
mǎi bàn
  • comprador
买办 [mǎi bàn]
  • (1) [comprador]

  • (2) 旧时官府或豪富人家中管采购、办杂务的人

  • (3) 替外国资本家在本国市场上经营商业、银行业、保险业、工矿业、运输业等的中间人和经纪人

  • 一时船上买办来了,账房的人也到了。--《二十年目睹之怪现状》

买办[mǎi bàn]
  1. 中国加入WTO后特定的历史条件下,新买办具有滋生的可能性。

    There is the possibility of the breeding of the new comprador under the specific historical conditions after China 's entering WTO .

  2. 二十世纪前期买办制度的成熟买办经济状况的变化首先是由于买办制度的变化。

    I. The maturity of comprador system in early twentieth century .

  3. 买办与中国近代股份制的兴起

    Compradors and the Rise of the Share-Holding System in Modern China

  4. 买办对近代中国经济发展起了相当的促进作用。

    Compradors dramatically promoted the economic development of modern China .

  5. 买办郑观应的爱国意识和民族资本家的本质

    Comprador ZHENG Guan-ying 's Patriotic Consciousness and National Capitalist Nature

  6. 本文最后对银行买办做了总体评价。

    At last , the thesis makes an overall appraisal of compradors .

  7. 他是上海非常有实力的买办资本家。

    He is a comprador capitalist with strong economic power in Shanghai .

  8. 近代买办与晚清民族保险业

    Modern Comprador and the National Insurance of China in Late Qing Dynasty

  9. 第一部分是关于买办研究的学术史回顾及本文写作的理论基础;

    Part I reviews the related studies and theories ;

  10. 买办与中国民族资本主义的发展

    Comprador Class and Development of National Capitalist in China

  11. 服务于外资企业的买办利用买办职业积累下来的资金,经营着许多新式企业,他们不仅形成了较为完善的买办制度,而且吸收了西方大量先进的企业管理思想。

    The comprador working in foreign enterprise managed many new-style enterprises utilizing comprador .

  12. 这里主要谈的是上层或者买办资产阶级。

    We have been speaking here mainly about the upper or comprador bourgeoisie .

  13. 第二个部分简述一下买办产生、发展和灭亡的历史过程;

    Part II narrates the history of comprador creation , development and extinction ;

  14. 地主阶级和买办阶级。

    The landlord class and the comprador class .

  15. 西方新式企业制度得以移植中国,买办商人在近代企业制度创新中发挥了重要作用。

    They did play an important role in the systematic innovation of modern enterprises .

  16. 第四章:论述买办在近代金融业中的地位和作用。

    Chapter 4 : To discuss compradors ' status and function in financial industry .

  17. 买办研究是有助于我们了解近代中国的一个重要课题。

    Exploration on the comprador is an important topic to understand modern age China .

  18. 再探买办兴起的原因买办与中国航运业的近代化

    A Discussion on The Reasons for The Rising of The Chinese Compradors in Modern Times

  19. 买办与中国近代社会阶层的变迁

    The Relationship Between the Compradors and the Changes of Chinese Social Strata in Modern Times

  20. 论近代上海买办的教育背景

    Educational Background of Comprador in Modern Shanghai

  21. 试析近代买办对民族保险业的投资和经营

    The Compradors ' Investment and Management of the Insurance from 1840 to 1919 in China

  22. 令人惊奇的是,哈马斯在大选中的获胜让这种买办阶级做法原形毕现。

    The victory of Hamas in the elections has caught this comprador class by surprise .

  23. 因此,中国的带买办性的大资产阶级历来都是革命的对象。

    Hence the comprador Chinese big bourgeoisie has always been a target of the revolution .

  24. 经纪人简称买办,买办贩卖的当然是买办经济学!

    Comprador agent referred to , of course , the sale of comprador comprador economics !

  25. 买办资产阶级始终是帝国主义的走狗,革命的对象。

    The comprador-bourgeoisie is always a running dog of imperialism and a target of the revolution .

  26. 买办和绅商是近代商业社会中的两大新兴群体。

    The compradors , gentry merchants were two newly rising classes of the modern commercial society .

  27. 有一次,他到了没有钱买办画展用的帆布的窘境。

    Once , there was not enough money to buy canvases to put together a show .

  28. 买办是近代中国社会新出现的一个群体,是西方资本主义侵略中国的产物。

    The comprador is a new social class emerging in modern China , led by western invasion .

  29. 近代中国外商银行买办群体分析

    Group Analyses of the Foreign Bank Compradors in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

  30. 例如,过去中国的买办资产阶级,有亲英、亲美的和亲日的。

    For instance , in the past the Chinese comprador-bourgeoisie consisted of pro-British , pro-U.S. and pro-Japanese groups .