
  • 网络Basel II;New Basel Accord;Basel III
  1. 本文的目的是讨论如何利用征信体系中的公共信用信息系统(PCR)服务于新巴塞尔协议意义下的商业银行资本监管。

    The paper aims systematically at investigating how to use public credit registry ( PCR ) to serve capital regulation of banking system under Basel II .

  2. 那么问题是,现在是否应该废除新巴塞尔协议,由巴塞尔协议iii取代?

    The question , then , is should Basel II now be ditched , to be replaced , perhaps , by Basel III ?

  3. 《新巴塞尔协议》(baselii)的安排意味着,银行只是维持现有放贷水平,就需要拨出更多准备金。

    The Basel II arrangements mean that banks need to set more capital aside just to maintain their existing lending levels .

  4. 国际银行监管立法&新巴塞尔协议提出了资本充足监管框架的三大支柱,即最低资本要求(MinimumCapitalRequirement)、资本充足性的监管约束(SupervisoryReviewofCapitalAdequacy)和市场纪律(MarketDiscipline)。

    The Basle Capital Accord amended in 2001 brings forward three mainstays for the supervision of capital adequacy such as Minimum Capital Requirement , Supervisory Review of Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline .

  5. 德勤合伙人卡瑞•赫尔表示,其余部分大多用于执行新巴塞尔协议(BaselII)和SolvencyII这两项新的资本监管标准。

    Much of the rest was being spent on implementing new regulatory capital standards known as Basel II and Solvency II , said Kari Hale , a Deloitte partner .

  6. 随后,结合新巴塞尔协议对SPV制度的规定,对SPV制度的论述进行了补充和延伸。

    In addition , this part makes complement and extension to SPV system based on regulations of SPV system made by new Basel agreement .

  7. 过去两年来,这家咨询公司为中国本土银行提供的咨询,主要围绕着如何在遵循《新巴塞尔协议》(baselii)等国际基准的同时,评估和限制企业贷款风险。

    For the past two years , the new York-based consultancy has mostly advised domestic banks on how to evaluate and limit corporate lending risks , while complying with international benchmarks such as the Basel II standard .

  8. 2004年6月26日,巴塞尔委员会颁布了新巴塞尔协议的最终稿(NBCA)。

    In June 2004 the Basel Committee published the last proposal for the New Basel Capital Accord ( NBCA ) .

  9. 这些评估针对的是各银行在6月底的财务实力,其结果大异于根据现行《新巴塞尔协议》(baselii)资本充足规定的评估结果。

    The assessment , which measured banks ' financial strength at the end of June , offered a different picture of banks ' relative strength to that under the current " Basel II " rules on capital adequacy .

  10. 在新巴塞尔协议的框架下,基于VaR的风险度量模型已被应用于商业银行面临的全部三类风险:信用风险、市场风险和操作风险。

    According to the New Basle Capital Accord , VaR approach has been used in the models which deal with all the three types of commercial bank risks ( credit risk , market risk and operational risk ) .

  11. 《新巴塞尔协议》高度重视内部评级法(IRB)在风险管理和资本监管中的作用,并以自主权和资本优惠为激励手段鼓励有条件的银行建立和发展内部评级模型及配套的计算机系统。

    Basel II pays high attention to the function of internal ratings-based ( IRB ) in risk management and capital supervision . It encourages capable bank establish the IRB model and corresponding computer system .

  12. 新巴塞尔协议对保险企业操作风险管理的启示

    The Effect Basel ⅱ on Operational Risk Management in Insurance Companies

  13. 新巴塞尔协议对银行业的冲击

    Discussing the New Impact to the Banking of Basel Agreement Randomly

  14. 新巴塞尔协议及其对我国银行业的影响

    The New Basel Capital Accord and Its Impact on Our Banking

  15. 新巴塞尔协议下政策性银行的内部评级法研究

    The IRB Approach of Policy Bank under the New Basle Accord

  16. 基于新巴塞尔协议的银行内部评级系统研究

    Research on Banking Internal Rating System Based on New Basel Accord

  17. 新巴塞尔协议框架下的信用风险缓释技术

    Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques ( CRMT ) under New Basle Accord Framework

  18. 新巴塞尔协议的规定扩展了信息披露的主体范围。

    The new Basel accord enlarges the scope of subjects .

  19. 正视新巴塞尔协议的利与弊

    To View Correctly the Advantages and Disadvantages of the New Basel Accord

  20. 新巴塞尔协议对信用风险管理的影响

    On Credit Right Effect of New Basel Accord on Credit Risk Management

  21. 新巴塞尔协议的颁布标志着全面风险管理时代的到来。

    The promulgation of the Basel ⅱ marked the era of ERM .

  22. 我们必须认识到,新巴塞尔协议还不够。

    What we have to realise is Basel II was not enough .

  23. 新巴塞尔协议及国外商业银行内部评级体系研究

    New Basel Agreement and study of internal rating systemof foreign commercial banks

  24. 欧盟已经通过法案规定明年实施《新巴塞尔协议》。

    The European Union has passed legislation to implement Basel 2 next year .

  25. 新巴塞尔协议资本充足率计算方法剖析

    The Anatomy of the Capital Requirements Calculations in the New Basle Capital Accord

  26. 新巴塞尔协议框架下商业银行操作风险管理研究

    The Study of Basel II Application in the Operational Risk Management to the Commercial Bank

  27. 而《新巴塞尔协议》也对银行业全面风险管理提出了新的要求。

    More , " The New Basel Accord " calls for the overall risk management .

  28. 新巴塞尔协议框架下的风险分类和控制:银行和保险

    Risk Classifying and Supervisory in the Frame of New Basel Accord : Bank and Insurance

  29. 新巴塞尔协议可能导致新的风险

    Basel II May Lead to New Risks

  30. 新巴塞尔协议与银行操作风险管理&以外汇业务为例的分析

    New Basle Accord and Bank Operational Risk Management & Analysis Taken Foreign Exchange Transactions as Example