
  1. 上周,中国的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)推出了它首个全球企业在线交易平台。

    Last week , China 's Alibaba launched its first platform for international on-site transactions between companies .

  2. 1999年,数位朋友集资6万美元,帮助马云创建了阿里巴巴——一个B2B的在线交易平台。

    In the year 1999 , with the help of more than a dozen friends who pooled their resources - some $ 60000 - Jack Ma , founded Alibaba , a business-to-business online platform .

  3. 1999年,数位朋友集资6万美元,帮助马云创建了阿里巴巴&一个B2B的在线交易平台。

    In the year 1999 , with the help of more than a dozen friends who pooled their resources - some $ 60,000 - Jack Ma , founded Alibaba , a business-to-business online platform .

  4. 在线交易平台的法律地位及法律责任研究

    The Research on Legal Position and Liability of Online Transaction Portal

  5. 在线交易平台建设对推动全球电子商务发展具有至关重要的作用。

    The development of E-commerce worldwide strongly relies on the construction of online transaction portal .

  6. 作为互联网服务提供商,在线交易平台共性的法律责任是作为网络服务提供商的交易安全责任。

    The top responsibility for an online transaction portal is to assure safety since it is an ISP in Common .

  7. 再比如企业IT硬件在线交易平台MarkITx,公司成立仅8个月,市值便已经达到1200万美元。

    Or consider MarkITx , an online marketplace to trade enterprise IT hardware , which earned a $ 12 million valuation after only eight months of operations .

  8. 搭建了书籍在线交易平台,给出了实验系统框架和工作流程,简单实现了部分交易过程。

    A " Book Online Trading Platform " is set up in which the experimental system framework and workflow are given , and some simple transaction process is implemented .

  9. 网上商店平台就是通过为买卖双方提供一个在线交易平台,使卖方可以主动提供商品上网拍卖,而买方可以自行选择商品进行竞价。

    E-commerce platform provides an online trading platform for buyers and sellers , and sellers can offer goods online auctions , the buyers can choose the bid of goods .

  10. 在阿里巴巴正试图向海外扩张之际,上述动态可能削弱其地位。该公司运营着全球最大的面向企业的在线交易平台。

    The development could weaken Alibaba , which runs the world 's largest online trading platform for businesses , at a time when it is trying to expand internationally .

  11. 姆斯卡莱罗深知,金融公司将是其在线交易平台的理想供应商,因为金融公司会在IT方面进行大量投入,并且经常要清理库存,为最新技术腾出空间。

    Muscarello knew that financial companies would serve as ideal suppliers for his online exchange because they invest heavily in IT and frequently purge their inventory to make room for the latest technology .

  12. 就在上周,腾讯注资好买基金网(Howbuy,一家共同基金在线交易平台),这或许是它将发布一款与阿里巴巴的余额宝类似的投资产品的先兆。

    Just this week Tencent invested in Howbuy , an online trading platform for mutual funds , in what could be a precursor to its launching an investment product like Alibaba 's Yu'E Bao .

  13. 供应链管理正在成为提高企业全球竞争力的有效手段,而电子交易市场作为在线交易平台,为供应链管理的实现提供了新的途径。

    Supply Chain Management is now becoming an effective tool for enterprises to improve their competence . Electronic Marketplace , as an online transaction platform , provides a new way for the implementation of Supply Chain Management .

  14. DME的新办事处及其在线期货交易平台(由CME拥有的CMEDirect系统)均已获得新加坡的监管审批。

    DME has received regulatory approval in Singapore for both its office and its online futures trading platform , the CME-owned CME Direct .

  15. 互联网的确为广大消费主体和经营者主体提供了网络在线交易这个广阔的平台。

    Indeed for the majority of the main consumer Internet and provides network operators the main consumer of this vast online trading platform .