
  • 网络low-carbon energy;Low Carbon Energy
  1. 20国集团(G20)将会在明日的峰会上讨论逐步取消化石燃料补贴。此举将会令长期以来一直抱怨这类补贴产生了扭曲性效用的低碳能源部门感到高兴。

    The Group of 20 will discuss phasing out fossil fuel subsidies at its meeting tomorrow , in a move that will delight the low-carbon energy sector , which has long complained of the distorting effects of such assistance .

  2. 身为瑞典国有电力公司vattenfall的首席执行官,约瑟夫森坚定提倡低碳能源,包括可再生能源和核能。

    As chief executive of Vattenfall , the Swedish state-owned power company , Mr josefsson is an articulate advocate of low-carbon energy : both renewable and nuclear .

  3. 3)大举扩大对低碳能源技术的研究、开发、示范和推广(RDDD)。

    3 ) a massive scale-up of research , development , demonstration , and diffusion ( RDDD ) of low-carbon energy technologies .

  4. 英国低碳能源战略白皮书及对我国的启示

    The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan and Some Revelations to China

  5. 到2050年,新增发电量将全部来自低碳能源。

    By 2050 all new power sources will be low carbon .

  6. 所有国家都需要转向低碳能源体系。

    Every country needs to move to a low-carbon energy system .

  7. 欧盟致力于引领世界低碳能源技术的发展。

    EU dedicates to lead the world in low carbon energy technology .

  8. 但就低碳能源来说,我们甚至没有真正尝试过。

    But when it comes to low-carbon energy , we just haven 't really tried .

  9. 新的战略框架是建立在世界银行集团近期对低碳能源资助的增长的基础上的

    The new Strategic Framework builds on recent jumps in World Bank Group financing for low-carbon energy

  10. 世界需要绘制新的低碳能源轨迹,但这种轨迹是什么样子?

    The world needs to chart a new low-carbon energy trajectory , but what will it be ?

  11. 但是中国已经以比其它富国更高的比例向低碳能源投资。

    But China is already investing in low-carbon energy at a higher rate than most rich nations .

  12. 依赖风能、太阳能、核能、地热能或者水力发电等低碳能源;

    They rely on low-carbon power , such as wind , solar , nuclear , geothermal or hydroelectric .

  13. 旅游业、低碳能源、创意产业、高科技和知识产业如今享受着非常有利的竞争条件。

    Tourism , low carbon energy , the creative sector , high-tech and knowledge industries now enjoy competitive conditions .

  14. 美国的其他一些项目推进了关键的发展领域的合作研究,诸如农业、水资源管理和低碳能源。

    Other US programmes boost collaborative research in key development areas such as agriculture , water management and low-carbon energy .

  15. 官方表示本次广交会旨在提高展会质量并促进绿色和低碳能源发展。

    Officials say the event focuses on enhancing the quality of exhibitions , and promoting green and low carbon development .

  16. 欧盟发布战略能源技术计划欲抢占低碳能源技术制高点

    The EU Issues a Strategy Energy Technology Plan , Aiming to be the World 's Leader of Low Carbon Technology

  17. 在应对气候变化的各种尝试中,人们最关注的方法是以低碳能源代替化石燃料。

    IN the push to tackle climate change , most attention is devoted to ditching fossil fuels for low-carbon power sources .

  18. 美中两国的诸多能源企业正携手合作,在商业化低碳能源系统方面取得进展。

    A number of energy companies in the US and China are working together to achieve advances in commercial low-carbon energy systems .

  19. 该合作支持清洁和低碳能源转型,有利于未来获得安全和价格实惠的能源供应。

    This collaboration supports the clean and low carbon energy transition and is conducive to affordable and secure energy supplies for the future .

  20. 低碳能源发电创收3000亿美元,在该行业总收入中占据最大比例,紧随其后的是能源增效和能源管理产品。

    Low-carbon energy generation produced the bulk of the revenues , at $ 300bn , followed by energy efficiency and energy management products .

  21. 低碳能源技术是发展低碳经济的关键技术基础,对发展低碳经济起着至关重要的作用。

    The development of low carbon energy technologies is the key technology of low-carbon economy based on low carbon economy plays a vital role .

  22. 在竞选期间,奥巴马向我们描述了一个“绿色复苏”在这样的复苏中,低碳能源的大规模使用将带来就业机会。

    During the Obama campaign we were told about a green recovery one where the jobs would come through a massive expansion of low-carbon energy .

  23. 同时积极发展我国的低碳能源和低碳技术,为今后可能出现的碳货币体系做好储备。

    China should also step up its effort to develop low-carbon energy and low-carbon technologies to prepare for the establishment of a possible carbon currency system .

  24. 注入风力涡轮机、太阳能、能源效率和其他低碳能源领域的资金快速增加,反映出一系列因素综合作用的结果。

    The rapidly rising sums poured into wind turbines , solar power , energy efficiency and other low-carbon forms of energy reflect a combination of factors .

  25. 在实现智能电网为核心的低碳能源背景下,微电网被认为是降低能耗、提高电力系统可靠性和灵活性的智能电网的重要的组成部分。

    For the purpose of low carbon energy , microgrid is considered as a main part of the low-loss , high reliable and flexible smart grid .

  26. 由于缺少清晰的政策架构,那些探索更具前景领域(如低碳能源和基础设施)的潜在投资者,遇到了重重障碍。

    Potential investors exploring more promising areas , such as low-carbon energy and infrastructure , are stymied because of the lack of a clear policy framework .

  27. 举例来说,私人部门在对低碳能源(风能、太阳能和核能)进行投资的同时,公共部门也要对长距离输电网进行投资。

    As one example , private investments in low-carbon energy ( wind , solar , nuclear ) need to be linked to public investments in long-distance transmission grids .

  28. 各国目前应采取单边或双边行动,鼓励能源企业跨境合作,大规模开发和部署低碳能源技术。

    Nations should now take unilateral or bilateral action to encourage energy companies to collaborate across borders to develop and deploy low-carbon energy technologies on a massive scale .

  29. 该机构预测,考虑到中国和全球对低碳能源的需求,到2030年,此种设备的成本应会下降近80%。

    By 2030 , it estimates the cost of the equipment should fall almost 80 per cent , given China and the world 's demand for low carbon power .

  30. 调整产业结构,可以从源头上大大减少能源消费和碳排放;调整能源结构,可以用低碳能源替代高碳能源消费,进而可以减少碳排放。

    Adjusting the industrial structure can significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions from the source . Adjusting the energy structure can reduce carbon emissions by replacing high-carbon energy consumption .