
  • 网络Urbanization Rate;urbanization ratio
  1. 影响14个市州农村居民纯收入差距的量化分析显示人均耕地面积、农业总产值占GDP的比重、人口城镇化率及非农劳动力比重是影响农村居民人均纯收入差距的主要因素。

    The quantitative analysis of influence factors of net income gap showed that per capita cultivated land area , the proportion of agricultural output in GDP , population urbani-zation urbanization rate and the proportion of non-agricultural labour are major factors that effect of per capita income gap of rural residents .

  2. 接着对其城镇化率进行了重新折算。

    Then has converted its urbanization rate .

  3. 以我国1999-2003各县、县级市的人均GDP、人均财政支出、城镇化率为基础,运用Theil指数来研究我国县域经济发展差距的变化情况。

    Based on the per capita GDP , per capita financial expenditure , rate of urbanization and township in Chinese coun-ties and county-level cities during 1999-2003 , with the use of Theil index this article studies the changes in the development dis-parity in Chinese county-range economies .

  4. 中国人口城镇化率去年达到了50%以上。

    China 's population became more than 50 % urban last year .

  5. 整体而言,除城镇化率外,其他变量都呈现显著性影响。

    On the whole , excepted for urbanization rate , other variables presented significant influence .

  6. 城镇化率提高近12个百分点,达到37.7%。

    The urbanization rate has increased by nearly 12 percentage points to reach 37.7 percent .

  7. 城镇化率超过50%,这是中国社会结构的一个历史性变化。

    China 's urbanization level exceeded 50 % , marking a historic change in the country 's social structure .

  8. 城镇化率,即城镇人口占总人口的比例现已达到51.27%。

    The urbanization rate , which means the proportion of residents who live in cities is now at 51.27 percent .

  9. 河北省在三年大变样的战略实施后,城镇化率不断提高。

    After the implementation of the strategy in the three years , the urbanization rate continues to increase in Hebei Province .

  10. 2012年,中国的城镇化率达到52.57%,几乎是从1978年的17.9%每年递增1个百分点。

    China 's urbanization ratio hit 52.57 percent in 2012 , increasing almost 1 percentage point each year from 17.9 percent in 1978 .

  11. 我们认为.中国的城镇化率达到60±5%区间时,即可认为我们已经城镇化了。

    We regard that the rate of the city is in the scope of 60 ± 5 % as the trends of city .

  12. 至2008年末,我国城镇化率已经超过45%,全国非农业人口突破六亿。

    By the end of 2008 , the urbanization rate in China was over 45 % and the non-agricutural population has passed over 600 million .

  13. 人口城镇化率过半,标志着中国从农业人口大国转变为城镇人口大国。

    More than half of the population urbanization rate shows that China grows into a large urban population country from a large agricultural population country .

  14. 我国贫困山区的经济发展共同特点是山大人稀、经济基础薄弱、长期投入不足和城镇化率低。

    The commonness of economic development in poor mountainous areas is big mountains , sparse population , weak economic foundation , lack of investment and low urbanization .

  15. 预计到2050年,发展中国家的城镇化率将超过60%,发达国家将达到令人惊愕的85%。

    By 2050 , it is projected that more than 60 % of the developing world and a staggering 85 % of the developed world will be urbanized .

  16. 2010年11月15日国务院发展研究中心副主任韩俊近日表示,中国城镇化率的不断提高,将带来巨大内需,即使出口受到制约,这些内需也将支撑经济平稳发展。

    2010-11-15 The country 's urbanization expansion promises a huge potential in domestic demand , which will assure a stable economic development for China even if exports decline .

  17. 截至2009年末,我国城镇化率已达到46.59%,城市的快速发展带动区域经济的持续增长。

    By the end of 2009 , the urbanization process in China had reached to 46.59 % . The city rapid developing makes the regional economic growing quickly .

