
pāi mài hánɡ
  • auction house;auction company
  1. 这笔交易是该拍卖行的一大成功之举。

    The sale is a big coup for the auction house

  2. 塔里西奥拍卖行的杰森·普莱斯接受BBC新闻的采访时讲述了这把小提琴能卖出如此高价格的原因。

    Jason Price of Tarisio Auction House told the BBC why it struts a various command such a high price .

  3. 他在拍卖行、古玩店和跳蚤市场中寻宝。

    He finds material at auctions , antique shops and flea markets .

  4. 桑登府及府内所存物品将由苏富比拍卖行于10月6日进行拍卖。

    Sandon Hall and its contents will be auctioned by Sotheby 's on October 6 .

  5. 伊恩·弗莱明未出版的原版笔记将在伦敦的苏富比拍卖行进行拍卖。

    Ian Fleming 's original unpublished notes are to go under the hammer at London auctioneers Sotheby 's.

  6. 英国最大的两家拍卖行,苏富比和佳士得参与了对这些作品的估价。

    Britain 's two main auction houses , Sotheby 's and Christies , have been involved in valuing the works .

  7. 那只钟我们从拍卖行买来时就是这个样子。

    We bought the clock at an auction as is .

  8. 艺术大师爱德华•蒙克的油画巨作《呐喊》于2012年5月2日在纽约的一家拍卖行成交。最后成交价为1.2亿美元,成为拍卖史上最昂贵的油画之一。

    Edvard Munch 's iconic artwork The Scream was sold on 2 May 2012 in a New York auction2 house for $ 120 million , making it one of the most expensive paintings ever auctioned3 .

  9. 实习生雇主包括纽约市医院(NewYorkCityhospital)和佳士得拍卖行(Christie'sauctionhouse)。

    Employers ranged from a New York City hospital to Christie 's auction house .

  10. 克里斯蒂和苏富比拍卖行本月都上调了艺术品的溢价(premium)。

    Both Christie 's and Sotheby 's raised the premium paid on art works this month .

  11. 2008年,巴黎商业法庭(ParisCommercialCourt)在一起针对网上拍卖行的诉讼中,判定这家奢侈品牌胜诉。

    In 2008 , the Paris Commercial Court found in favour of the luxury brand in a suit against the online auction house .

  12. 销售额位居第三的拍卖行保利国际拍卖(polyinternationalauction)上周末在香港举行首场国际拍卖会。

    Poly International auction , the third largest auction house by sales , held its first international auction in Hong Kong over the weekend .

  13. 另类收藏品拍卖行HeritageAuctions今年4月在加州贝弗利山庄举办了首场葡萄酒拍卖会。

    Heritage Auctions , the collectables house , held its inaugural wine sale in April in Beverly Hills , California .

  14. 以及苏富比拍卖行的Instagram是他目前最喜欢的账户。

    and Sotheby 's as his current Instagram favorites .

  15. 据苏富比拍卖行的戴维·诺曼(DavidNorman)回忆,今年6月,在伦敦曾有一位美国人出资1200万美元,拍得两幅印象派和现代派的画作。

    David Norman , of Sotheby 's , recalls an American paying $ 12m for two impressionist and modern pictures in London at the sales this June .

  16. 伦敦画廊也不断扩张、忙于变换展场:维多利亚•米罗画廊(VictoriaMiro)重回伦敦西区(WestEnd),在苏富比拍卖行正后面的圣乔治街(StGeorge’sStreet)上另外开设了展场。

    London galleries are expanding and moving : Victoria Miro is returning to the West End , taking on an extra space in St George 's Street , right behind Sotheby 's.

  17. Christie俄罗斯拍卖行的负责人亚历克西说,这枚彩蛋标志着俄罗斯历史上的一个特殊的时刻。

    Alexis de Tiesenhausen , head of the Russian Department at Christie 's , said the egg marked a special occasion .

