
  • 网络Dealer;auto dealer;a car dealer;Car dealerships
  1. 其他上榜的新富包括“化肥”大亨亚历山大•罗夫特、Patron龙舌兰酒业集团创始人约翰•保尔•德约里尔和汽车经销商兼艺术收藏家诺曼•布拉曼。

    Newcomers ranged from fertilizer tycoon Alexander Rovt to Patron tequila founder John Paul DeJoria and Norman Braman , the car dealer and art collector .

  2. 汽车经销商集团开展服务备件集中采购的分析与建议

    The Analysis and Proposal for Centralized Procurement in Auto Dealer Group

  3. 汽车经销商预期汽车销量会进一步攀升。

    Motor traders are looking forward to a further increase in vehicle sales .

  4. 这家汽车经销商拥有数量庞大的二手车。

    The car dealership has a large inventory of used cars .

  5. 这家美国集团还可能从其所持的汽车经销商广汇汽车(ChinaGrandAuto)股份中得到更高回报,广汇汽车预期将从计划进行的上市中筹资至少10亿美元。

    The US group could make even more from its stake in car dealership China Grand Auto , which is expected to raise at least $ 1bn from a planned public listing .

  6. 1月,怡和集团以7.31亿美元收购了汽车经销商中升集团(ZhongshengGroup)20%的股权。

    In January , the group bought a one-fifth stake in Zhongsheng Group , a car dealership , for $ 731m .

  7. 现在,汽车经销商们正在组建它们自己的协会来迫使宝马(BMW)和大众(Volkswagen)等公司作出让步。

    Dealers are now forming their own associations to extract concessions from companies such as BMW and Volkswagen .

  8. TPG还可能从其所持的汽车经销商广汇汽车(ChinaGrandAuto)的股份中收获更多利润,广汇汽车预期将在未来几个月内上市,筹资至少10亿美元。

    TPG may garner even more from its stake in car dealership China Grand Auto , which is expected to raise at least a $ 1bn when it lists in the coming months .

  9. 一些汽车经销商已表示存在缺货现象,大众汽车(volkswagen)和通用汽车(generalmotors)等西方汽车制造商,不得不大幅增加在华合资企业的产量,以满足当地需求。

    Some car dealerships have reported shortages of vehicles and Western carmakers such as Volkswagen and general motors have had to increase production sharply at their Chinese joint ventures to meet local demand .

  10. 此外,保时捷家族和皮耶希家族可能将他们全资拥有的SalzburgHolding并入保时捷公司。Salzburg是全球最大的汽车经销商之一。

    The Porsche and Pich clans could also bring their fully owned Salzburg Holding one of the world 's largest car dealerships into Porsche .

  11. CHERNOFF:丰田汽车经销商表示,大部分顾客仍然对丰田的品牌非常忠诚。

    CHERNOFF : Toyota dealers say the vast majority of customers are remaining loyal to their brand .

  12. Royce指出对每款车每个汽车经销商会有一个愿意接受的明确最小利润。

    Each car dealership has a specific minimum profit that they are willing to accept on each car , Royce points out .

  13. 北卡罗莱纳州伊丽莎白城(ElizabethCity)的一家现代汽车经销商的总经理布伦特•布尔(BrentBuhl)表示:我们投放了大量广告,规模超过以往。

    Brent Buhl , general manager of a Hyundai dealership in Elizabeth City , North Carolina , said : We 're doing a lot of advertising , more than in the past .

  14. 全美汽车经销商协会(nada)本周早些时候发起了一项运动,反对克莱斯勒及其竞争对手通用汽车和福特(ford)收缩经销网络的计划。

    The National Automotive Dealers Association launched a campaign earlier this week against efforts by Chrysler and rivals General Motors and Ford to shrink the size of their networks .

  15. 去年,中国反垄断监管部门曾突访微软(Microsoft)4个办事处、调查芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm),并称要就价格垄断处罚奥迪(Audi)及一些宝马(BMW)汽车经销商。

    During the past year , Chinese anti-monopoly watchdogs raided four Microsoft offices , investigated chip maker Qualcomm , and vowed to punish Audi and several BMW dealers for essentially charging unfair prices .

  16. 但这座购物中心的租户只有一家宾利(Bentley)汽车经销商、一间影院和这家餐厅,而贷款利率高达40%。

    But the mall 's only tenants are a Bentley car dealership , movie theater and the restaurant & and the loan 's interest rate is a steep 40 % .

  17. BILLRINKER,圣塔莫尼卡丰田汽车经销商:如果要说出准确的数字的话,95%的顾客仍然非常积极。

    BILL RINKER , TOYOTA SANTA MONICA : 95 percent , I would say , if I was to pull a number out , have been , you know , very positive .

  18. 于是,除了Geico等保险商以外,伯克希尔还拥有铁路、租赁公司、建筑商、汽车经销商以及其它很多坚实、平凡、稳定的企业。

    Thus , as well as insurers such as Geico , Berkshire owns railways , leasing companies , housebuilders , auto dealerships and many other solid , mundane , steady operations .

  19. 汽车经销商们自身也有月度指标完成。

    The car dealerships themselves also have monthly quotas to hit .

  20. 罗斯科·谢勒是美国第一代汽车经销商

    Roscoe Sheller is one of America 's pioneer car dealers .

  21. 恼人的嗡嗡声困扰着伊利诺斯州这家汽车经销商。

    It 's been the buzz at this Illinois car dealership .

  22. 汽车经销商销售能力提升的系统研究

    A Systemic Study on Sales Power Rise of Vehicle Dealers

  23. 这个城市有好几个二手汽车经销商。

    There are several second-hand automobile dealers in the city .

  24. 汽车经销商业务组合决策研究

    A Study on the Decision about the Business Combination to the Automobile Dealer

  25. 基于能力与忠诚度的汽车经销商竞争力评价矩阵研究

    A Study on Vehicle Dealers Competitiveness Evaluation Matrix Based on Capability and Loyalty

  26. 他是个汽车经销商,他曾做过一次广告。

    He was a car dealer and he had once made an advertisement .

  27. S公司汽车经销商品牌战略探讨

    Research on Car Dealer Brand Strategy of S Company

  28. 汽车经销商销售能力评价指标体系

    Evaluation Index System of Sales Ability of Automobile Dealers

  29. 格雷是一个汽车经销商,他曾经做过一次广告。

    Grey was a car dealer and he had once made an advertisement .

  30. 中国汽车经销商也要求供应商给予更多财务上的支持。

    Chinese car dealers have also demanded greater financial support from their suppliers .