
  1. 资本主义积累的一般规律

    General law of capitalist accumulation

  2. 一些国家通过殖民掠夺完成了资本主义原始积累;

    Some completed their capitalist primitive accumulation through colonization and plundering ;

  3. 当然,与资本主义原始积累时期的劳动力商品的产生和买卖关系相比较,后者还是有些新的特点。

    When comparing with the relations between production and trade of labour force commodity during the first accumulation period of the capitalism , the later has some new features .

  4. 这种趋势对资本主义的社会积累结构产生了重要影响。

    This tendency has important influences on The Social Structure of Accumulation ( SSA ) .

  5. 资本论说:资本主义‘原始积累只不过是生产者和生产资料分离的历史过程’,更是颠倒了历史。

    In words : 'primitive accumulation , therefore , is nothing else than the historical process of divorcing the producer from the means of production . 'The'Capital'turn upside down the history order .

  6. 重商主义产生于封建社会末期自然经济瓦解、资本主义开始原始积累的时期,是一种代表商业资产阶级利益的经济学说与政策体系。

    Mercantilism originates in the period of disintegration of natural economy and primitive accumulation of capital at the end of feudal society , which is a economic theory and policy system representing the interests of commercial capitalist class .

  7. 经济危机的频繁爆发表明经济全球化并不能使资本主义解决其不断积累和加深的基本矛盾。

    Frequent outbreaks of economic crises show that economic globalization can not resolve the capitalist basic contradiction which is accumulating and deepening by degrees .

  8. 其具体表现是:资本主义生产目的的两重性,资本主义国有经济的两重性,资本主义社会福利和社会保障的两重性;资本主义财富积累的两重性等。

    The detailed representations are : dualism of capitalistic goals of industry , dualism of capitalistic state-owned economy , dualism of capitalistic social welfare and social security , dualism of capitalistic wealth accumulation etc.