  18. 这家拍卖行在2013年出售了唐英年(HenryTang)收藏的价值4800万港元的葡萄酒。唐英年是香港政界人士,曾是香港行政长官候选人。

    In 2013 , the auction firm sold HK $ 48 million-worth of wine owned by Henry Tang , a politician and former candidate for Hong Kong 's top post of chief executive .

  19. 克里斯蒂拍卖行在伦敦南肯辛顿(SouthKensington)也开始尝试这种无底价拍卖,尤其是在针对新一代刚刚安家的年轻人的星期天拍卖会上。

    Christie 's South Kensington is also experimenting with no-reserve auctions , especially in its Sunday sales , which are aimed at a new generation of young nest builders .

  20. 佳士得拍卖行的“PrintsandMultiples”拍卖活动将于下月创造历史,出售首幅由人工智能(AI)创作的画作。

    Next month , auction house Christie 's Prints and Multiples will make history by offering the first piece of art created by artificial intelligence for sale .

  21. 为了印证德•卡德内的观点,RM拍卖行最近举办了一场拍卖,会上三部美国产汽车共计拍得650万美元。

    To illustrate de Cadenet 's point , auction house RM recently staged a sale in which three American-made cars realised $ 6.5 between them .

  22. RR拍卖行的执行副总裁博比·利文斯通称该物品为“丘吉尔标志性造型的代名词”。

    Bobby Livingston , executive vice president at RR Auction , called the item " a synonymous piece from Churchill 's trademark look . "

  23. 达琳·斯尼珀(DarynSchnipper)是苏富比拍卖行(Sotheby’s)国际钟表部的主席。

    Daryn Schnipper is chairwoman of the international watch division of Sotheby 's.

  24. 总部位于美国波士顿的RR拍卖行表示,英国前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔曾抽过的一支雪茄近日被以1.2万美元的价格售出。

    A cigar once smoked by former British prime minister Winston Churchill has sold for $ 12000 , according to the Boston-based RR Auction house .

  25. LaGalleria拍卖行的组织者原估计这次拍卖的总收入可达10万英镑,但结果却达到26万8320英镑。

    Organizers at La Galleria had expected the auction to fetch a total of 100000 pounds , but in the event it made 268320 .

  26. 特别是eBay在线拍卖行第一季度获得收益超过4760万美元,比去年暴涨94%。

    Case in point , eBay , the online auction house posted first quarter revenues of over 476 million dollars , a 94 % jump from last year .

  27. 据拍卖行介绍,杰克逊在《Bad》巡演时穿过的外套被拍得24万美元,一只白色的手套拍出了19.2万美元,其中的一件演出夹克拍出了超过6.8万美元的价格。

    Highlights from the sale included the late singer 's Bad tour jacket raising $ 240000 , a white glove selling for $ 192000 and one of the singer 's jackets garnering more than $ 68000 , the auction house said in a statement .

  28. 该拍卖行专家大卫帕克(davidpark)注意到,近来投资者的兴趣重燃,至少在折叠地图和大型地图方面是如此:“10年前,这些地图相当被人瞧不起;如今它们大红大紫。”

    Its specialist , David Park , has noticed a recent revival of interest , not least for folded maps and large maps : " a decade ago these were rather despised ; now they are all the rage . "

  29. 布莱恩·肯德罗拉是纽约Stack'sBowersGalleries拍卖行的行长,他透露这次拍卖吸引了来自6个国家的6名竞拍者。

    Brian Kendrella , president of New York-based Stack 's Bowers Galleries , says the auction drew half a dozen bidders from six countries .

  30. 没错,在邦瀚斯拍卖行(Bonhams)新任国际珠宝总监丹尼尔斯特鲁伊夫(DanielStruyf)看来,相比如今的珠宝首饰,上世纪70年代的物件多由手工打造。

    Indeed , according to Daniel Struyf , Bonhams " new international jewellery director , there was more craftsmanship in 1970s jewellery than in today 's pieces .