
pāi mài rén
  • auctioneer
  1. 拍卖人用洪亮的声音招呼大家闪开一点,然后宣布拍卖即将开始。

    The stentorian tones of auctioneer , calling out to clear , now announced that the sale to commence .

  2. Yung还说有几名国际买家也开价但是由于对“汇率混乱”引起拍卖人撤销了一些出价从而打击了买家的热情性。

    Yung added that several international buyers had bid for the stone but " confusion over exchange rates " had caused the auctioneer to retract some bids and may have dampened buyer enthusiasm .

  3. 我的简历上有当拍卖人的经历会很不错。

    An auctioneer could be a cool thing to have on my resume .

  4. 拍卖人应当向竞买人说明拍卖标的的瑕疵。

    The auctioneer shall state the drawbacks of auction targets to the bidders .

  5. 我愿意当拍卖人,卖得的钱都归医院。

    I will be auctioneer and the proceeds will go to the hospital .

  6. 委托人、拍卖人的姓名或者名称、住所;

    The names of the seller and the auction house and their addresses ;

  7. 史密斯悄悄地向地向拍卖人做手势,然后把出价又抬高了1000元。

    Smith signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand .

  8. 拍卖人用来卖东西的台子。

    A platform from which an auctioneer sells .

  9. 拍卖人看了看大家,然后宣布拍卖会结束。

    The auctioneer looked at the audience and announced that the auction was over .

  10. 拍卖人应当于拍卖日七日前发布拍卖公告。

    An auctioneer shall release an auction notice seven days before the auction day .

  11. 本森悄悄地向拍卖人做了个手势,然后把出价又抬高了1000美元。

    Benson signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand dollars .

  12. 委托人、受人可以与拍卖人约定佣金的比例。

    The seller and buyer may arrange the commission rate with the auction house .

  13. 拍卖人开价竞卖,但房间里一片沉默。

    The auctioneer asked for an opening bid , but the room was silent .

  14. 拍卖人进行拍卖时,应当制作拍卖笔录。

    While proceeding with an auction , an auctioneer shall make a written auction record .

  15. 提醒:对着拍卖人的摄像机将图像直接传送给你。

    Be warned : the camera trained on the auctioneer is beamed straight to you .

  16. 拍卖人开始喊价。

    The auctioneer opened the bidding .

  17. 城市中由街道包围、正方形或长方形的区域。2。拍卖人的平台。

    In a city , a square or rectangular area enclosed by streets.2.An auctioneer 's platform .

  18. 第四十二条拍卖人应当对委托人提供的有关文件、资料进行核实。

    Article 42 An auctioneer shall verify the relevant documents and data provided by his trustee .

  19. 拍卖人对委托人交付拍卖的物品负有保管义务。

    An auctioneer has the obligation of taking care of articles submitted by the trustee for auction .

  20. 拍卖人认为需要对拍卖标的进行鉴定的,可以进行鉴定。

    Should an auctioneer deem it necessary to verify an auction target , he or she may do so .

  21. 属于委托人责任的,拍卖人有权向委托人追偿。

    Should the responsibility rest with the trustee , the auctioneer has the right to demand compensation from the trustee .

  22. 拍卖人有权要求委托人说明拍卖标的的来源和瑕疵。

    An auctioneers has the right to require clients to explain the source of the auction items and any defects .

  23. 话最多的人是最不聪明的人,在一个演说家和一个拍卖人之间,几乎没有分别。

    The most talkative is the least intelligent , and there is hardly a difference between an orator and an auctioneer .

  24. 与拍卖人相反,经销商仍然难以维持生计,很少收购商品作为库存。

    Dealers , as opposed to auctioneers , are still finding it hard to make a living and seldom buy for stock .

  25. 拍卖人接受委托的,应当与委托人签订书面委托拍卖合同。

    Should the auctioneer accept a trust , he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee .

  26. 拍卖人用洪亮的声音招呼大家闪开一点然后宣布拍卖即将开始。

    The sonorous tones of the auctioneer , calling out to clear the way , now announced that the sale was about to commence .

  27. 根据调查中引用的一位主要拍卖人表示:在寻找新客户时,我们过去常常想到对冲基金。

    We used to think in terms of hedge funds when targeting new customers , according to a leading auctioneer quoted in the survey .

  28. 遇到无销路时,拍卖人必须向观众明确表示他已经买回自己送去的拍卖品。

    An auctioneer , at the moment of non-sale , should be required to state plainly to his audience that an item has been bought in .

  29. 物价管理部门可以对拍卖人处拍卖佣金一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。

    The price control authority may impose on the auctioneer a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of the commission for auction .

  30. 据悉,这张13x10英寸的银胶质黑白照拍摄于1993年,当时布鲁尼是一位世界顶级时装模特。这张照片的拍卖人是艺术品收藏家哥特•艾尔菲林。

    The13 x10 inch gelatin silver black and white photograph was taken in1993 , when Bruni was one of the world 's top fashion models , and is being sold by art collector Gert Elfering .