
zī běn yuán shǐ jī lěi
  • primitive accumulation of capital
  1. “三农问题”与资本原始积累

    The Problems of the Countryside , Agriculture and the Peasant and the Primitive Accumulation of Capital

  2. 从封建经济制度到资本主义经济制度的巨大变革过程中,资本原始积累起了非常重要的作用。

    During the great reform course from feudalism economy system to capitalist economy system , the primitive accumulation of capital has taken great effect .

  3. 资本原始积累的历史进步性及其启示

    The Historical Advancement Significance and Revelation of the Primitive Capital Accumulation

  4. 对于这个‘资本原始积累’我有自己的解说。

    I 've my own explanation for the'Primitive Accumulation ' .

  5. 改革开放:中国私营资本原始积累的大环境

    Reform and Opening-up : Macroenvironment for the Original Accumulation of the Private Capital

  6. 马克思资本原始积累理论对中国的适用性分析

    The Theory on Marx 's Capital Original Accumulation

  7. 当代中国私营资本原始积累的历史必然性及现实基础

    The Inevitability of China 's Original Accumulation of Private Capital and Its Real Basis in the World of Today

  8. 托马斯·孟等人的重商主义经济思想大大促进了商品货币关系的发展,加速了资本原始积累,为资本主义生产方式的确立创造了必要的条件。

    And the economic thought of Thomas Mun had promoted capital accumulation , created the necessary conditions of capitalism mode of production .

  9. 近代资本主义在其资本原始积累、自由资本主义和垄断资本主义三个发展阶段中,推行了内容不尽相同的殖民政策。

    Modern capitalist pursued the different policies at the three stages of development-capital primitive accumulation , non - monopoly capitalism , and monopoly capitalism .

  10. 经过近20年的发展后,我国家族企业已基本完成了资本原始积累,开始陆续进入追求规模经济效益的成长阶段。

    After twenty years ' development , family enterprises in our country have finished capital accumulation and enter into the stage of pursuing economics of scale .

  11. 在明清时期,粮食贸易是晋商进行资本原始积累的基本途径。

    In Ming and Qing dynasty grain trade was the basic source of capital accumulation , and had an essential contribution to the success of Shanxi businessmen .

  12. 我国民营企业特别是处于快速成长期的中小型民营钢铁贸易企业,在某种程度上还是处于资本原始积累时期。

    In private enterprises in particular is in a fast growing medium-sized private steel trade enterprises , to some extent or in the original capital accumulation period .

  13. 在近代日本赖以创汇的产业中,制丝业一直独占鳌头,对日本的资本原始积累和产业资本的形成、发展起过重大作用。

    Silk industry dominated the export oriented industries in modern Japan , and contributed to the primitive accumulation of capital and the formation and increase of industrial capital .

  14. 三是封建君主一反农本传统,采取重商主义政策,借以促进海外贸易和殖民扩张,鼓励资本原始积累。

    Third , the monarchies abandoned the tradition of agricultural economy and took the policy of mercantilism to promote overseas trade , colonial expansion and the original capital accumulation .

  15. 当前众多的民营企业已经完成了资本原始积累,告别早期的生产模式和组织模式,希望向现代企业制度和治理机制转化,获得长久发展。

    At present numerous private enterprises have finished primitive capital accumulation , depart from forepart production and organization pattern and expect transferring into modern enterprise system and corporate structure .

  16. 这种剥夺包含一系列的暴力方法,其中我们只考察了那些具有划时代意义的资本原始积累的方法。

    It comprises a series of forcible methods , of which we have passed in review only those that have been epoch-making as methods of the primitive accumulation of capital .

  17. 我国“三农问题”的严重性,是和我国农民所承受的繁重的资本原始积累任务联系在一起的。

    The gravity of the problems of the countryside , agriculture and the peasant in China is related to Chinese peasants ' arduous task of the primitive accumulation of capital .

