
  • 网络new zealand dollar;NZD;buck
  1. 美国企业收益下调,拖累标准普尔500指数,可以看到欧元,澳元和新西兰元在面临新的压力,日元和美元也参与了竞标。

    US corporate earnings downgrades weighed on the S & P500 and , which saw Eur , Aud and Nzd under renewed pressure and the Jpy and Usd bid .

  2. 新西兰元/美元向下的动作与低波动。

    NZD / USD moves downwards with low volatility .

  3. 据政府表示,重建经费可能增至200亿新西兰元,相当于国内生产总值(GDP)的8%左右。

    The repair bill could rise to NZ $ 20bn , equivalent to about 8 per cent of gross domestic product , according to the government .

  4. 新西兰元的升值更令人担忧,因为这个小国近四分之一的国内生产总值(gdp)源自出口。

    The rise in the New Zealand currency is more worrying given that the small nation derives close to a quarter of its gross domestic product from exports .

  5. 通过上述交易,恒天然总共将投资6.15亿新西兰元。该公司首席执行官西奥•史毕根斯(TheoSpierings)称这次交易将“改变游戏规则”。贝因美集团总部位于杭州,是一家生产和销售婴儿食品的公司。

    In total Fonterra is investing NZ $ 615m , in what CEO Theo Spierings called a " game changer . "

  6. 全球最大的牛奶供应商恒天然(Fonterra)正在与中国企业合作,以满足中国对婴儿配方奶粉日益增长的需求。目前,中国奶粉市场的规模约为180亿新西兰元。

    The world 's biggest milk supplier is teaming up with a Chinese partner to meet growing demand for infant formula in China 's NZ $ 18bn market .

  7. 除了拥有选择新娘的机会外,获胜者还可获得12天的免费食宿和2000新西兰元(约合1521美元)的奖金,其中不包括带乌克兰女子回到新西兰的费用。

    The prize does not include travel for the Ukraine woman to come to New Zealand .

  8. 鹏欣的一家子公司迅速退出了另外一笔总值4300万新西兰元、收购另外10家农场的交易。

    A Pengxin subsidiary promptly pulled out of a NZ $ 43m deal to buy 10 other farms .

  9. 任何没有凭证而出口婴儿奶粉的个人在被抓获后将面临最高可达5万新西兰元的罚款。

    An individual caught exporting infant formula without a certificate faces a penalty of up to NZ $ 50,000 .

  10. 这两个行业的运气都取决于波动较大的新西兰元汇率的表现,不过,2008年的入学申请人数已有所增加。

    Fortunes depend on the vagaries of the volatile New Zealand dollar , although applications for 2008 have risen .

  11. 去年,中国在该集团近200亿新西兰元(合157亿美元)的营收中占了10%。

    Last year China accounted for 10 per cent of group revenues of almost NZ $ 20bn ( $ 15.7bn ) .

  12. 澳元汇率下跌0.6%,新西兰元兑美元汇率下跌1%。

    The Australian dollar dropped 0.6 per cent , while the New Zealand dollar shed 1 per cent against its US counterpart .

  13. 这一趋势在与全球增长及大宗商品需求相关的其它币种中也得到了体现,包括新西兰元和加拿大元。

    That trend is reflected in other currencies linked to global growth and commodity demand , including the New Zealand and Canadian dollars .

  14. 在印花税消息传来的数分钟内,澳元和新西兰元兑日元汇率都告走低,跌幅分别为0.6%和0.8%。

    The Aussie and kiwi both sold off against the yen within minutes of the stamp duty news , by 0.6 and 0.8 per cent .

  15. 新西兰元5元面值纸币上的男子是埃德蒙·希拉里爵士,他和伙伴于1953年登上珠穆朗玛峰,是成功登顶珠峰的首批探险者之一。

    The person on the 5-NZ note is Sir Edmund Hillary , who climbed to the top of the Everest with his partner in 1953 .

  16. 价差交易公司称,价差押注者今年夏季通过做空新西兰元和澳元兑美元汇率,也获得了可观收益。

    Betters also made significant gains selling the New Zealand and Australian dollars against the US dollar this summer , according to spread betting companies .

