
  1. 本文简要介绍了FDA对药品市场独占权的规定。并将其与中国的新药保护政策进行比较分析。

    The authors briefly introduced FDA s regulations on new drug exclusivity and compared them with Chinas new drug protection policies .

  2. 我们的新药保护将从行政保护走向专利保护。

    Administrative protection of drug will be replaced by protection of patent .

  3. 就如何加强中国的新药保护提几点建议。

    The authors also give some suggestions on how to improve new drug protection in China .

  4. 同时,新药保护、反不正当竞争保护、商标保护等也为药品知识产权的保护提供了有效的途径。

    And other alternatives available to proprietors , including registration of innovative Pharmaceuticals , anti-unfair competition policies , and trademark registration .

  5. 新药专利保护的最优化方向

    Optimal Directions of Patent Protection of New Drugs

  6. 根据国外学者的理论分析,推导出新药专利保护的几个最优化方向。

    : Based on the theoretical analysis by foreign scholars , this paper inferred several of patent protection of new drugs .

  7. 第四条国家鼓励研究和创制新药,保护公民、法人和其他组织研究、开发新药的合法权益。

    Article 4 The State shall encourage the research and production of new medicine and protect the legal rights and interests of its citizens , natural persons and other organizations in the research and development of new medicine .