
  • 网络new energy industry
  1. 这是因为新能源产业所需的工程师、设计师、监管者、操作人员和所有其他技术人员都是专业人士,需要首先接受培训,如果他们是某个相关行业的下岗人员,则必须接受再培训,而教育和任何其他复杂的工作一样,都需要很长时间。

    That is because the engineers , designers , regulators , operators , and all of the other skilled people needed for the new energy industry are specialists who have to be trained first ( or retrained , if they are the ones being laid off in some related industry ) , and education , like any other complicated endeavor , takes time .

  2. 当前,以高碳为主要特征的能源结构严重制约我国低碳经济的实现,而CDM的实施则有助于我国吸收额外的资金、促进技术转让,促进新能源产业发展。

    At present , our " high carbon " energy structure hinder our low carbon economy realization , and the CDM implementation is helpful to absorb the additional funds and to promote technology transfer , then promoting our new energy industry development .

  3. 尤其对于中国这样一个经济大国和能源消费大国来讲,在各国参与新能源产业的竞争中扮演了十分重要的角色。

    Each country plays a significant role in new energy competition .

  4. 新疆新能源产业发展现状及对策研究

    Study on Developmental Status and Countermeasures of New Energies in Xinjiang

  5. 北京新能源产业发展思路及政策探析

    New Energy Industry Development Concepts and Policy Exploring in Beijing

  6. 新能源产业是宁波工业发展的重点产业之一,市政府一直非常重视。

    New Energy Industry is one of the important industries in Ningbo .

  7. 由于新能源产业是具有环境效益的弱质产业。

    As the new energy industry is a weak industry environmental benefits .

  8. 发展新能源产业更要走科学发展之路

    Taking the Road of Scientific Development for New Energy Industry

  9. 新能源产业已成为国家发展战略的重要组成部分。

    New energy industry has become an important part of the national development strategy .

  10. 利用资本市场加快陕西新能源产业发展的对策

    Strategy on Developing the New Energy Industry of Shaanxi Province Through the Capital Market

  11. 并以此为基础,提出借奥运科技成果推动环保与新能源产业发展的建议。

    And we give some subjects to promote environmental protection and new energy industry development .

  12. 发展新能源产业是应对环境恶化的重要举措之一。

    The development of new energy industry is one of the important measures for environmental degradation .

  13. 随着新能源产业的飞速发展,并网型太阳能光伏电站应用越来越广泛,针对光伏电站的防雷研究也越来越重要。

    With the rapid development of new energy industries , there has more and more PV power stations .

  14. 但是就目前的形势看,我国新能源产业的发展并不乐观,新能源人才的供给不足是制约产业发展的主要障碍。

    As the current situation shows , the development of new energy industry in China is not optimistic .

  15. 而风能是目前发展较为成熟的一种新型能源,已经逐渐在新能源产业中起到了领军作用。

    The wind is a new energy that more developed , which has been a leading renewable energy .

  16. 随着传统能源的日益枯竭,发展新能源产业变得刻不容缓。

    With the increasing depletion of traditional energy sources , development of new energy industry has become urgent .

  17. 在新能源产业的各子行业中,风电将是未来的发展重点。

    In each of the new energy industry 's sub-professions , the wind electricity will be the future development priority .

  18. 现在的你是希望进军引发次级抵押贷款危机的金融行业,还是考虑新能源产业呢?

    Are you looking to break into the subprime mortgage origination business , or are you looking into alternative energy ?

  19. 风电、太阳能发电将成为新能源产业发展规划的重点发展领域。

    Wind power , solar power will become the new energy industry , the key development areas of development planning .

  20. 在全球各种因素的影响下,新能源产业业已成为世界发展的热点。

    In the global influence of various factors , the new energy industry has become a hot spot of world development .

  21. 重点从节能环保产业政策和新能源产业政策的研究入手进行归纳研究。

    Focus from energy conservation and environmental protection industry policy and new energy industrial policy , summarized the researches of research .

  22. 就在中国不断扩大其新能源产业的时候,中国的第一大能源来源可能依然是煤炭翻译公司。

    China 's top energy source is likely to remain coal , even as the country expands its new energy industries .

  23. 新能源产业是现代社会发展的必然走向,彰显的是以人为本和与自然为友。

    New energy industry is the necessity of the development of modern society , which stresses man orientation and man-nature friendship .

  24. 发展沿海新能源产业培育新的经济增长极&以江苏沿海地区为例

    Developing New Energy Industries of Coastal Area and Cultivating New Economic Growth Pole & A Case Study of Jiangsu Coastal Area

  25. 当前,我国虽已经开始发展新能源产业,但仍只是起步阶段。

    Recently , though our country has begun to develop the renewable energy industry , it is still at an initial stage .

  26. 在保护生态的同时,也给地方的围填海带来“新能源产业”等多重好处。

    As well as protecting the environment , such a system would also provide a new energy industry for local land-reclamation projects .

  27. 出台《中山市新能源产业发展指导目录》,明确中山未来新能源产业发展的方向,引导社会投资。

    Guidelines on the Development of New-energy Industry in Zhongshan are delivered to clarify the trend of new-energy in Zhongshan and direct social investment .

  28. 为应对世界能源危机和温室效应,世界各国高度重视新能源产业的发展。

    To cope with the world energy crisis and greenhouse effect , the whole world attaches great importance to the development of new energy industry .

  29. 低碳和新能源产业正在成为中国经济的新亮点,许多英国公司也在与中国开展清洁能源项目的合作。

    Low-carbon and energy conservation have become new growth sectors in China . Many British companies are actively involved in clean development projects in China .

  30. 而风电作为现阶段最成熟最具商业化发展前景的新能源产业之一,得到了各国政府及各大公司的高度重视。

    As one of the most matured technologies of the renewable energy industry , wind power is getting great attention from various governments and companies .