
  • 网络The Third Sector;ngo
  1. 第三部门:资源配置的制度创新

    The Third Sector : The Institution Innovation of the Resource Installation

  2. 第三部门与从事公共事业管理的秘书

    The Third Sector and secretary of pubic services and facilities management

  3. “第三部门”指的是经济体的慈善机构和事业、宗教工作、志愿服务等领域。

    Third sector1 refers to the part of the economy that includes charity and religious work , philanthropy , and volunteerism .

  4. 多数人都理解政府和企业在社会中的角色,也知道“公共部门”和“私人部门”。然而,很少有人知道社会的“第三部门”,第三部门关注于满足社区中公民的需要。

    Most people understand the role of governments and corporations2 in society and know the terms " public sector " and " private sector . " However , few people know anything about a third sector of society that is focused on meeting the needs of citizens in communities .

  5. 第三部门非闭于ROC软件儿司的培训现状剖析;

    The third part is the training present condition analysis to the ROC software company ;

  6. 第三部门(Thirdsector)的概念由美国学者T·列维特(T.Levitt)于1973年首次使用,用以统称处于政府和私营企业之间的社会组织。

    The American scholar T. Levitt in 1973 firstly used the definition of " Third Sector ", which was a general designation of the social organizations between the governments and private enterprises .

  7. NGO作为第三部门在世界各国和国际社会发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    NGO takes the third department is playing the pivotal role in various countries and the international society .

  8. 本文旨在研究第三部门(thethirdsector)和法治的关系,并旦试图通过理论梳理和事实分析,说明第三部门对于社会转型期的中国法治建设,具有积极意义。

    This dissertation focuses on the relationship between the third sector and rule of law . The author intends to prove that the third sector benefits for construction of rule of law during social transformation .

  9. 另一方面,则是从非政府组织本身的角色出发,观察其作为第三部门(Thirdsector)跨领域甚至是跨国际的表现,所带给人们日常生活的作用。

    On the other hand , it is from NGO itself as the third sector to observe the performance of its crossing fields or even crossing nations and to consider how it affects people 's everyday life .

  10. 实际上,NGO作为沟通政府与市民的中介机构和第三部门,与政府组织、营利组织(企业)一起构成社会机制三大板块。

    In fact , as a medium , NGO , along with government organization and enterprises , constitutes the three parts of the social mechanism .

  11. 第三部门,是通过实例详细介绍ES公司如何一步步建立并完善作业标准成本核算系统并使之有效的进行成本核算和控制。

    The third part is an example of how ES Company step-by-step set up and improve activity based standard costing system and makes it effective for costing calculation and internal control .

  12. 非营利组织(NPO)是与政府机构、营利组织(企业)相对应的第三部门。

    A non-profit organization ( NPO ) is the third type of department , which exists simultaneously with the government one and the profit one ( enterprise ) .

  13. 非政府组织(NGO)作为现代社会的一个越来越重要的成员,与企业、政府共同构成社会组织,NGO也被称为第三部门。

    Non-governmental-organization as an increasingly important member in the modern society , together with enterprises , government constitutes three important roles , and the NGO is also known as the " third sector " .

  14. 公共管理的重要主体:迅猛崛起的第三部门

    The Important Part of Public Administration : the Rising Third Sector

  15. 我国第三部门良性发展研究

    Study of the Benign Development of the Third Sector in China

  16. 第三部门在社会管理中具有特殊的地位和作用。

    The tertiary section plays a special part in social management .

  17. 我国第三部门在公共管理中的参与方式研究

    The Research on Participation Mode of Third Department in Public Administration

  18. 后现代国家第三部门运动评析

    A Review of the Third Sector Movement in Post Modernity Countries

  19. 中国第三部门现状与对策

    The Current Situation of China 's Tertiary Section and Its Countermeasures

  20. 第三部门视野下的高等学校筹资

    Money-raising of the University in the Perspective of the Third Sector

  21. 社会危机事件与第三部门的发展与成熟

    Event of Social Crisis and Development and Mature of Third Department

  22. 第三部门的兴起及价值理性的回归

    The Rising of Third Sector and the Regression of Value Rationality

  23. 现阶段,中国第三部门蓬勃发展。

    Nowadays , China is in the period of transformation development .

  24. 第三部门对公共决策评价标准的影响

    Influence of the third sector on appraisal standard of public decision

  25. 第三部门青年组织的社会功能研究

    On Social Function of Youth Organizations About the Third Section

  26. 论第三部门在社会保障法中的地位与作用

    Research on the Third Sector for the Social Security System

  27. 第三部门的理论机理及其经营机制的特征

    Theoretical Mechanism of the Tertiary Sector and Features of Its Running System

  28. 也可以称其为“第三部门组织”。

    It can also be called " the third sector organization " .

  29. 借助社会和第三部门的力量;

    Introducing new forces of society and the third department ;

  30. 论我国第三部门发展的路径选择

    On Developing Road Selection of the Third Sector in China