
  1. B2B电子市场下的拍卖竞价机制导致生产商之间的竞争。

    The auction 's price bidding mechanism results in the manufacturer 's competition .

  2. 本次拍卖竞价阶梯有所调整,敬请买家留意!

    Please note that Auction Bidding Steps are changed !

  3. 财政部几分钟之后将宣布,禁止所罗门参与美国国债拍卖的竞价,客户账户和自营账户竞价将同时被禁。

    It was going to announce in a few minutes that Salomon was barred from bidding at Treasury bond auctions , both for customers and for its own account .

  4. 该文假定电力市场是需求刚性的发电侧市场,采用暗标拍卖的竞价方式,并统一使用市场出清价结算。

    In this paper it is assumed that the market is for generation side only with zero demand elasticity . The market adopt sealed-bid auction , and uniform Market Clear Price ( MCP ) is adopted to calculate payment .

  5. 统一价格拍卖国债的竞价优化模型

    Optimizing model of bidding for treasury with uniform price auctions

  6. 本文主要研究成果如下:1.基于双向拍卖理论的竞价调度策略。

    And the main research results are as follows : 1 . Bidding scheduling strategy based on double auction theory .

  7. 使用这种拍卖方式在最高竞价上不封顶,能够使拍卖品再进一步得到价值增值。

    MakeWith this type of auction the highest bid on the CAP , to make the lot further get value .

  8. 产权交易可以采取协议转让、拍卖、招标、竞价和国家法律、法规规定的其他方式。

    Transactions of property rights may adopt transfer by agreement , auction , invitation for bids , bidding for price and other modes as may be provided by state laws and regulations .

  9. 本软件系统用于处理网上货物拍卖的基本事务,包括会员信息管理、商品浏览、商品拍卖、网上竞价等。

    The software system for dealing with goods on-line auction of the basic services , including membership information , visit the commodities , goods auction , online auction , and so on .

  10. 拍卖模型是一种成熟的交易方法,并且根据不同的交易规则存在多种不同的拍卖竞价模式。

    As a well-developed instrument for trade , auction model has been developed into an integrated theory .

  11. 20世纪有重要纪念意义的时装在拍卖会上不断拍出令人咋舌的高价,可以预见今秋很多场引人瞩目的拍卖定会使竞价更上一层楼。

    Important fashion items from the 20th century are fetching record prices at auction , and estimates at a number of high-profile sales this autumn look set to push prices even higher .