
  • 网络flow-of-funds analysis;flow-of-fund analysis;Flow of Fund Analysis;funds flow analysis
  1. 资金流量分析方法的局限性分析及解决办法

    The Research on Solutions and Limitations of Method of Flow of Funds Analysis

  2. 中国资金流量分析

    The Analysis of China 's Flow of Fund

  3. 资金流量分析方法的发展和应用

    A Survey of Flow - of-Funds Analysis

  4. 在此情形下,传统实体经济的资金流量分析方法及其风险监控指标体系已不能反映整个经济发展的现实。

    Under such circumstance , the traditional capital flow analysis model and the risk-monitoring indicator system can not reflect the reality of the economic development .

  5. 尤其是世界各国频繁爆发的金融危机更是表明了基于传统资金流量分析法建立经济稳定的指标体系并不能对当代经济稳定进行有效的预警与监测。

    The frequent eruptions of financial crises in many countries especially points to the inadequacy to build the indicator system using traditional capital flow analysis for the effective warning and monitoring of today 's economic stabilization .

  6. 评估收益分成的最隹方法是利用资金流量分析进行详细的经济模拟,但针对矿区使用费&税收制和产量分成合同制可以分别采用相应的快速估算方法。

    The optimal method of evaluating the profit split is to conduct detailed economic simulations by means of cash flow analysis ; the corresponding quick estimation method , related to royalty / tax systems and production-sharing contracts , may be adopted concurrently .

  7. 文中运用资金流量分析法研究各经济部门之间的资金流动情况,并侧重于金融部门中银行、证券和保险三业的资金来源以及资金运用,以期揭示各金融子部门的作用和效率。

    It analyzes the flow of funds between various economic sectors , with special focus on the sources and uses of funds in banking , securities and insurance industries of the financial sector , aiming to discover the functions and efficiency of those sub-sectors in financial areas .

  8. 中国低消费率问题探究&1992-2005年中国资金流量表的分析

    A Study of Low Consumption Rate of China : Analysis of Flow of Funds Account of China from 1992 to 2005

  9. 资金流量的投入产出分析

    INVEST An Analysis about I / O on the Flow-Funds

  10. 资金流动理论研究的目的是对资金流量进行分析与预测,为宏观经济调控提供决策依据。

    To study the fund movement theory is to analyze and forecast fund flow , to serve the macroeconomic adjustment .

  11. 从基金资金总流量和基金非预期资金总流量的对比分析中发现了预期资金在基金防范流动性风险中所起的重要作用,能够抵消投资者净赎回对投资组合的一定影响。

    And the anticipated mutual fund flow surely plays an important role in counteracting a part of the effect in fund 's portfolio from the investors ' redemption behavior and then keeping the open-funds ' liquidity risk away .

  12. 中国部门间资金流动的特点与模式:基于资金流量金融表的分析

    The Characteristics and Module of China 's Inter-Sector Flow of Fund & Analysis Based on Flow of Funds Accounts