
  • 网络Separate Operation;Divided Operation;segregated operation
  1. 在金融一体化和金融自由化的国际形势下,混业经营体制取代分业经营已成为一种时代潮流。

    In the international situation of financial integration and liberalization , mixed operation system to replace divided operation system has become a trend of the times .

  2. 实践中,中国虽然是当前世界上唯一实行严格的金融分业经营、分业监管的国

    In practice , though China is the only country in the world which adopts financially divided operation and supervision , some related laws and policies leave much room for financial institutions , fo

  3. 加入WTO后,国内金融业特别是商业银行,仍然恪守传统分业经营制度不放,这无疑将在未来的竞争中处于劣势地位。

    After entering into the WTO , our state-owned commercial banks still implement separation , which will be at a disadvantage .

  4. 随着中国加入WTO,分业经营与混业经营成为我国面临的一个现实选择。

    Following China entered WTO , our country has to make a real-life choice between divided operation management and mixed operation management .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,金融业混业经营的要求更加迫切。根据我国金融业的现实,分业经营的模式将随着金融改革的深入逐步向混业经营模式转变。

    After China entering the WTO , we should change the separate business of finance mode into mixing business of finance mode .

  6. 面对加入WTO后国际、国内经济环境的变化,我国商业银行应该启动由分业经营到综合经营转变的步伐。

    Facing with the changes of the international and civil economical environments after entering WTO , our commercial banks should start to transform from separating-operation to multi-operation .

  7. 1933年的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct)迫使摩根士丹利等证券经纪公司自立门户,该法案规定商业银行和投资银行必须分业经营。

    Stockbrokers such as Morgan Stanley were pushed out on their own by the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act , which enforced the separation of banks and investment banks .

  8. 我国加入WTO后,外资金融机构可以在我国兼管银行证券保险业务,而我国金融机构分业经营则明显处于竞争劣势。

    After the entry into WTO , China 's financial institutions are at a competitive disadvantage because of their separated operating mode , while the foreign rivals can actually operate in diverse fields like investment banking and insurance .

  9. 随着新一轮电信重组完成、3G牌照的发放,电信产业打破了固定和移动网络分业经营的格局,进入了全业务运营的新时期。

    With the new telecommunications restructuring , 3G licences issued , the telecommunication industry broke the fixed and mobile network decentralized management pattern , entered the business operation in the new period .

  10. 我国加入WTO后,金融业的发展面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,金融业逐步摒弃分业经营的模式,转向混业经营已经成为大势所趋。

    After entering into the WTO , the development of china ′ s financial business is facing huge opportunities and challenges that never happened before . The financial business is dropping the separate operation , and turning to the mixed operation .

  11. 在WTO体制下,改革我国的金融分业经营法律制度,实行金融混业经营,培育和发展金融控股公司,组建中国金融业航空母舰,是应对日趋激烈的国际竞争的一种现实选择。

    Under WTO system , in order to tackle the reality of fierce international competition , China must give up the financial separated-operation legal system to implement financial mixed-operation system , and foster and develop the financial holding companies and set up Chinese financial " aircraft carriers " .

  12. 通过运用SWOT分析方法对我国商业银行拓展投资银行业务的可行性进行深刻剖析,并提出在分业经营和混业经营两种不同经营环境下商业银行可以采取的拓展投资银行经营策略。

    Applying the method of SWOT ( Strength , Weak , Opportunity and Threat ), this paper analyzes the feasibility that commercial banks run investment bank businesses , and give some corresponding strategies which may be adopted at present and under mixed banking system in future .

  13. 分业经营与混业经营模式比较及中国的选择

    A Comparision between Specialized and Mixed Business Modes and Chinas Choice

  14. 中国金融业分业经营安全性分析

    An analysis of the security of financial segregated management in China

  15. 对中国金融分业经营体制的评价

    Analysis for the Divided Trade Conducting System of Chinese Financial Field

  16. 中国银行业分业经营及其风险性问题的研究

    Study on Separate Management of Chinese Banking Industry and Its Risk

  17. 我国金融业分业经营、混业经营的政策探析

    A Policy Analysis of The Strategic Choice of Divided or Mixed Operations

  18. 分业经营使金融业经营成本增加。

    Separated - business increased the operation costs of finance .

  19. 分业经营与综合经营的成本效应分析

    The Analysis of the Cost - Effect of Separation and Universal Banking

  20. 分业经营与混业经营:中国金融业面临的选择

    Dividing and Mixing Business Handling : Selection of China Financial Trade Facing

  21. 国际上外资银行业的发展有两种表现形式:一是以美国为代表的外资银行分业经营模式;

    The development of foreign bank ' business has two different forms .

  22. 我们取消了要求金融机构分业经营的限制。

    We removed restrictions that had imposed functional separation on financial institutions .

  23. 混业经营是金融业发展的必然趋势,但由于我国的主客观条件尚不成熟,分业经营就成为目前比较现实的选择。

    Mixed operation is the absolute trend for the development of banking industry .

  24. 关于金融业分业经营制和混业经营制的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis on the specialized and mixed banking system

  25. 而后,全球金融业掀起来分业经营之风。

    And then , global financial circles lift the wind of separate operating .

  26. 综合经营,(又被称为混业经营),在金融领域,是与分业经营相对应的一个范畴。

    In the financial industry , Comprehensive-Operation is an opposite word of Segregated-Operation .

  27. 对我国银行、证券分业经营的反思

    The profound consideration of the separated operation between our banking business and securities business

  28. 我国商业银行混业经营模式与分业经营模式的选择研究

    Research on Chinese Commercial Banks Choice between Comprehensive Operation Pattern and Segregated Operation Pattern

  29. 1993年7月以后,中国实行了金融分业经营体制。

    After July , 1993 , China put financial divided profession management into practice .

  30. 金融安全中的木桶原理与分业经营

    Barrel principle and separating operation for finance security