
  1. 新零售的意思就是将实体店零售和网络零售的优势结合起来。

    New Retail1 is a term that roughly indicates a combination of the best in physical and online retail .

  2. 新零售方式最近的一个例子就是今年2月阿里巴巴和总部在上海的大型零售企业百联集团宣布建立战略伙伴关系。

    A latest example is a strategic partnership5 announced in February between Alibaba and Bailian Group Co Ltd , a retail conglomerate6 headquartered in Shanghai .

  3. 用阿里巴巴创始人兼主席马云的话说,新零售就是让实体商业和虚拟商业的差别不复存在。

    In the words of Jack2 Ma , founder3 and chairman of e-commerce behemoth Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd , New Retail is making the distinction between physical and virtual commerce obsolete4 .

  4. 在销售上,雷军还寄望用实体店补充网上销售——也就是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)等科技巨头追求的无缝“新零售”——以及征服印度等新市场。

    Mr Lei is also banking on the combination of supplementing online sales with physical stores , the seamless " new retail " being pursued by the likes of tech giant Alibaba , and conquering new markets , specifically India .

  5. 新零售之圈理论:零售业态发展理论的新探索

    New Retail Life Cycle Theory Research on the Theory of Retail Industry Development

  6. 开设新零售店之前,管理团队会花两年的时间培育当地市场,例如帮助当地的健身爱好者在露露柠檬零售店旁开店,从而形成瑜伽运动的生态系统。

    Before opening a new store , management spends two years laying the local groundwork , such as helping exercise-minded locals build businesses alongside lululemon to create Yoga ecosystems .

  7. 阿里巴巴正依其所谓的“新零售”计划,通过投资和收购,以合并在线和线下资源,努力加强对尽可能多的行业的控制。

    Through investment and acquisitions , Alibaba is working to tighten grip on as many sectors as possible by merging online and offline resources through its so-called " New Retail " initiative .

  8. 市场类型的转变,消费者个性化的发展、新零售业务的出现、国外大型零售业集团的进入,使我国零售业的市场环境发生了巨大变化。

    It is the transition of market system , the individuation of consumer , the appearance of new retailing , and the entry of the foreign big retailing groups , that greatly changed the market environment of China 's retailing business .

  9. 过去六个月,苹果的高管频频现身于媒体活动,推广新的零售店、AppleWatch和Applepay(一种崭新的移动支付服务)。

    Over the last six months , Apple executives have been on an extensive media campaign to promote new retail stores , the Apple Watch and Apple Pay , a new mobile payment service .

  10. 近年来,新的零售业态在中国发展得十分迅速。

    Nowadays , new retail formats have been growing rapidly in China .

  11. 其次,提出开展新的零售业服务营销的具体措施。

    Secondly , proposed new specific measures to the retail marketing services .

  12. 开发,评估及维护新的零售商场或者专柜。

    New retail stores evaluate , development and maintenance .

  13. 外围设备共享使得新的零售场景成为可能,从而可以改变客户的体验。

    Peripheral sharing makes new retail scenarios possible , which can transform the customer experience .

  14. 最新的零售指标显示,中国的消费开支可能每年增长约20%。

    The latest retail sales indicators suggest that Chinese consumption is probably rising by around 20 per cent per year .

  15. 中国零售连锁业的行业现状、行业结构和发展趋势,表明了新的零售业格局正在形成。

    The current position , business structure , and trend of development of it show a new situation of retailing is forming .

  16. 电子商务已经成为新世纪零售业提高企业综合竞争力的不可或缺的手段。

    Electronic commerce already became the new century retail trade to enhance the enterprise to synthesize the competitive power the indispensable method .

  17. 想去上海的新苹果零售店参观的女孩们要注意了。

    DON 'T wear short skirts if you are going to visit Apple 's new store in Shanghai , girls have been warned .

  18. 使它走出困境的对策是:寻求新的零售形式,科学布局网点,开辟农村市场;

    To solve these problems , we seek the new retail patterns : to adjust the selling spots scientifically and to develop the countryside market ;

  19. 新的零售业态虽然给当地消费者带来了全新的消费方式和购物模式,但也给本地零售业带来前所未有的冲击。

    Although the new retailing state has brought the brand-new consumption pattern and shopping mode to local consumer , bring the unprecedented impact to local retail business .

  20. 不过,美国、欧洲及中国的最新汽车零售数据显示,自今年年初以来,消费者的需求正逐渐放缓。

    However , the latest figures from retail car sales in the US , Europe and China suggests slowing demand from consumers as the year has progressed .

  21. 因此,本文提出了从组织的角度出发,通过构建新的零售组织设计模型,找到一条国内零售企业发展壮大的出路。

    From the perspective of organization , the article tries to build up a new organizational design models of retail enterprise order to find a growing way of domestic retail enterprises .

  22. 其他女性则出于无奈,找到了一种新的零售形态:“她们告诉我,由于经济损失巨大,她们的丈夫都心烦意乱,”巴里说道。

    Other women have been obliged to explore a new strain of retail : " people are telling me their husbands are freaking out because of big financial losses , " says Barry .

  23. 通过对零售电子商务引起的商品流通模式变革和零售电子商务的价值源的分析,本文认为零售电子商务之网上购物将成为未来具有巨大发展潜力的一种新的零售业态。

    Via the analysis of retailing e-commerce including its value source and commodity circulation pattern reform caused by it , this article goes in for the point that network shopping of retailing is supposed to be a new retailing pattern of tremendous potential .

  24. 在渠道策略方面,根据市场潜能、消费者需求、品牌定位、渠道成本和效率等方面因素,逐步使渠道柔性化、扁平化、信息化、提高直销率以及进入新的零售渠道等。

    According to the market potential , customer demand , brand orientation and the cost and efficiency of the channel , the enterprise should make the channel more flexible , compressed , informative , directly and try to enter some new retail channels .

  25. 接着,2010年初,他将自己的模式输出到了英国,在那里创立了MetroBank,这是英国100多年来第一家新成立的零售银行。

    Then , in early 2010 , he exported his model to Britain by creating metro bank , the first new retail bank in the UK in over a century .

  26. 在他的督促下,玛莎百货新的中国零售主管马克·波顿(MarkBurton)已将小号女装摆放在醒目的展示位置。

    M & S 's new head of China retail , Mark Burton was seen moving smaller-sized women 's clothes to prominent display positions .

  27. 最新的美国零售数据确实低于普遍预期。

    Sure the latest US retail sales numbers were below consensus .

  28. 城市新居民区零售业发展思路与策略

    Development strategy for retail commerce in urban resident zone

  29. 在金融形势不确定的情况下构建新收购的零售业务,将颇具挑战性。

    Building the newly acquired retail business in the uncertain financial climate will be challenging .

  30. 科技公司云拿科技在巴黎国际创新技术展上推出了自己最新的智能零售服务系统。

    The tech company Cloudpick was off its newest smart retail services at the Paris VivaTech innovations fair .