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  1. 其次,基于协整理论和Granger因果分析研究了价格与供给量、成交量和流拍率之间的关系。

    Then , based on the cointegration and Granger causality tests , the relationships between price and supply , volume or unsold rate are analyzed .

  2. 实例的收益率、供应量、成交量、流拍率等序列存在明显的ARCH效应,供货量、成交量负面效应大于正面效应,而流拍率主要呈现正面的杠杆效应。

    There exists obvious ARCH effect among the series of yield rate , supply , trading volume and unsold rate . The negative effect of supply and trading volume is bigger than positive effect , and unsold rate is mainly characterized by a positive leverage effect .

  3. 这种感觉有点像是2011年,当时由于潜在买家担忧卖方将不再通过这个网站提供内容,Hulu流拍。

    This entire experience is a bit of a rerun for Hulu , which also ran a failed auction process back in 2011 after prospective buyers worried that the sellers would no longer offer their content via the site .

  4. 此次拍卖的7件沃霍尔作品中有4件流拍。

    Four of the seven Warhols on offer went unsold .

  5. 该指数不包括流拍艺术品。

    That index excludes works that failed to sell .

  6. 44件拍品中有15件流拍,比例达34%。

    Of the 44 lots offered , 15 did not sell , or 34 percent .

  7. 中国第一拍两度流拍&博弈论的经典分析

    The Successive Abortion of No.1 Auction in China : The Classical Analysis in Game Theory

  8. 在一些地方,地方政府的土地拍卖因出价未达拍卖底价而流拍。

    In some cases , local government land auctions have failed as bids fell short of the minimum level required .

  9. 拉脱维亚的情况最为紧急,该国国债的流拍已引发人们对其货币即将贬值的担忧。

    Latvia is the most immediate concern , with a failed debt auction leading to worries of an imminent currency devaluation .

  10. 在上周的日场拍卖会上,流拍率并不比前几年高。

    At this week 's day sales , the proportion of lots that failed to sell was no higher than in previous years .

  11. 没有一个指数考虑到大宗买入的作品,或是那些因未能达到最低价格而流拍的作品。

    None of the indices take into account buy-ins , or works that fail to sell because they do not meet their reserve price .

  12. 西班牙紧步希葡两国后尘,遭遇债务评级下调,意大利则正为债券走向流拍而忧心忡忡。

    Spain 's debt was downgraded , along with Portugal 's and Greece 's , and Italy came worryingly close to a failed debt auction .

  13. 有些人主张对该部门采取更严厉的做法。其实2008年时华为就打算处置该业务并举行了拍卖,只是因为未能吸引到足够多的投标企业而流拍。

    Some advocate tougher action for the unit , which remains part of Huawei only because an abortive auction in 2008 failed to attract enough bidders .

  14. 去年12月和今年1月份北京的两次土地拍卖被迫流拍,原因是拍卖未能吸引到规定所要求的至少3位竞拍者。

    Two land auctions in Beijing , one in December and one in January , had to be aborted because they failed to attract the minimum three bidders .

  15. 可遗憾的是,该地块在12月2日因为竞买人数不足取消拍卖后,此次又因竞买人出价未达到拍卖底价而遗憾流拍。

    Unfortunately , this turf was not again sold for bidding price didn 't reach floor price after its auction failed on Dec2 for the lack of bidders .

  16. 其次,研究了不同佣金方式下的最优保留价、卖方期望收益和投标者报价,并讨论了卖方估价与流拍处理机制问题。

    Secondly , it discusses the setting of optimal reservation price under different commission strategies , and focuses on the problems of the sellers ' valuation and unsold handling mechanisms .

  17. 本月早些时候,在山东省会济南举行的11宗地块拍卖流拍,剩下的两宗土地则以低价成交。

    In Jinan , capital of Shandong province , nine of the 11 land plots put up for auction earlier this month were unsold and the remaining two went cheaply .

  18. 对这次失败的拍卖,德国政府很可能并不在乎:它们总是量入为出的为自己的债务定价,即便在困难时期,偶尔的债券流拍也无伤大雅。

    The German government can probably shrug off a failed auction : it likes to price its bonds as richly as it can , and occasionally cannot sell all it would like , even in untroubled times .

  19. 如果人们对政府债券的担忧变得更加严重比如,某几次拍卖流拍,或者发生政治动荡那么完全有可能出现糟糕得多的情况,对政府财务的信心将崩溃。

    If government bond jitters turn more serious say , if some auctions fail or there is serious political instability it is entirely possible to imagine a far darker scenario , in which faith collapses in government finance .

  20. 这一点在去年得到了证明:由于各国为了纾困银行而大举发行国债,以及经济财政方案开始充斥市场,德国和英国的国债拍卖均曾出现流拍。

    This was demonstrated last year when both Germany and the UK saw government bond auctions fail as the overwhelming supply of sovereign debt to pay for bank bail-outs and economic fiscal packages began to swamp the market .

  21. 房地产经纪公司中原地产(centaline)表示,2011年有近900宗土地流标流拍,约是2010年的3倍。

    Nearly 900 land auctions failed in 2011 , about three times more than in 2010 , Centaline , a property company , said .

  22. 一次,还是在那片小树林里,静流提出要拍一张接吻的照片,拿去参加比赛。

    One time , still in that woods , Shizuru asks to take a kissing photo for a match .