
  • 网络Changes in capital structure;Capital Structure Change
  1. 企业资本结构变化和资源稀缺性产生了对人力资源成本进行管理的需求。

    The capital structure change and resources scarce of enterprise have produced the demand of human resources cost management .

  2. 资本结构变化对组合投资有效边界的影响

    Impact on the Efficient Frontier of Portfolio of Varying Capital Structure

  3. 利率随资本结构变化条件下的组合投资有效边界

    The Impact of Varying Interest Rate on Efficient Frontier

  4. 一个似乎可以称之为规律和结论的是:负债率降低的资本结构变化事件向市场传递了对公司价值不利的信息;

    An alleged law or conclusion is : events that decrease debt-equity ratio send unfavorable information on corporate value to the market ;

  5. 研究了我国融资体制历史演进过程,深入分析了其对石油企业资本结构变化的影响,提出了新形势下石油企业资本结构优化的策略和思。

    A review is made of the historical evolution of China 's financing system and its effects on the changes of capital structure of oil enterprises .

  6. 配股的成本包括直接成本和间接成本,直接成本指股利以及承销费用,间接成本则是资本结构变化引致的代理成本。

    Costs of RS consist of the direction cost and the indirection cost . The direct cost refers to dividend and underwriting fee . The indirect cost is agent cost caused by RS.

  7. 上市公司是我国企业的精华,上市公司资本结构变化代表着公司资本结构的发展方向,对非上市公司资本结构优化有着极强的示范效应。

    The listed companies are the essence of business in China . The change the capital structure of listed companies demonstrates the direction of development of its capital structure , which will set a good example to non-listed companies who aim to optimize their capital structure .

  8. 此外,2005年我国开始股权分置改革,非流通股的存在使得投资者很难对公司资本结构变化做出反应,本文的结论等到股权分置改革完成后不一定成立。

    In addition , in 2005 , China began share-trading reform , the existence of non-tradable let investors hardly respond to changes of corporate capital structure . In this paper that the conclusions maybe not correct after completion of reform of non-tradable shares formed . 2 .

  9. 基于Probit二元选择模型,进一步考察了流动性对资本结构及其变化的影响机理。

    The dissertation further studies the mechanism of the impact of liquidity on capital structure and its change by employing Probit Binary Choice Model .

  10. 管理层人力资本结构的变化对企业绩效的影响

    An effect of human capital change of top management on SOEs performance

  11. 债转股企业资本结构的变化与重构

    Changes and Reconstruction of Capital Structure in Enterprises after Debt Converting-into Stock Capital

  12. 资本结构的变化与公司价值:西方研究综述

    Change in Ownership Structure and Corporate Value : A Review of Western Research

  13. 资本结构的变化及其影响因素的分析;

    The analysis of the patterns of the capital structure changes and the impact factors ;

  14. 在上述两个层面上考察了上市公司1995-1999期间资本结构的变化趋势。

    The patterns of capital structure changes from 1995 to 1999 in the above two levels are revealed .

  15. 方案引发的资本市场结构变化首先将对我国公司制度的发展产生深远影响。

    Structural changes caused by the plan in capital market will chiefly affect the development of Chinese corporation system .

  16. 在第四章中,我分析了企业资本结构的变化对企业产品市场策略的影响。

    In chapter four , I studied how the changes of firms ' debt level affect the product market competition .

  17. 而中国上市公司资本结构的变化趋势则具有以下几个特点:第一、上市公司的资产负债率要比同期的国有企业低的多;

    Firstly , the asset-debt ratio of the listed companies is much lower than that of state-owned companies at the same period .

  18. 本文主要研究了中国企业的融资模式变化和中国上市公司资本结构总体变化趋势。

    This paper focuses on the change of financing method of Chinese enterprises and the general trend of capital structure of Chinese listed companies .

  19. 以美国企业资本结构的变化趋势及其原因为参照进行了比较分析,并结合发展中国家企业的资本结构情况进行了说明。

    These changes are compared with that of the American enterprises and the features of the capital structure of the enterprises of developing countries .

  20. 把总裁管理生命周期理论与企业的发展周期结合起来研究保持家族企业活力和合理治理结构的资本结构的变化过程。

    Combining the managing cycle of president and developing cycle , the article research the change course of capital structure keep the vigor and health management structure of family company .

  21. 同时,企业债务资本结构的变化直接影响企业市场价值,进而对企业的经营效率、内部治理结构及其可持续发展产生影响。

    At the same time , the change of debt and capital structure can affect enterprises market value , then their management efficiency , internal administration structure and their sustainable development .

  22. 国际资本市场结构变化直接影响国际金融市场价格形成机制,导致汇率波动幅度加大,汇率与资本市场表现的相关程度上升。

    The structure transformation of international capital market directly affects the price forming mechanism of international financing market , increases the fluctuation of exchange rate and has exchange rate more closely related to the capital market .

  23. 上市公司进行再融资后,其融资成本和募集资金的使用会对公司经营业绩产生直接影响,同时因再融资导致的资本结构的变化也会对公司经营业绩产生间接影响。

    The performance of listed companies will be influenced by refinancing costs and the use of fund refinanced from securities market directly , besides the capital structure which has been changed after refinancing could also make influence to the performance indirectly .

  24. 本研究围绕如下三个问题展开:1、资本结构的变化及其影响因素的分析;2、资本结构与企业价值之间的关系;3、资本结构与公司治理。

    The research in this book is carried out around the following three problems : 1 . The analysis of the patterns of the capital structure changes and the impact factors ; 2 . The relationship between the capital structure and the firm value ; 3 .

  25. 我国国际资本流入结构的变化:2001&2008

    The Change of China 's International Capital Circulation Structure : 2001-2008

  26. 目前百货零售业的发展趋势是,连锁经营和发展的步伐将会加快;百货业的经营方式、发展形式,特别是资本结构将发生变化;

    And the trend of the development of the merchandise retailing is that the chained management and development will be more popular , the method of the selling trades ' management and development and the capital structure will be changed .

  27. 本文从公司治理结构和资本结构等方面的变化分析了杠杆收购对提高国有建筑企业的竞争力的作用。

    From the aspects of changing corporate governance structure and capital structure , this paper analyzed how LBO improves the competitiveness of state-owned firms .

  28. 企业购并发生后,企业的经营状况、资本结构将发生巨大变化,进而产生企业购并经营风险和财务风险。

    Great changes will take place in operational activities and capital structure after M & A , which will produce business risks and financial risks .

  29. 在静态模型基础上扩展的变参数模型和动态调整模型的引入使我们能够考察资本结构决定的动态变化以及资本结构的调整过程。

    The time-varying-parameter model and the partially adjustment model based on the fixed effect regression allow to analyze the changes of capital structure decisions and the adjustment processes taking place over time .

  30. 知识资本影响下的资本结构变化浅析

    Analysis of Capital Structure Transformation under the Influence of Intellectual Capital