
  • 网络auction theory
  1. 此外,论文提出了基于这一拍卖理论的WiFi网络的频谱接入机制。

    Besides , this paper applies the auction theory to WiFi networks . It proposed network access algorithm in WiFi networks .

  2. 该算法的算法复杂度为O(K4+K2Nlog2N),低于同类算法的复杂度。最后,本文创新的将经济学中的等候线拍卖理论引入到无线资源分配算法设计中。

    Its complexity is O ( K4 + K2 N log2N ), which is lower than other algorithms with similar performance . Finally , this paper creatively introduces the waiting-line auction theory to algorithms design for wireless networks .

  3. 介绍了运用拍卖理论对统一价格和PAB竞价的市场效率、市场势力和策略性投标问题所做的各种分析;

    The analyses of uniform price auction and pay as bid auction based on auction theory are introduced .

  4. 基于暗标拍卖理论的最优电力竞价机制分析

    Analysis on Optimal Electric Power Bidding Mechanism based on Sealed-bid Auction

  5. 拍卖理论的最新进展&多属性网上拍卖研究

    New Research Advancement of the Theory of Auction & Multi-Attribute Auction Online

  6. 这就使得对网上拍卖理论的研究势在必行。

    It makes the research about online auction theory inevitable .

  7. 拍卖理论的研究内容、方法与展望

    The content , method and prospect of auction theory

  8. 拍卖理论提出一种看法,认为保留价格保密更好。

    Auction theory offers an argument that a secret reserve price is better .

  9. 基于拍卖理论的装备招标采购定价模型研究

    Pricing Model for Equipment Procurement Based on Auction Theory

  10. 这不是拍卖理论的一个微小疏忽。

    This is no minor oversight of auction theory .

  11. 债权拍卖理论及实务初探

    Initial Discovery of Debt Auction Theory and Practice

  12. 尽管这种方式在拍卖理论中占据重要地位,但在实际中,维克瑞拍卖方式却很少被使用。

    Although extremely important in auction theory , in practice Vickrey auctions are rarely used .

  13. 本文试图将拍卖理论用于养老基金的投资管理。

    This paper try to apply auction theory into the investment management of pension fund .

  14. 拍卖理论之课堂讲稿。

    Lecture Note on Auction Theory .

  15. 拍卖理论:有同等价值的赢家曲线以及在独立的私人价值下的收入等式。

    Auction theory : Winner 's Curse given common values and Revenue Equivalence given independent private values .

  16. 因此,拍卖理论及其应用是值得深入探讨的问题。

    So , the theory and application of the auction is a question that is worth studying .

  17. 电子商务环境下的网上拍卖理论研究

    A Study on Online Auctions

  18. 着重介绍了拍卖理论在电力市场竞价机制设计中的应用。

    The application of auction theory in electricity market auction design is focused on in this paper .

  19. 而且,许多传统的拍卖理论和假设不再适合组合拍卖。

    However , many of the traditional auction theories and hypotheses are not suitable for combinatorial auction .

  20. 拍卖理论及其在电力市场竞标设计中的应用(一)拍卖理论基础及实验研究


  21. 然而,尽管拍卖理论已经很发达,但其预测容易受到现实中一些波澜的影响。

    Yet although the theory of auctions is well-developed , its predictions are sensitive to wrinkles in reality .

  22. 本文主要研究成果如下:1.基于双向拍卖理论的竞价调度策略。

    And the main research results are as follows : 1 . Bidding scheduling strategy based on double auction theory .

  23. 但是,随着博弈论的出现和广泛应用,拍卖理论有了长足的发展。

    With the appearance of the game theory and its extensive application , the auction theory had got a considerable development .

  24. 将拍卖理论引入电力市场竞标设计,能为成功实现电力市场交易提供理论指导。

    The introduction of auction theory to power market auction design can lay a theoretical groundwork for implementation of electricity transaction .

  25. 拍卖理论最基本的内容为4种基本拍卖类型的等价性,它由收益等价定理严格表述。

    The most fundamental result of auction theory is revenue equivalence theorem , which shows the equivalence in expected revenue of different auctions .

  26. 随着采购拍卖理论与实践的发展,以价格为唯一目标的单因素拍卖方式已经不能满足现实的大型采购拍卖需要了。

    With the development of the procurement theory and practice , the single-attribute auction can not meet the needs of a large-scale procurement auction .

  27. 拍卖理论作为经济学中的一个分支,对于无线通信系统中无线资源的建模、分析、最佳化等提供了有利的工具。

    As a branch of economics , auction theory provides efficient tools to model , analyze , and optimize radio resource in wireless communication systems .

  28. 拍卖理论可以解释目前的一些交易制度并且可能提供其改进意见。

    The theoretical results in auction theory can explain the existence of certain trading institutions , and perhaps can even suggest improvements in the existing institutions .

  29. 本文以A公司为研究对象,分析讨论将拍卖理论应用于企业运输与配送服务采购中的实际问题。

    Taking A company as the research object , this thesis researches the applications of auction theory in the practical problems of transportation and distribution procurement .

  30. 拍卖理论研究的主题是定价问题,最优拍卖机制设计的目的就是为了让卖者能在交易中实现最大的期望收益。

    Pricing is the theme of auction theory . The mechanism design for optimal auction is to help the seller maximize expected revenue in the trades with buyers .