
  1. 通过在价格投标中增加需要安置的职工人数约束,该机制使国企产权的卖方能够很好地兼顾最大化国企产权的拍卖收益和妥善安置原国企职工的双重目标。

    By adding that the new owner of the selling enterprise is required to accommodate a certain quantity of former SOE employees , the mechanism can help to realize the dual-objective of maximizing SOE auction revenue and minimizing induced unemployment .

  2. 该公司制定了75项成本削减计划,如整合采购环节,强化质量、价格投标、采购和支付等方面的内控机制,制度清晰的现金流、应收账款和库存目标,并纳入预算管理。

    It devised 75 cost-saving programmes , such as integrating the purchase function , strengthening internal control systems on quality , pricing bidding , purchase and payment , and including clear targets on cash flow , receivables and inventory levels in budget management .

  3. 太阳能工业的官方发言人说,他们也没有得到大量的低价格的投标。

    It also failed to get a large number of competitive bids , which could have lowered the price , industry officials said .

  4. 第四十三条在确定中标人前,招标人不得与投标人就投标价格、投标方案等实质性内容进行谈判。

    Article 43 Before the winning bidder is determined , the tenderer may not negotiate with any bidder on such substantial contents as bid price or bidding plan .

  5. 与竞争对手进行沟通时,某些话题总是不应该提及的,如:价格、投标、市场或其他与公司利益关系密切的机密信息。

    When communicating with competitors , certain topics should always be off limits , such as prices , bids , markets , or any other company-sensitive , confidential information .

  6. 报价:投标者所报价格:投标者在标书中所报出的交货或完工的价格。深舱货轮的性能规格详见投标书。

    Bid price [ contract ] : The price that a Bidder specifies in the Bid form for the delivery of goods or completion of the works . Specifications of DHCS required are indicated in the Tender Forms .

  7. 文章从减少交易费用、发现均衡价格、形成投标方博弈三个方面对招标制度在经济学上的意义做了简要的分析。

    The article try to make a concise analysis from three aspects : transaction cost , equilibrium price , game theory .

  8. 如果一个商品标价设定在均衡价格,那么投标者就可以从该商品以及所有超边际的商品获得更多的利益。

    If a bid sets the equilibrium price , the bidder receives a higher price for that unit as well as for all inframarginal units .

  9. 这些货物的价格应包括在投标总价中,评标时计入该费用。

    The prices of these goods shall be included in the tender sum for tender evaluation .

  10. 价格表中的投标价格应分别用数字和文字填写。

    The tender rates shall be entered in the Schedule of prices in figures and repeated in words .

  11. 能够满足招标文件的实质性要求,并且经评审的投标价格最低;但是投标价格低于成本的除外。

    To be able to satisfy the substantial requirements set in the tender documents and to have the lowest bid price quotation upon assessment , with the exception of the bid price quotation which is below cost .

  12. 根据香港政府的提案,香港将制订一部跨行业的竞争法,将涵盖典型反竞争行为,例如价格操纵、串通投标、产量限制和市场配置。这一提案将让香港与国际惯例保持一致。

    Under government proposals which would bring it into line with global practices , a cross - sector competition law would be established to cover hardcore anti-competitive conduct such as price fixing , bid rigging , output restriction and market allocation .

  13. 投标人必须提供上述所有设备的分项价格清单,此价格含在投标报价中。

    The bidder must provide a breakdown price list of all the aforementioned equipment included in the bid price .