
  1. Libor是用以确定数百万亿美元贷款和金融衍生品的利率的基准利率,它由各银行递交上来的有关它们彼此间资金拆借成本的估计数据构成。

    The rate serves as a benchmark for rates on hundreds of trillions of dollars of loans and derivatives , and is comprised of submissions from banks about their estimated costs of borrowing from one another .

  2. 1995年建立,领有新加坡岸外银行业执照,主要业务有贷款、贸易融资、投资以及资金拆借交易业务。

    An offshore bank established in1995.Our business includes loan , trade finance , debenture investment and treasury operations .

  3. 而当国际资金拆借市场上月出现冻结时,海湾地区发现自己也陷入了信贷危机。

    When international borrowing seized up last month , the region found itself stuck in its own credit crunch .

  4. 同业拆借市场作为银行及其他金融机构进行临时的、短期的资金拆借市场,是货币市场的重要组成部分。

    Inter bank market as banks and other financial institutions for temporary , short-term lending market funds , is an important part of money market .

  5. 然而由于监管的滞后,担保市场鱼龙混杂,为数不少的信用担保机构打着担保的旗号,却从事着资金拆借、高利贷等违法违规行为。

    However , due to lax supervision , security market is very confusing and many credit guarantee institutions engage in money lending and other illegal activities .

  6. 至于银行同业之间,则有资金拆借等财务性质为主的批发交易,以及外汇交易。

    Then there are the wholesale transactions of a largely financial nature , for example borrowing and lending , or foreign exchange transactions , conducted among the banks themselves .

  7. 企业并购作为资本市场上的一种交易,与一般商品买卖或资金拆借不同,其内容、形式、过程都较商品市场或资金市场上的交易复杂得多。

    Enterprise merger as a kind of transaction in the capital market is deferent from the normal commodity deals or internal lending in the content , style and course .

  8. 本文也将上市公司关联交易行为分类:关联购买、关联担保抵押、关联资金拆借与资产交易、关联股权债权交易与其他。

    This paper wills also classified listed companies connected transactions , associated guarantee mortgage , buy associated with asset exchange , money lending association equity transaction and other claims .

  9. 用账外客户资金非法拆借发放贷款罪适用探讨假账多米诺

    On the Crime of Illegal appropriation and Loan of Customers ' Money out of Count The Domino Effect of Fraudulent Accounts

  10. 与此同时,代表了银行间同业拆借市场资金成本的同业拆借利率CHIBOR与证券市场价格波动强烈的相关性逐渐凸现。

    Meanwhile , the correlativity between China interbank offered rates ( CHIBOR ), which represents the cost of interbank offered capital , and the securities price fluctuation is emerging .

  11. 我们实在无法开展任何新业务,而我们的资金大多是隔夜拆借,而非长期资金。

    We 're not really able to do any new business and our funding is mostly overnight rather than long-term .

  12. 分析师们也表示,近几个月来,中国央行已多次暗示其对市场的资金投放量将较此前减少,这也导致银行间的资金拆借出现意愿下降。

    Over recent months , the central bank has also repeatedly signaled that it won 't pump as much cash into the economy as it has recently , a development that has also made banks less willing to lend to one another , analysts say .