 500 ) generally include only large capitalization companies .

  22. 而震荡整理期内的投资者较为理性,对于未来的预期也会考虑更多的相关信息,认知偏差相对较小。(3)投资者情绪对大盘股影响最大。

    The shock consolidation period more rational investors , for the future is also expected to consider more relevant information , cognitive bias is relatively small . ( 3 ) Investor sentiment greatest impact on large-cap stocks .

  23. 上海股市昨日录得7周以来的最大涨幅,因为市场乐观地认为,这些改革措施将惠及作为首批股指期货产品标的的沪深300指数成分股中的大盘股。

    Shanghai stocks jumped the most in seven weeks yesterday on optimism that the reforms would benefit large capitalisation stocks that are part of the CSI 300 index , on which the first index futures will be based .

  24. 与很多基金经理不同,他基本回避了国有大盘股,而主要投资于由家族或个人经营的中小型企业。他的投资标的包括中国内地上市的公司以及在香港或美国上市的中资企业。

    Unlike many managers , he has largely eschewed state-controlled behemoths in favour of small - and medium-sized companies run by families or individuals , and bought mainland-listed entities as well as Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong or the US .

  25. 由于投资者(以市场指数为代表)拥有这些“过气”的大盘股,而不是“抢班夺权”的私人公司或者小型的上市公司,那么实际的回报低于理论值也就情有可原了。

    Since investors ( as represented by the indices ) own these large public company " losers " and not the private or smaller public company " winners , " it is not surprising that actual returns are lower than theoretically possible .

  26. 埃尔曼认为,在中国,投资信托基金比开放式基金有优势,因为开放式基金不可以投资于流动性较差的中国国内市场a股或上证指数,这些都侧重于大盘股。

    Ehrmann argues that investment trusts have an advantage over open-ended funds in China , because open-ended funds are not allowed to invest in the more illiquid internal Chinese market the A-share market , or Shanghai index , which is biased towards large caps .