- 网络asset and liability method;asset/liability method

At first introducing the balance sheet method and deferred ratio method clearly , and comparing the similarities and differences of these methods .
The procedures above describe the balance sheet approach to estimating and recording credit losses .
In past years , many small companies used the income statement approach in preparing monthly financial statements , but used the balance sheet method in annual financial statements .
On the Proper Stability in Debt Law of Balance Sheet
Income-statement Liability Method and its Relation to Balance-sheet Liability Method
New income tax accounting standards adopted comprehensively balance sheet debt law .
Thoughts of Income Tax Auditing Adopting Balance Sheet - liability Method in China
When confirming the project of financial sheet , two methods orders are just opposite .
The former focuses on the temporary differences while the latter emphasizes on the timing differences .
The enactment of the new2006 income tax accounting standards established by the comprehensive balance sheet debt law .
Balance sheet liability method and income statement liability method are two kinds of methods of income tax accounting disposal .
There exists the dispute of Balance Sheet-Liability Method and Profit Statement-Liability Method in the income tax auditing method in our country .
However , many problems still exist in reality , so that the implementation of balance sheet liability method will face more challenges .
This dissertation first introduces traditional enterprise valuation methods , such as methods based-on balance sheet or earnings statement or invisible assets and discounting net cash flow .
The new standards eliminated the payable tax method and tax-effect-accounting method ( deferral method and income statement liability method ), and required adopting balance sheet liability method .
Firstly , based on the balance sheet liability method under the new accounting standards , this article describes the accounting principles and accounting procedures of income tax .
The basic theories about the balance sheet liability method and the income statement liability method are both from the owner 's equity theories , but the emphasis is different .
Because Balance Sheet Liability method extends the concept of time difference by temporary difference , it advantages over other methods by providing relevant and comparable information complying with accounting objection .
After that , by the theory and the contrast analysis , the writer illustrates taxes payable method , deferred method , income statement liability method and balance sheet liability method .
The last part is conclusion , under the balance sheet liability method of income tax in consolidated accounting statement processing are summarized , and combining the current situation of economic development put forward research prospects .
One of the main changes of the newly issued China accounting standards is to insist upon debt method based on balance sheet , which is in agreement with the mainstream of international income tax accounting processing methods .
Empirical test confirmed that deferred income tax expense does become one of the profit smoothing means , That is the balance sheet liability method have significant incremental effect on the listed companies ' behavior of profits Smoothing .
This article firstly detailed analyses various opinion and critics of Balance Sheet-Liability Method based on comparative research on two kinds of income tax auditing method , then demonstrates necessity and operation significance of adopting Balance Sheet-Liability Method currently in our country .
From " Deal with the tax law " to " balance sheet debt method " is a skip-type transformation , which means that we need to do further research on the income tax accounting standards to to strengthen the guidance of practice .
Last , on the basis of previous illustration , the writer analyzes the current situation in the use of income tax accounting treatment methods , and draws a conclusion that the balance sheet liability method is the most suitable method for us to use .
However , this paper , form an accounting perspective , analyzes the underlying theory on balance sheet liability approach of accounting for income taxes , the temporary differences and recognizing , measuring , reporting of deferred tax according to requirement of International Financial Reporting Standards No.
Understand how to derive the indirect SCF from the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet .
With the change of the accounting environment , the asset-liability view take place of the income-expense view gradually . Thus , Balance sheet liability method appeared to confirm temporary difference , China proposed this method in the latest income tax standard .