
  1. 论拍卖标的之瑕疵担保

    The Discussion of Warranty Against Defects of the Auction Object

  2. 竞买人有权了解拍卖标的的瑕疵,有权查验拍卖标的和查阅有关拍卖资料。

    A bidder has the right to know the drawbacks of an auction target , to check the said auction target and consult relevant auction data .

  3. 拍卖人应当向竞买人说明拍卖标的的瑕疵。

    The auctioneer shall state the drawbacks of auction targets to the bidders .

  4. 拍卖人有权要求委托人说明拍卖标的的来源和瑕疵。

    An auctioneers has the right to require clients to explain the source of the auction items and any defects .