
  • 网络Auction
  1. 本条例旨在对看来是以拍卖方式作出的售卖中某些行为予以禁止

    To prohibit certain practices purporting to be sales by auction .

  2. 本文针对运用拍卖方式进行公共资产的分割的情况,分析了第H页西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文成员拥有不同信息量情况下公共资产的分割。

    Common assets can be divided by auction , thus this dissertation analyzes such division when SC members acquire different amount of information about the assets .

  3. 由这两种拍卖方式的特点发现,在RD之前,若能先进行研发权的拍卖或招标,使大量资金集中于一家企业,则可增加RD成功的概率并减少浪费。

    With the characteristics of these auctions , we find that we will increase the winning probability and decrease the waste if we can sell or procure the R & D qualification initially .

  4. 纽约也开始出现这种清理一切的拍卖方式。

    The fashion for everything-must-go auctions has also reached New York .

  5. 引入拍卖方式后的人力资本定价模型分析

    Human Capital Pricing Model Analysis with Leading into the Auction Method

  6. 论国防采办的拍卖方式

    A study of the auctions in the national defense procurement

  7. 电力市场中的拍卖方式及竞标策略分析

    Analysis of auction modes and bidding strategies in electricity market

  8. 有些商品只采用拍卖方式,对吗?

    Some commodities are only sold in auction , aren 't they ?

  9. 论公共资源配置中拍卖方式的合理选择

    The Reasonable Choice of Auction Pattern in the Allocation of Public Resources

  10. 排污权拍卖方式比较研究

    An Comparative Study on Auction of Tradable Emission Permit

  11. 网络欺诈环境下3种拍卖方式的投标均衡和收益分析

    Analysis of Bidding Equilibrium and Revenue of Three Types of Auctions under Online Fraud

  12. 当市场利率平稳时,何种拍卖方式收入最大无法确定。

    When market interest rate is stable , it is still unclear which can provide the maximum revenue .

  13. 分配可以是以财富为基础,用拍卖方式。

    The allocation might be on the basis of wealth , by the use of an auction system .

  14. 早期的经济学家猜想这四种标准拍卖方式的预期收益可能是有所区别的。

    Early economists conjectured that expected prices generated by different types of auctions might differ from each other .

  15. 证明了该拍卖方式与第一价格密封连续拍卖产生相同的预期收益;

    Then , we show that the proposed auction generates the same revenue as a first-price sealed-bid sequential auction .

  16. 使用这种拍卖方式在最高竞价上不封顶,能够使拍卖品再进一步得到价值增值。

    MakeWith this type of auction the highest bid on the CAP , to make the lot further get value .

  17. 这种拍卖方式与英式拍卖的不同在于,每个买家只能出一次价。

    This type of auction is distinct from the English auction , in that bidders can only submit one bid each .

  18. 希腊政府应当放弃拍卖方式,而是像其他欧洲国家的政府那样依据其它市场的先例设定更新费用的金额。

    Athens should abandon the auction and follow its European peers by setting renewal fees as has been done in other markets .

  19. 这种拍卖方式最显著的特点在于,当前最高竞价始终对潜在的买家公开。

    The most significant distinguishing factor of this auction type is that the current highest bid is always available to potential bidders .

  20. 这种拍卖方式与首价密封拍卖基本相同,区别仅在于胜出者需要支付的价格是第二高的报价,而不是他自己的报价。

    This is identical to the sealed first-price auction except that the winning bidder pays the second highest bid rather than their own .

  21. 根据这种拍卖方式的要求,所有买家须同时提交密封好的报价,因而没有人知道其他竞买者的报价。

    In this type of auction all bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows the bid of any other participant .

  22. 考察了四种标准拍卖方式在各种环境下的效率,以及不同拍卖方式对政府出售企业收入的影响,并确定最优拍卖。

    The paper finds the optimum auction by investigating the efficiency of four different standard auctions in different environment and their effects on government .

  23. 蔬菜、水果、花卉等鲜活农产品易腐易烂不易久存,在大规模交易时尤其适合于拍卖方式。

    Agricultural products such as Vegetables , fruit , flowers and plants are easily rotten , especially suit for the auction way when large-scale transactions .

  24. 通过招标、拍卖方式租赁国有土地的,可以参照土地使用权出让的有关程序进行。

    When leasing state-owned land by bid invitation or auction , the land user shall complete similar procedures required in the transfer of land use rights .

  25. 央行人士所希望的是,通过拍卖方式将资金提供给广大金融机构,能够减少(如果说不是消除)这种焦虑。

    The hope of the central bankers is that by auctioning funds to a wide group of institutions such anxiety would diminish , if not disappear .

  26. 研究结果表明,在两种拍卖方式下,企业的利润在唯一的对称单阶段纳什均衡中能达到最小最大。

    The paper draws the conclusion that in discriminatory auction and uniform price auction , enterprises can use symmetric equilibrium collusion to get minimal optimal revenue .

  27. 如果以上数字得到证实,这将是欧洲最贵的移动牌照更新,同时,也是仅有的通过拍卖方式进行的牌照更新。

    Were these numbers to be confirmed this would be the most expensive mobile license renewal in Europe and the only one to have renewed spectrum via an auction .

  28. 他在私有价值、类型独立、对称性以及风险中性的假定条件下证明了四种标准的拍卖方式是等收益的。

    Based on the assumptions of private value , type of independent , symmetry and the risk neutral , he proved that the four standard auctions had the same revenues .

  29. 大众住房的性质和土地供求刚性关系决定大众住房的开发不宜采用土地拍卖方式。

    The character of public house and the rigid relations between land supply and demand determine that it is unsuitable to adopt land auction way in the development of public house .

  30. 基于一级密封价格拍卖方式,建立了排污权交易制度中初始排污权分配的不完全信息静态博弈模型。

    A static game model with incomplete information based on the first price sealed auction is established , which is used for selling initial permits by auction in the tradable emission permits system .