
  • 网络intellectual property assets
  1. 在一个开放的平台上集中并共享一个含载现有知识产权资产的数据库,可大大加速新产品的开发。

    Sharing and centralizing a database of available intellectual property assets , in an open platform , has great potential to accelerate new product development .

  2. 欧盟委员会正专注于苹果知识产权资产的税务待遇,这是一个备受争议的领域,很可能导致苹果被要求补缴大量欠税。

    The commission is concentrating on the tax treatment of Apple 's intellectual property assets , a hotly disputed area likely to lead to a large claim for back taxes .

  3. 获取这些知识产权资产的重要技能也作了探讨。

    Critical skills for harvesting these types of assets are explored .

  4. 企业知识产权资产价值链模型及其分析

    Establishment and Analysis on the Model of Intellectual Property Asset Value

  5. 企业知识产权资产经营的法律关系与风险防范

    Enterprise Intellectual Property Right Management and Risk Prevention

  6. 总之我们有着非常坚实的知识产权资产。

    It is a very robust IP portfolio .

  7. 概述了知识产权资产经营的内涵和特征,分析了知识产权资产经营法律关系的特殊性,指出了知识产权资产经营过程中可能出现的风险,并提出了知识产权保护的举措。

    The connotation and characteristics of intellectual property right management are summarized , the risks that would appear during intellectual property right management are analyzed , and methods for intellectual property right protection are put forward .

  8. 之后,基于以前各章节的分析,本文对我国企业知识产权资产管理模式进行了小结,尝试性地对我国企业知识产权资产管理模式提出了自己的思考。

    On the basis of the above discussion and analysis , the writer of the thesis makes a review of the intellectual property-rights assets management mode in Chinese enterprises and attempts to offer her own tentative thoughts on its development ;

  9. 提出科技资产评估的不确定因素,对于知识产权的资产价值评估有着重要的参考意义。

    Uncertain factors which are of great value to the evaluation of scientific and technical assets are presented .

  10. 药品知识产权证券化资产池构建的理论探析

    Construction of the asset pool of pharmaceutical intellectual property securitization

  11. 知识产权与金融资产非常类似,具有拥有的风险性和处理的困难性,知识产权同样可以作为信托财产,适于信托。

    Intellectual property is similar to the finance capital , having the Characteristic of the risk of possesses and the difficulty to deal with .

  12. 通过集团内部债务融资以及知识产权等无形资产的转移定价,跨国公司很容易就能将收入转移到低税率国家。

    It is too easy to shuffle income off to low-tax jurisdictions through intra-group debt financing and the transfer pricing of intangibles such as intellectual property .

  13. 通过模型的分析,可以看出权力和依存性、知识产权保护和资产专用性等因素在金融企业服务外包决策中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Through model analysis , we can see that power and dependence , intellectual property protection and asset-specific factors play a pivotal role in the financial business services outsourcing decisions .

  14. 特别是对一些高新科技类的中小企业来说,新型财富的意义甚是重大,因为它们的财产更多地是知识产权等无形资产。

    Especially for some high-tech enterprises , the new meaning of wealth is very important , because the expression of their property is more intangible , such as intellect property .

  15. 而在资本存量中,软件和知识产权等信息资产的比例正在增加——尽管这一比例仍只有6%或7%。

    And within the capital stock , the share of information assets such as software and intellectual property is increasing , although it is still only 6 or 7 per cent of the total .

  16. 特许经营是一种全新的商业营销模式,这种商业模式的核心是特许经营权的转让,而特许经营权中最主要的部分就是知识产权等无形资产。

    Franchising is a new business marketing model , the core of the business model of franchising is the transfer of the franchise is the most important part of the intellectual property rights and other intangible assets .

  17. 淘宝的资产处置平台于今年2月推出,该平台不止出售坏债债权,其标的物还包括房地产、土地与森林资产、机械设备、股权、知识产权及无形资产。

    Taobao 's auction platform goes beyond selling bad debt . Launched in February , it also includes sections for real estate , land and forest assets , machinery , private equity , intellectual property , and intangible assets .

  18. 国际社会普遍认为,被视为正常和不可避免的典型监听活动、保护私人数据不受各国政府的过分探究,以及通过网络黑客活动窃取知识产权和其他资产,是三件需要分别讨论的不同事情。

    There is an international consensus that classical espionage , seen as normal and unavoidable , the protection of private data from over-inquisitive governments and the theft of intellectual property and other assets through hacking are three different things that need to be discussed separately .

  19. 知识产权证券化中资产池的构建不动产证券化初探

    Construction of the Assets Pool in the Securitisation Intellectual Property Right

  20. 我国实施知识产权战略中的资产评估问题探析

    Exploring Asset Assessment In China 's Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights Strategy

  21. 名牌是一种知识产权,是无形资产。

    A famous brand product is regarded as intellectual property as well as invisible capital .

  22. 利用知识产权创造新的资产和收入

    Create new IPR-based assets and revenues

  23. 第二部分将知识产权证券化与资产证券化相比,揭示知识产权证券化风险来源的特殊性。

    Compared to the risk of asset securitization , the source of intellectual property securitization is special .

  24. 知识产权投资作为无形资产投资,对知识产权确定性有潜在的高要求。

    Intellectual property investments , as an intangible asset investment , have potentially high demand for the intellectual property rights certainty .

  25. 知识产权证券化属于资产证券化的范畴,是一种新兴的融资方式,已经为发达国家的文化产业和高科技产业的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。

    As a new way of financing , the securitization of intellectual property belongs to the asset securitization , and it has make great contributions to the development of the cultural and high-technological industry in the developed countries .

  26. 知识产权证券化是资产证券化的一种,它巧妙的将知识产权与金融工程相结合,深化了企业的融资渠道,拓宽了投资者对于知识产权这种高风险高利润的投资品种的需求。

    Intellectual property rights securitization is a kind of asset securitization ; it artfully combines the intellectual property rights and financial engineering , and deepens the enterprise financing channels so as to broaden the investors ' demand for the intellectual property rights with high risk and high profit .

  27. 其次,对知识产权交易过程中的知识产权资产价值评估问题进行了深入讨论,分析了多种模型的使用与改进。

    Second , the paper discusses the issue of IPRs assets valuation , analysis the improvement and use of multiple models .

  28. 随着当代经济发展对知识资源依赖性的不断增强,知识产权资产作为知识资产中最重要的组成部分,在企业资产经营中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。

    The contemporary economic development highly depends on knowledge resources , and the intellectual property , an important proportion of knowledge asset , has significant effects on enterprise property management .

  29. 企业的知识资本一词具有复杂的含义,常常作为知识产权、智力资产和知识资产的同义词。

    The word of knowledge capital has complex meaning , intellectual property rights , intelligence property and knowledge property are frequently the same of knowledge capital .

  30. 摘要文章对无形资产、知识产权等概念进行重新认识,并分析电子出版物的知识产权和无形资产特点;阐明连续出版物数字化与信息连续积累的相关性及其无形资产效应。

    This paper introduces several relevant concepts , analyze the characteristics of the intellectual property rights of electronic publications and the intangible asset , and expounds the correlation between the digitalization of successive publications and the continuous accumulation of information the effect of their intangible asset .