
  • 网络Convertibility Risk;translation risk;Translation Exposure
  1. 为了刻画投资者在股市牛熊阶段的不同风险偏好,本文引入了转换风险度量的风险度量方式。

    In order to capture the investors'different risk preference in different market conditions , this paper introduces a switching risk measure .

  2. 本文主要概括了其中的五个方面,包括发行风险、转换风险、市场风险、流动风险和其他因素带来的风险。

    We concluded five aspects , such as issue risk , convertible risk , market risk , liquidity risk and other risk .

  3. 转换风险度量定价模型的表现符合理论预期,能较好地刻画投资者的风险偏好,而看跌风险度量因放弃太多信息而没有显示出直观的优越性。

    Even though the downside risk measure does not exhibit its intuitive superiority due to discarding too much information , the performance of switching measure meets the expectation .

  4. 作为最重要的一种金融中介机构,它改善了信息结构,吸纳和转换风险,提供流动性,从而为便利各种交易创造了条件。

    As a most important financial intermediate institution , the commercial bank can improve the structure of information , absorb and transfer the risk and provide the liquidity , so it can create some convenience to a variety of trades .

  5. EGL在移植企业应用程序转换的风险上扮演关键角色。

    EGL plays a critical role in mitigating the risks of Enterprise Application Transformation .

  6. 本文分析了增值税类型转换的风险与机会,并对转型提出了具体设想。

    The article analyses the risks and opportunities of the transition and offers specific outline .

  7. 黄河水权转换农业风险补偿费用测算方法研究

    Study on measuring methods of agriculture risk compensation of water right transfer in Yellow River Basin

  8. 本文就国际工程公司的含义与性质进行论述,对电力设计院向国际工程公司转型的基础工作、机制转换以及风险防范等进行探讨。

    The meanings and property of company is treated and base work 、 mechanism conversion and risk keeping off is discussed .

  9. 当利用全球性资源团队来交付方案时,用例会提供降低这种需求到实现“转换”风险的动力。

    When using global resource teams to provide solutions , use cases offer the power to reduce this requirement-to-implementation " translation " risk .

  10. 失业问题是工业革命后随雇佣劳动而产生的复杂的社会经济现象,失业会增加经济系统转换的风险。

    Unemployment is a complicated social economic phenomenon that appeared after the industrial revolution and it will increase the risk of economic system transformation .

  11. 马伦上将说,美国总统宣誓就职、接管权力的前后几个月通常是权力转换和风险比较大的时候。

    And Admiral Mullen says the months around the inauguration are always a time of transition and risk as a new administration gets up and running .

  12. 最后,当利用全球方案团队是,用例甚至可以通过减小需求到执行的“转换”风险帮助减轻全球化资源的压力。

    Finally , use cases even help to alleviate the strains of global resourcing by reducing the requirement-to-implementation " translation " risk when using global solution teams .

  13. 不过一些此间的高管们担心,过多满足本地需求将使这些企业面临无法迅速转换的风险,特别是在许多全球汽车企业在众多国家尽可能多地推出新车型以达到规模经济的情况下。

    Nevertheless , some executives here worry that catering too strongly to demand at home leaves them at risk of being unable to switch gears quickly-especially as many global auto makers introduce new models in as many countries as possible to develop economies of scale .

  14. 鞅评价方法是把资产从有风险的环境下,即P测度下,转换到无风险的R测度环境下,从而大大简化了外汇期权评价公式的推导。

    Martingale is the way to transfer the assets from a circumstance full of risks , called P Measure , to a circumstance without risks , called R Measure . This change of the circumstance will largely simplify the deduction of the Valuation Formula .

  15. 1000MW超超临界机组干、湿态转换过程及风险控制

    Analysis and Risk Control on Wet-dry State Transfer Process for 1000 MW Supercritical Unit

  16. 金融实务界正在使用和理论界最近提出的各种金融风险度量方法(包括标准差、VaR、Tail-VaR、ES和基于各种转换函数的风险度量方法)应该满足一致性要求;

    Various financial measurement methods ( including standard deviation , VaR , Tail-Var , ES and risk measurement method based on various conversion factors ), which were put forward by the theoretical field and are being applied by the practical field , should address the need of consistency .

  17. 可转换债券在风险投资企业中的治理机制分析

    The Analysis of Convertible Bond 's Management Mechanism in Venture Investment Enterprise

  18. 蒙特卡罗模拟法度量可转换债券的风险价值

    Measure of Value at Risk of Convertible Bonds by Monte Carlo Simulation

  19. 可转换证券与风险投资的最优退出决策

    Convertible Securities and the Optimal Exit Decisions of Venture Capital

  20. 可转换证券在风险投资中发挥着多种作用。

    Convertible securities play several roles in venture investment .

  21. 可转换债券筹资风险的规避

    On avoidance to raise funds hazard about convertible security

  22. 基于战略转换的战略风险研究

    Research on Strategic Risk Based on Strategic Transformation

  23. 可转换证券与风险投资&可转换债券的信号传递机制

    Convertible Securities and Venture Capital & A Study on the Signaling Mechanism of Convertible Debt

  24. 可变参数模型在我国可转换债券利率风险衡量中的应用

    Application of measuring the interest rate risk of the convertible bonds in China based on the variable parameter model

  25. 本文以山西省临汾市的资源导向型经济结构转型为个案,分析了结构转换与金融风险的动态相关性,以此提出相应的对策建议。

    This paper studies relations between economic fluctuation , structural adjustment and financial risk , through case study on Linfen City , Shared Province .

  26. 项目范围和对数据转换工作的初始风险评估

    Project scoping and initial risk assessment of data conversion effort

  27. 用久期&凸度方法预测企业可转换债券的利率风险

    Duration and Convexity Method in Forecasting the Interest Rate Risk of Convertible Bond

  28. 可转换金融工具在风险投资行业应用的研究

    The Research on the Application of Convertible Securities in the Venture Capital Industry

  29. 最后应用概率论和可靠性原理将评价结果的相对风险分值进行转换,实现了风险分值大小与风险程度大小的概念统一。

    Last , transform the score of risk by using probability and reliability theory to unite the risk score and risk grades .

  30. 本文将行为金融理论引入可转换债券定价及其风险度量之中,构建了投资者情绪下的可转换债券定价模型,并对其风险度量进行了研究。

    Under the framework of behavioral finance , this paper takes investor sentiment into pricing model of convertible bond and discusses the risk measure .