  17. 特别受人青睐的交易包括用日元贷款投资澳元或新西兰元,以瑞士法郎贷款投资冰岛资产。

    Favourite trades included borrowing in Japanese yen to invest in Australia or New Zealand , and borrowing in Swiss francs to invest in Icelandic assets .

  18. 恒天然称对三鹿集团破产并不感到意外。该公司已经将其对三鹿集团2.01亿新西兰元(约合1.14亿美元)的投资全部减记。

    Fonterra , which has completely written off its NZ $ 201m ( $ 114m ) investment in San Lu , said the bankruptcy was no surprise .

  19. 在外汇市场,日元“套利交易”借入日元,买进澳元和新西兰元等高收益率货币一度与中国股市联动。

    In Forex , the " carry trade " borrowing in yen and buying high-yielding currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars had correlated with Chinese stocks .

  20. 这一理论应该也同样适用于澳元和新西兰元等与大宗商品相关的货币,因为中国购买力的增强,将提高对来自这两个国家的原材料需求。

    This theory should also support commodity-linked currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars , as enhanced Chinese purchasing power increases demand for raw materials from both countries .

  21. 瑞士法郎和日元等“低息”货币兑诸如澳币、新西兰元和英镑之类的高息货币大幅升值。

    " Funding " currencies such as the Swiss franc and Japanese yen rallied strongly against higher yielding currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars and the British pound .

  22. 纽约汇市早盘后段,日元对新西兰元飙升了6%以上,对美元上涨了2%以上。

    The Japanese currency soared more than 6 per cent against the New Zealand dollar and gained more than 2 per cent against the US dollar by late morning in New York .

  23. 套利交易也颇具吸引力。套利交易即投资者卖出持有的低收益率货币(如日元),投资于更高收益率的货币(如新西兰元)。

    Carry trades , which involve selling holdings in a lower-yielding currency such as the yen and investing it in higher-yielding ones such as the New Zealand dollar , are also attractive .

  24. 恒天然集团被迫减记投进这家中国企业的全部2亿新西兰元(约合10亿元人民币),按当前汇率计算,约为1.67亿美元。

    Fonterra was forced to write down the entirety of its investment of 200 million New Zealand dollars , or about $ 167 million at current exchange rates , in the Chinese venture .

  25. 货币市场依然推动套利交易,具有最高利率的澳元,新西兰元以及挪威克朗最为坚挺。

    Currency markets are continuing to push the carry trade with the currencies with the highest domestic interest rates doing the best , namely Australian and New Zealand dollar and also the Norwegian Krone .

  26. 这张标价4.99新西兰元(合3.93美元)的慈善唱片包括这首歌曲的演奏版和演唱版,但凯里吉说他不知道小狗们会听到什么样的音乐。

    The charity CD , priced at NZ $ 4.99 ( $ 3.93 ), contained an instrumental and a vocal version of the song , but Kerridge said he did not know what kind of music dogs would hear .

  27. 当时进行套利交易的货币主要是日元,因为当时日元的利率很低,有很多套利交易的标的是澳大利亚元和新西兰元。

    The then carry trade uses yen mainly , for the Japanese interest rate was very low at that time , and often targets the Australian dollar or New Zealand dollar . So , the question here is whoever was conducting carry trade ?

  28. 他表示,政府在未来四年首先会斥资2800万新西兰元(2000万美元)成立一家实施该计划的公司,并会考虑部分资金由地方议会和企业筹集。

    He said the government would initially contribute 28 million New Zealand dollars ( $ 20 million ) over four years toward setting up a company to run the program , and would consider partially matching money contributed by local councils and businesses .

  29. 恒天然集团昨日在公布年度报告时表示,1.39亿新西兰元(合9500万美元)的减损支出包括了产品召回成本及三鹿品牌价值的预期损失。

    Fonterra said the NZ $ 139m ( $ 95m ) impairment charge took into account the cost of the product recall and the expected loss in Sanlu 's brand value , the New Zealand group said yesterday as it released its annual results .

  30. 此外,新西兰政府也出资了35万新西兰元。环保部副部长尼基·瓦格纳表示,现在新西兰的子孙后代们都可以享受这个胜地了。

    The government chipped in NZ $ 350000 and associate conservation minister Nicky Wagner said future generations of New Zealanders would now enjoy it .