  18. 伴随中国私营经济而发生的私营资本原始积累,对中国的经济社会发展,对加速中国的社会主义现代化建设,是功绩卓著的。

    The original accumulation of the private capital along with China 's private economy is meritorious to China ′ s economic social development and also to the construction of China 's socialist modernization .

  19. 马克思的资本原始积累理论,是马克思主义政治经济学理论体系的重要组成部分,是马克思资本积累理论的重要基础。

    The theory on Marx 's capital original accumulation is an important part of the system of Marxist economic theory , is an important fundation of the theory on Marx 's capital original accumulation .

  20. 完成资本原始积累以后,开始加大投资力度拓展国内市场,研发自主品牌,通过多种方式做大主业规模。

    After accomplishing the accumulation of seed capital , they increased investment to expand domestic market , and to develop independent brand names , by various means to enlarge the scale of major works .

  21. 美国的西进运动不仅促进了美国资本主义发展的资本原始积累过程,也极大地促进了美国西部地区的广泛开发和美国经济的快速发展。

    American westward movement was not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the development of capitalism , but the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the West and rapid development of economy .

  22. 因此在资本原始积累阶段,将会出现大量农民被迫离开土地,成为「自由」的劳动力。

    It is , therefore , often a highly visible character of the stage of the primitive accumulation of capital that large amount of peasants are forced to leave the land to become " free " laborers .

  23. 因此,必须坚持历史唯物主义的态度,正确认识资本原始积累历史进步意义,以及在社会主义初级阶段所表现出来的新特征和新规律。

    Therefore , we must maintain the attitude toward historical materialism and realize the historical advancement significance of the primitive accumulation capital as well as the new characters and new rules in the primary stage of the socialism .

  24. 在城市化与全球化结出发展硕果的同时,资本原始积累的完成与社会层级的分化并肩,资源环境的破坏与弱势群体的出现接踵。

    As the development of urbanization and globalization bear fruits , there also comes the completion of the primitive accumulation of capital and the differentiation of social hierarchy , the destruction of the environment and the emergence of the vulnerable groups .

  25. 我国资本原始积累的主要形式是:强制性低价收购农产品、强制性低价征用农民土地、强制性压低农民工工资和福利待遇。

    The major forms of the capital accumulation includes coerced purchasing of agricultural products at low prices , coerced taking over the land from the farmers , and coerced lowering the wage rate as well as the social welfare of the farmers .

  26. 当代中国并不存在劳动者被剥夺或劳动者同其生产资料所有权相分离的过程,但却存在作为资本主义生产方式前提与起点的资本原始积累。

    In China , the workers never be deprived and the labors never depart from the ownership of productive means at present , but there existing anyhow the capital original accumulation which are the precondition and starting point of capitalist productive mode .

  27. 本文拟从社会环境、英国君主立宪制的确立、优越的自然条件、资本原始积累的完成、对外贸易、生产技术已经成熟、自然科学的进步等七个方面做综合探讨。

    This paper synthetically analyzes the reasons from the following seven aspects : social environment , the establishment of constitutional monarchy , superior natural condition , accomplishment of primitive accumulation , foreign trade , mature productive technology and progress of natural science .

  28. 晚清在早期现代化建设过程中,无论是对内还是对外的资本原始积累的政策路径都出现了严重失误,从而导致早期现代化建设的失败与清帝国的败亡。

    In the early process of the construction of modernization in Qing Dynasty , serious mistakes occurred about the policy routes for primitive accumulation of capital whether at home or abroad , therefore leading the failure of early construction of modernization and the decline of the Qing Empire .

  29. 工艺品出口加工行业是劳动密集型行业,资本的原始积累一般都是通过做贴牌生产,即OEM来完成的。

    Handicraft export processing industry is a labor-intensive industry and the primitive accumulation of capital is usually achieved through OEM .

  30. 其二,在同外国企业合作或做OEM代工过程中,积累经验的同时,完成企业资本的原始积累。

    Second , they gathered experience and completed primary capital accumulation in the process of cooperation with foreign enterprises or production for OEM .