
  • 网络Financing;monetary circulation
  1. 在现代社会,该制度对于资金融通与经济发展的作用不容忽视。

    In modern times , its effect on financing and economy developing is unassailable .

  2. 寿险产品具有经济补偿、资金融通和社会管理功能。

    Life insurance products have the functions of financial compensation , financing and social management .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,国内商业银行面临国际、国内双重竞争的压力,而票据市场作为短期资金融通的场所,是货币市场的重要组成部分。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the national commercial bank face pressure of competition both from international and internal market .

  4. 国际银团贷款是国际资金融通的重要方式之一。

    International syndicated loan is one of main methods of international finance .

  5. 票据市场是货币市场的组成部分之一,它在货币市场乃至整个金融市场中占有十分重要的地位,因为票据不仅具有汇兑、支付和结算的功能,而且具有信用和资金融通的功能。

    MARKET Note Market is one part of Money Market .

  6. 小企业资金融通问题与对策

    Fund - raising Problems of Small Enterprises and Countermeasures

  7. 企业的资金融通、筹集是现代企业正常运转的基础和前提条件。

    Raising money is the base and premise of modern companies ' operation .

  8. 证券市场与期货市场的最大的区别是前者是资金融通的场所,后者是风险交易的中心。

    There is important difference between the futures markets and the securities markets .

  9. 农村金融,泛指农村领域内的一切货币资金融通活动。

    Rural finance , generally refers to all circulations of money in rural areas .

  10. 种子资金融通的来源是谁?他们寻找什么?

    Who are the sources of seed financing and what are they looking for ?

  11. 在拥有现代化金融体系的市场经济中,以货币为媒介的商品交易以及相伴随的资金融通是社会经济活动的基本形式。

    Transactions are paid in monetary form in market economy with modern financial system .

  12. 特别是资金融通,是中小企业发展面临的最大瓶颈。

    Especially financing is the biggest " bottleneck " during development of small and medium-sized enterprises .

  13. 房地产公司间的竞争力更多体现在企业的资金融通和运用方面的能力的差异。

    The competition between real estate companies mainly consists in the ability of capital financing and management .

  14. 经济补偿、资金融通和社会管理功能等共同构成现代保险的功能体系。

    Economic compensation , capital financing and social management altogether constitute the functional system of modern insurance .

  15. 对如何营造国内飞机租赁市场的市场环境,包括健全法规、实施鼓励性政策以及构建资金融通渠道等方面提出了一些见解;

    Bring forward some views about how to build the market circumstances of national plane leasehold market .

  16. 关于铁路资金融通问题的思考

    On Raising Funds for Railways

  17. 这笔交易可能可以帮忙中国工商银行藉由对中非之间繁盛的贸易进行资金融通中,获得更多收益。

    The deal may help ICBC reap more revenue by financing booming trade between China and africa .

  18. 商业银行与其它金融机构一样,在资金融通过程中所创造的核心价值是管理金融风险。

    The core value created by commercial banks as well as other financial institutions is managing financial risks .

  19. 这种信用关系是较长期的资金融通,而不是短期的资金周转。

    The credit relationship is the long - term circulation of capital rather than that of the short-term .

  20. 分期销售的资金融通

    Financing of instalment sales

  21. 而银行体系会对一国的经济发展起到资金融通、资产配置等重要中介的作用。

    As we all know , the banking system plays an important role in financing and allocation of assets .

  22. 从本质上说,融资租赁是对设备的投资,是一种以实物出现的资金融通。

    In essence , finance lease is leasing of equipment investment , which is an in-kind of financial intermediation .

  23. 因市场经济资金融通和动产用益的需要,保留所有权买卖被广泛采用。

    Based on the need of capital accommodation and chattel use , sales with reservation ownership are widely adopted .

  24. 因此商业银行作为资金融通的枢纽,在可持续发展中扮演的角色日益重要。

    As a financing hub , commercial banks play an increasingly important role in the context of sustainable development .

  25. 金融中心的建立可以形成资金融通配置和集散的中介,同时也促进经济的发展。

    The establishment of financial center can form financing configuration and distribution of intermediary , and also promote economic development .

  26. 信托的金融中介功能主要涵盖:资金融通功能、信息生产功能、受托监督与激励功能、风险管理功能等。

    The financial intermediary function of trust contains mainly : raising money , producing information , supervising , managing risk , etc.

  27. 但从资金融通和改善自身收入角度来看,商业银行的信贷紧缩行为又是不合时宜的。

    But seeing from perspective of financing and rising income , it is not proper to tight the credit for banks .

  28. 公司担保制度的确立,对促进资金融通、商品流通以及保障债权实现具有重大意义。

    The establishment of a security system company , to promote financial intermediation , commodity circulation , and achieve significant security claims .

  29. 国际保理是集销售帐务管理、应收帐款收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通于一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a unique package of financial services including sales account management , receivables collection , credit risks guarantee and financing .

  30. 现代金融体系的出现,推动了资本积累,加速了资金融通,促进经济发展和产业升级。

    The emergence of the modern financial system promotes capital accumulation , speed up the financing , promoting industrial upgrading and economic development .