
  • 网络Construction In Progress;construction-in-progress;Construction-in-process;CIP;CWIP
  1. 但由于在建工程抵押本身所具有的特殊性及理论研究的不足等问题,致使立法和实务中仍存在许多不完善、不科学之处。

    However , the specialties of the mortgage of the construction in progress itself and the insufficiency of theoretical study thereon result in the imperfection and unreasonableness in the legislation and practice .

  2. 在此部分,首先通过分析学界对在建工程的法律性质的不同观点,得出在建工程是一种特殊的物,其依附于土地进行建设,其法律属性倾向于不动产的观点。

    This part analyzes different opinions on the legal nature of the construction in progress and comes to the conclusion that the construction in progress is a special object , which is attached to the land for construction and the legal nature of which tends to be real estate .

  3. AECL非常注重运行中的电厂和在建工程的经验反馈,许多设计改进是通过系统评价运行电站中相关系统的安全性、可靠性和可维护性后作出的。

    AECL gives close attention to experience feedback from operating power plants as well as those being built . A number of design modifications were made after systematic evaluation of safety , reliability and maintainability of the related systems in the operating power plants .

  4. 浅析在建工程抵押权的效力

    Simple Analysis on the Mortgage Right Effect of the Constructing Projects

  5. 在建工程调整改造加固设计中的问题探讨

    On design of transformation and reinforcement of building under construction

  6. 杭甬运河在建工程费用控制的实践分析

    Analysis on Cost Control of Canal from Hangzhou to Ningbo

  7. 在建工程电子档案建立与管理初探

    Discussion on establishment and management of electronic archives for project under construction

  8. 通信企业在建工程会计电算化

    Accounting Computerization for the Projects under Construction of Communication Enterprises

  9. 目前项目属于在建工程,预计2008年8月竣工。

    This item will be finished in August of2008 .

  10. 一起高层建筑在建工程火灾现场勘验

    Fire scene reconnaissance of a tall building under construction

  11. 对工厂财务提交的在建工程项目进行检查。

    Monthly review on all CIP project status which submitted by plant finance .

  12. 如何防范在建工程抵押风险

    Views on Preventing Mortgage Risks of Being Built Project

  13. 我的脸就是一项在建工程。

    My face is a work in progress .

  14. 相反的是在建工程减值准备与累计超额收益率呈显著的正相关关系。

    The opposite is the impairment of construction in progress has a significant positive one .

  15. 联合国在建工程基金

    United Nations Construction-in-Progress Fund

  16. 地震前已浇筑的未达龄期混凝土的处置是地震后在建工程项目复工的必要条件。

    Treatment of early age concrete poured before earthquake is necessary condition for continuing construction in process after earthquake .

  17. 在建工程抵押已成为房地产开发商融资的主要手段。

    The mortgage of the construction in progress has become the main means for financing of real estate developers .

  18. 我们将加快在建工程的建设速度,同时适当加大企业技术改造的力度。

    We will expedite the construction of projects currently under construction , while properly intensifying the technological renovation of enterprises .

  19. 为完善在建工程抵押制度,应对现行法律法规做适当的修改。

    The current law shall be properly revised in order to prefect the system of mortgage of construction work in progress .

  20. 而建设工程造价的控制实质上是对在建工程成本的有效管理,因此对工程造价咨询档案的管理变的尤其重要。

    The construction project cost control is essentially in the construction cost management , so the engineering cost consulting archives management becomes very important .

  21. 实践证明,该系统为在建工程的设备招、投标工作提供了高效、智能的决策支持,促进了管理模式的改进及管理水平的提高。

    The sys-tem provides high efficiency and intelligent decision support for equipment inviting and bidding work , ch-anges management model and improves level of management .

  22. 企业在建工程项目交付使用后,应当在一个年度内办理竣工决算。

    After a project under construction is delivered for use , an enterprise shall perform the final accounts of the completed project within one year .

  23. 对商品房在建工程转让时估价的思考高层商住楼设计探讨

    Thoughts on valuation for the transfer of the commercial residential building in progress Discussion on the design of high - rise mixed commercial and residential building

  24. 南海西部文昌13-1/13-2平台水下锲块安装工程&82m氦氧混合气深潜水实例平凉电厂在建工程的计算机管理

    Underwater Wedge Blocks Installation Engineering For Wenchang 13-1 / 13-2 Platforms in the South China Sea-Case History of & 82m Heliox Mixed Gas Deep Diving in China

  25. 另一方面,也不能充分利用现有的招、投标信息为在建工程的设备招、投标服务。

    On the other hand , the existing equipment inviting and bidding information cannot also be used to serve equipment inviting and bidding work of abuilding project .

  26. 同一商品房项目进行不同形式的在建工程转让,即使采用相同的估价方法,其所选用资料和数据的状况也将是不相同的。

    If both transfers happen to the same construction in progress , even if the same method is applied , the materials and data to be selected should be different .

  27. 在建工程往往存在建设方工程款的支付滞后于实际完成的形象进度,与实际投资额不一致,造成在建工程权益的缺失。

    It happens that the project payment lags the actual completion progress , which is inconsistent with the actual amount of investment and leads to the lack of its equity .

  28. 地上无房屋(包括建筑物、构筑物及在建工程)的国有土地使用权设定抵押的,不适用本办法。

    These measures shall not apply to the mortgaged use right of the state-owned land on which there are no houses ( including buildings , constructions and projects under construction ) .

  29. 在建工程抵押权是房地产开发商为取得建设资金,将尚未完工的工程设定抵押,作为向银行申请贷款的担保。

    Construction in progress is a mortgage real estate developer to obtain construction funds , the project settings have not yet been completed mortgage application to the bank as collateral for loans .

  30. 通过在建工程实例,总结了一些快捷路的特点和具体设计时针对这些特点应注意的问题。

    Through the example of the project in construction the paper summarizes the characteristics of some express roads and the problems to be paid attention to these characteristics during the actual design .