
  • 网络Process management
  1. 用户可以自定义继电保护整定单流程控制,实现了整定计算功能同整定单流程化管理的有机结合,减少了维护管理信息的工作量。

    Users could self-defined flow control of relay protection setting , which not only realize the combination of setting calculation function and process management of setting , but also reduce work capacity of maintenance management information .

  2. 提出3种方法,即模块化设计、参数化配置和流程化管理,用其构造和管理BOM。

    They are modularized design , parameter configuration and flow management .

  3. 结论运用项目流程化管理,能够充分利用现有资源,提高CHS的工作效率和质量。

    Conclusion Processed project management can make the best use of limited resources to raise efficiency and quality of CHS .

  4. 其中还将流程化管理的思想与方法创新的引入到对GKA的客户关系管理方案之中,实现了研究层次的提升。

    Among that it brings routing management ideas and methods of the innovation into the scheme of GKA introduced to the customer relations management of GKA , realizing ascension of the research level .

  5. 树状图流程化管理在手术室新护士能力培训中的应用

    Application of tree management in the operating room new nurse training

  6. 集中式电信业务保障操作平台的流程化管理

    Centralized Workflow Management for Operations Platform of Telecom Service Assurance

  7. 另外,系统对几个关键业务实现了流程化管理,针对性的实现了对业务的精细化管理。

    In addition , system makes several key business process management refined .

  8. 社区卫生服务项目流程化管理研究(一)&实施策略

    Processed management study of items in community health service

  9. 项目流程化管理在社区干预中的应用

    Application of Processed Project Management in Community Intervention

  10. 基于网络和档案系统创建生产过程流程化管理

    Creating a management flow for production process based on network and file management system

  11. 流程化管理与商业银行的实践

    Functional Management and Commercial Banks ' Practice

  12. 计划流程化管理信息系统的开发

    Development of Plan Flow Management Information Systems

  13. 浅谈审判流程化管理

    Brief Remarks on Trial Procedure Management

  14. 利用信息技术实现济钢进出口业务的流程化管理

    Using Information Technology to Achieve the Processed Management of Import and Export Business in Jinan Steel

  15. 期刊文摘加工流程化管理的技术实现网络环境下科技期刊办刊模式创新探讨&《以农业工程学报》为例

    The Realization of Streamline Management of Periodicals'Abstracts Data-processing Discussion on innovative running modes of sci-tech journals in network environment

  16. 目的对社区卫生服务的需要项目和发展状态进行研究,奠定流程化管理基础。

    Objective Study the items in order and developing status in community health service and settle the processed management base for community health service .

  17. 实施社区卫生服务项目流程化管理是提高社区卫生服务社会效益和经济效益的较佳途径。

    To actualize the processed management of items in community health service is the best approach which advances the social benefit and economy benefit in community health service .

  18. 由于软件项目中的需求变更而导致软件项目失败的案例越来越多,所以解决需求变更的问题已经被许多软件公司列入了重要的流程化管理中。

    The number of software projects which are in troubles because of the requirement changes during the development is increasing , so that many software companies have put how to solve the problems of the requirement changes into their critical flowing management .

  19. 潍坊市高新区征地拆迁与房屋安置管理系统将从征地、拆迁、补偿、房屋安置四个方面对征地拆迁工作进行系统化,数字化,流程化管理。

    The management system of land expropriation demolition and housing resettlement of Wei fang High-tech Zone , will work from land expropriation , demolition , compensation , housing resettlement of four aspects to systematic , digitization and process standardization of management for land expropriation demolition works .

  20. 其中重点讨论系统如何利用工作流技术实现资产业务的流程化管理,从而有效地保证了资产数据的完整、一致和准确,使资产台账数据在各管理环节同步起来。

    Among them , how to apply the workflow technique to realize processed management of the assets business is discussed . It can ensure the assets data correct , whole and consistent . At last , the disadvantages of the system which we design are discussed .

  21. 本系统的运行,极大地提高了合同流程化管理的效率,规范了合同管理流程,它将对航遥中心信息化建设和提升其管理水平作出应用的贡献。

    It meets the needs of design and realizes the aim of project design . The operation of the system greatly enhanced the efficiency of the process of Contract Management and standardizes the management of Contract Process , which will upgrade its level of Informatization and Management of AGRS .

  22. 医院流程化进阶管理模式下的人力资源管理

    Human Resource Management under Model of Hospital 's Business Proceed Management

  23. 医院流程化进阶管理在医疗质量评价中的应用

    Application of the Improving Management of Hospital Business Process Pattern in Evaluation of Medical Quality

  24. 这个系统模型将侦查情报的分析过程进行流程化的管理,并将上述分析方法整合成为一个分析系统。

    The system model investigation intelligence analysis process is to streamline the management and integration of the above analysis into an analysis system .

  25. 这种传统的管理办法耗时费力、很难实现信息的快速提取,对出访、来访活动也很难进行动态跟踪、也难以配合其他管理系统进行流程化的管理。

    This traditional management is consuming time , and difficult to achieve the rapid extraction of information on the tour , activities are also difficult to track dynamically .

  26. 绩效管理是一项体系化、流程化的管理项目,而且,绩效管理也是一门应用型科学,没有任何一套绩效管理方案可以做到放之四海皆可。

    Performance management is a systematic project , and performance management is an applied science . There is no " one-size-fits-all " performance management scheme can be achieve .

  27. 在此基础上设计实现严格的流程化体系管理,达到对工作过程的标准化,以避免在计算机实现中发生冲突、漏项等。

    On the basic , strict flow-like system management is realized , standard work process is obtained , and also conflict and leak in the computer can be avoided .

  28. 本文探讨了工程设计流程智能化管理,指出了建立工程项目设计流程管理模型的方法,以及系统的详细分析与设计。

    The paper discusses the principle of engineering design , points the way of setting up management model of engineering item design and the detailed analysis and design of the system .

  29. 本文通过对发电企业物资超市管理模式的研究,以推动对发电企业物流进行全方位流程化的管理,强化企业成本控制,提升市场竞争力。

    Study on material supermarket management pattern can help the power plants run logistics in full direction and process , stimulating to control the cost and improving the market competitive ability .

  30. 网管系统的发展必将具备逐步具备面向业务和客户的管理功能,具有流程化的管理模式,为快速满足客户要求,提高企业竞争力提供决策基础和数据。

    In the future , the NMS should become a service-driven and customer-driven system which also contains some routine management process , in order to give quick response to the requirement , and provide decision data for the operators .