  18. 研究结果表明:地区经济发展水平、就业水平、医疗保障水平、信息化水平以及城镇化率对农村金融服务水平有显著的正向影响。

    The results suggest : Level of regional economic development , employment , medical care , and informatization and urbanization rate have the significant positive impact on the LRFS .

  19. 而重庆市2010年的城镇化率高达53.02%,远远高于全国水平3.34%。

    At the same time , the urbanization rate of Chongqing in 2010 has been up to 53.02 % , far higher than the national average of 3.34 % .

  20. 采取定性和定量相结合的方法分析了经济增长、人口、产业结构、能源消费结构、技术进步和城镇化率等对能源消费量的影响。

    Qualitative and quantitative analyses were applied to analyze economic growth , population , industrial structure , energy consumption structure , technological progress and the urbanization rate impacted on energy consumption .

  21. 到2030,中国的城镇化率预计将达到65%到70%,就是说将会有10亿人需要好的工作,期望获得更好的服务。

    By 2030 , some 65 to 70 percent of Chinas population will be in cities . Thats 1 billion people who will need good jobs , and expect better services .

  22. 2010年,中国以49.68%的城镇化率步入城市化高速发展阶段,预计到2015年中国城镇化率达到52%,2030年将达到65%左右。

    In 2010,49.68 % urbanization rate stepped into the high speed development stage in China . The urbanization rate will reach 52 % in 2015 and it will reach 65 % in 2030 .

  23. 目前中国的城镇化率,与同等经济发展水平国家相比要低约10个百分点,与同等工业化水平国家比要低约20个百分点。

    China 's current urbanization rate is10 percentage points lower than that of countries with economic development levels equal to that of China and20 percentage points lower than countries with an equal industrialization level .

  24. 根据发达国家的城市化发展历程来看,重庆市已经进入了城市化发展的中后期(城镇化率50%~70%)的快速发展阶段。

    And according to the developing process of urbanization in developed countries , Chongqing has entered the rapid development stage of urbanization in the late ( urbanization rate 50 % - 70 % ) .

  25. 根据《河北省国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》,到2015年,河北省生产总值预期突破3万亿元,城镇化率达到54%。

    According to the national economic and social development in hebei province 12 five year plan , GDP in hebei province expected broke through 3 trillion Yuan , urbanization rate reached 54 % to 2015 .

  26. 中国去年城镇化率历史上首次超过了50%,而英国在1851年就达到了这一水平,发达国家目前的城镇化率普遍在80%左右。

    Last year urbanisation rate in China for the first time passed 50 % . Britain already reached this level in 1851 . The average urbanisation rate in developed countries now stands at around 80 % .

  27. 但目前大部分研究成果以城镇化率的测算和城镇化水平的提高措施为研究重点,忽略了城镇化过程中区域所付出的经济成本。

    However , nowadays researchers ignored the economic cost of urbanization , but turn to put the key point of research on estimation of the rate of urbanization and the way to increase the level of urbanization .

  28. 截至到2004年,全国的城镇化率仅为41.8%,不仅远低于发达国家70%-80%的水平,也低于世界平均的47%的水平。

    The urbanization rate of China is only 41.8 per cent by 2004 , which is not only far lower than developed countries with 70-80 per cent , but also lower than the average world level-47 per cent .

  29. 研究表明,经济增长、人口的增长、产业结构调整和城镇化率是城镇用地空间增长的主要宏观驱动因素。二、多主体城市用地扩展模拟模型构建。

    Studies had shown that the economic increasing , population growth , industrial restructuring and urbanization rate were the main driving forces . ( 2 ) Building the simulation model of urban land use expansion based on multi-agent .

  30. 虽然中国城镇化率与国外发达国家平均78%的城镇化率水平相比并不高,但目前中国却以能源消耗世界第二、二氧化碳排放量世界第一的国家形象立于全世界。

    Although the urbanization rate of China is under average 78 % of urbanization rate of developed countries , the energy consumption is the second in the world , and carbon dioxide emissions is the first in the world .