
  • 网络Regional Financial Centre
  1. 在将自身建设成为地区金融中心一事上,天津得到了中央政府的支持,同时,这个城市还是欧洲制造商空中客车(airbus)的一个飞机组装点。

    Tianjin has central government support to establish itself as a regional financial centre , but is also a location for Airbus , the European manufacturer , which now assembles its aircraft there .

  2. 每个国家都有建立与伦敦和纽约相匹敌的杰出地区金融中心的计划。

    Each country has plans to build the pre-eminent regional financial centre to rival London and New York .

  3. 所有这些城市都有着成为地区金融中心的需求,也拥有这方面的资源。

    All of them have the needs and resources to be regional financial centres .

  4. 建设西安为西北地区金融中心战略态势向量评价模型

    Vector Evaluation Model of Strategic Situation for Building Xi ' an into the Financial Centre in North-West China

  5. 由于寻求巩固自己作为地区金融中心的地位,香港自己发行一种与美元挂钩的货币。

    Hong Kong issues a currency of its own pegged to the dollar , as it seeks to solidify its position as a regional financial centre .

  6. 正在致力于建设长江上游地区金融中心的重庆,除了发展城市金融外,同样要拥有完善的农村金融要素市场。

    Going in for financial center in the upper reaches of Yangtze River , it is important to develop perfect rural financial factor market beside urban finance .

  7. 它集合了东北地区金融中心、商贸中心和货运中心,是重要的交通枢纽城市之一,并望负着振兴东北的艰巨使命。

    It set the northeast financial center , business center and freight center , is one of the important traffic hub city , northeast and hope the arduous borne mission .

  8. 也许与大城市间的竞争相比,更令政府担心的是,在中小城市竞争成为最大地区金融中心之时,可能会出现不严谨的监管疏忽。

    Probably more worrying for the government than the rivalry between the large cities is the prospect of lax regulatory oversight as smaller municipalities compete for regional financial centre supremacy .

  9. 他已将中国和印度列为特殊的目标,而迪拜和孟买等地区金融中心,正以低于伦敦的成本,提供范围越来越广的金融服务。

    He has identified China and India as particular targets , with regional financial centres such as Dubai and Mumbai providing an increasing range of services at lower cost than London .

  10. 随着中国和其它亚洲国家的崛起,英国制造业已经迅速萎缩。尽管如此,金融城的历史和专业技能,使它不仅拥有相对于欧洲对手的宝贵竞争优势,对其它地区金融中心也拥有优势。

    And while manufacturing industry has shrunk rapidly with the ascent of China and other Asian countries , London 's history and expertise give it rare competitive advantage against not only its European competitors but also financial centres in other regions .

  11. 在香港回归中国15周年前夕,北京方面宣布了一系列进一步提升香港作为地区金融中心及人民币主要离岸中心地位的政策。

    On the eve of the 15th anniversary of the city 's hand-over to China , Beijing is announcing a raft of policies to further bolster Hong Kong 's role as a regional financing center and main offshore hub for its tightly controlled currency , the yuan .

  12. 随着该地区的金融中心努力吸引投资,它们之间的竞争逐年加剧。

    The rivalry intensifies every year as financial centres across the region seek to attract investment dollars .

  13. 自从十九世纪80年代打败贝鲁特成为海湾地区的金融中心以来,巴林一直被迪拜甩在后面。

    Bahrain , which usurped Beirut as the region 's financial hub in the1980s , had been left trailing by Dubai .

  14. 不断增加的金融网点。西安是西北地区的金融中心,中国人民银行西北五省区分行设在西安。

    Financial network points on the increase With the five northwestern provinces'of regions'branch of the People 's Bank of China established here , Xi'an is the financial center of Northwest China .

  15. 韩国希望成为地区性金融中心,其措施包括:重新平衡金融业,减少对银行的倚重;鼓励更多合并;幸运的话,为一两家本土投资银行的成立创造条件。

    Korea wants to become a regional financial centre , by rebalancing financing away from the banks , encouraging more consolidation and , with luck , setting the stage for the creation of a home-grown investment bank or two .

  16. 金融市场一体化迅速向全球扩张,一大批新兴国际金融市场崛起,全球性金融中心、地区性金融中心和大批离岸金融市场构成一个覆盖全球的金融网络。

    The integration of the financial market extends to world and a lot of newly international financial markets are rising . The global financial center , regional financial center and many off-shore financial markets constitute a global financial network covering the world .

  17. 中国的目标是将该地区建设成为金融中心及国际创新技术中心。

    China build the area into a financial center an international innovation and technology hub .

  18. 新加坡是东南亚地区重要的金融中心、运输中心和国际贸易中转站,也是世界电子产品重要的制造中心和第三大炼油中心。

    Singapore is the important economy and transportation center , and it is also known as one of the most important electronic factories and the third biggest place of producing oil .

  19. 开曼群岛是加勒比海地区的主要金融中心,有超过五百八十四间持牌银行和信讬公司。世界最具规模的会计师行都在开曼群岛设立办事处,亦有不少著名的律师事务所到当地开业。

    Most of International Law Firm and Accounting Firm was located in British Virgin Islands , such as MAPLES AND CALDER and HARNEY , but only few Bank and Financial Firm in British Virgin Islands .

  20. 在构建西南地区区域性金融中心的过程中,成都可借鉴北京金融街模式,实行分步实施、分层推进的战略部署;积极推进信息成都、诚信成都、金融成都的建设;

    In the process of constructing the regional financial center , Chengdu may use " the Beijing financial street pattern " for reference , then makes a strategic plan into practice gradually , and actively promotes " informational Chengdu "," sincere Chengdu " and " financial Chengdu " .

  21. 金融因素是影响一个城市或地区成为国际金融中心的重要因素之一,高度发达的金融业对经济增长起到促进作用,而国际金融中心建设又可以有效的促进一国的金融深化。

    Finance is one of the most important factors which are essential to make one city to become an International Finance Centre ( IFC ) . The Highly developed finance industry can stimulate the economy a lot , and the International Finance Centre construction can stimulate the finance development .

  22. 上海逐步发展成为远东地区著名的金融贸易中心和近代文明的大都市。

    Shanghai gradually developed into the well-known financial and trade center of the Far East as well as a modern civilized metropolis .

  23. 伦敦交通部称,交通最繁忙的一些地区,如伦敦金融中心金丝雀码头,只有在60%的英国职员都改变出行计划的情况下才能应对奥运期间的人流。

    And Transport for London ( TfL ) claims some of the busiest areas such as Canary Wharf will only be able to cope if60 percent of workers change their travel plans .

  24. 本文通过对新加坡离岸金融市场发展的介绍,为滨海新区创建离岸金融中心提供了可以借鉴的经验,希望可以建立有地区特色的离岸金融中心。

    This article introduces on the development of Singapore 's offshore financial market , and gives some experience that we could use to develop Binhai New Area offshore financial center . We hope that we could set up an offshore financial center for regional characteristics .

  25. 武汉是我国华中地区的中心城市,它工业发达、商业繁荣、腹地广阔、交通便捷,还是中部地区金融中心和文化教育中心。

    Wuhan , as the core city of central China , with strong industry , booming business , broad areas , and convenient traffic , is the financial , cultural and educational center in the middle of China .